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EPCRA Tutorial
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  A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, and M
N - W

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AEA  -  Atomic Energy Act
Ames  -  Ames Laboratory
ANL  -  Argonne National Laboratory
APA  -  Administrative Procedure Act
ARAR  -  Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirement
ASRF  -  Advanced Size Reduction Facility
ATSDR  -  Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
BACT  -  Best Available Control Technology
BAT  -  Best Available Technology
BCT  -  Best Conventional Pollutant Control Technology
BDAT  -  Best Demonstrated Available Technology
BNA  -  Bureau of National Affairs. BNA is a private company which specializes in documents relating to federal laws, regulations, and other activities.
BNL  -  Brookhaven National Laboratory
BOARD  -  Illinois Pollution Control Board (or IPCB)
BOD  -  Biological Oxygen Demand
BPA  -  Bonneville Power Administration
BPT  -  Best Practicable Technology
CAA  -  Clean Air Act
CAI  -  controlled air incineration
CAS Number  -  Chemical Abstract Service Number. A number assigned to each unique chemical substance by the Chemical Abstract Service. It is analogous to a social security number for chemicals. A chemical, like a person, may have several nicknames or may even have the same name as another chemical. The CAS number acts as a positive identification for a chemical.
CAS  -  Chemical Abstract Service. The CAS assigns CAS numbers to all known chemicals as a way of tracking chemical identities and facilitating the organization of abstracts for chemical literature.
CERCLA  -  Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (see also SARA or Superfund). The original Federal law which provides avenues for performing cleanup of badly polluted sites.
CERCLIS  -  Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System
CFR  -  Code of Federal Regulations. The publication in which the federal government records regulations. Each Title of the CFR pertains to a general area of federal regulations, i.e., 40 CFR deals with environmental issues, 10 CFR deals with energy issues, and 32 CFR deals with national defense.
CGL  -  Comprehensive General Liability Insurance Policy
Classic Emergency Removal  -  actions that are performed when a release requires that activities be initiated within hours of the determination that a removal action is appropriate.
COD  -  Chemical Oxygen Demand
COE  -  US Army Corps of Engineers
Community Relations Activities  -  The programs and processes through which the ERPM keeps the public apprised of the current status and plans of the removal action.
CRP  -  Community Relations Plan
CWA  -  Clean Water Act (or WQA (Water Quality Act of 1987))
D&B #  -  Dun and Bradstreet Number. D & B is a private organization which keeps records on businesses and issues credit ratings. D & B issues an identification number to each business so that the business can be tracked regardless of management changes and relocations. EPA uses D & B numbers to identify and track regulated facilities.
Discovery  -  Notification, observance or detection of a release or substantial threat of release or discharge of a hazardous substance or oil into the environment
DO  -  Dissolved Oxygen
DOC  -  Department of Commerce
DOD  -  Department of Defense
DOE  -  U.S. Department of Energy
DOI  -  Department of Interior
DOJ  -  Department of Justice
DOT  -  Department of Transportation
DP  -  DOE's Office of Defense Programs
EA  -  Environmental Assessment
ECIS  -  Economic Impact Statement
ECRA  -  (New Jersey) Environmental Cleanup Responsibility Act
EDD  -  Enforcement Decision Document
EE/CA  -  Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis
EH  -  DOE's Office of Environment, Safety and Health
EHS  -  Extremely Hazardous Substance. The list of EHSs is found in 40 CFR 355 Appendices A and B. EHSs are regulated under Sections 302, 304, 311, and 312 of EPCRA.
EIL  -  Environmental Impairment Liability (Insurance Provision)
EIS  -  Environmental Impact Statement
EM  -  DOE&339;s Office of Environmental Restoration and Waste Management
EPA  -  Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA was given authority to promulgate and enforce regulations under EPCRA.
EPCRA  -  Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act of 1986 (or Title III of SARA) (or R-T-K). Congress issued EPCRA as a part of SARA. EPCRA allows communities the right to know what chemicals are being stored, used, and released from industrial facilities and businesses.
ERA  -  Expedited response action - removal action performed by remedial project managers (RPMs) using removal funds at sites that are in some phase of the remedial process.
ERC  -  Emissions Reduction Credit
ERPM  -  Environmental Restoration Program Manager
ERPO  -  Environmental Restoration Program Official
ESDs  -  Explanation of Significant Differences (From The ROD)
ESI  -  Expanded Site Inspection
Expedited response action  -  removal action performed by remedial project managers (RPMs) using removal funds at sites that are in some phase of the remedial process.
FBI  -  fluidized bed incinerator
FE  -  DOE's Office of Fossil Energy
FEMA  -  Federal Emergency Management Agency. FEMA is a federal agency which provides guidance for preparing for emergencies ranging from earthquakes to chemical releases.
Fermi  -  Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
FFA  -  Federal Facility Agreement
FFCA  -  Federal Facility Compliance Agreement and Compliance Order on Consent
FIFRA  -  Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
FIP  -  Federal Implementation Plan
FMPC  -  Feed Materials Production Center
FOIA  -  Freedom of Information Act
Form R  -  Toxic Chemical Release Inventory Reporting Form. The reporting form for Section 313. A complete Form R must be submitted for each reportable TC.
FR  -  Federal Register. The publication in which the federal government issues new regulations, orders, and notices. Each year the GPO publishes the CFR which encompasses any changes to federal regulations which occurred in the FR the previous year.
FS  -  Feasibility Study (see RI/FS)
FY  -  fiscal year
GAeG  -  Graphic Approach to Environmental Guidance. A unique method of presenting guidance for complying with environmental requirements. It employs flowcharts, checklists, reference materials to present environmental guidance in an accurate, easily understandable way.
GPO  -  Government Printing Office. The GPO publishes documents for the federal government. Several EPCRA publications are available from the GPO.
Hanford  -  Hanford Site
HC  -  Hazardous Chemical. HCs are defined by OSHA as chemicals which pose a physical or health hazard (29 CFR 1910.120). Since this definition covers hundreds of thousands of substances, there is no definitive list of HCs.
HCS  -  OSHA Hazard Communication Standard
HM  -  Hazardous Material. Although this term is specifically defined by the DOT (49 CFR 172), it is informally used to designate a material which poses certain hazards regardless of its strict regulatory classification.
HMTA  -  Hazardous Materials Transportation Act
HRS  -  Superfund Hazard Ranking System
HS  -  Hazardous Substance. The list of HSs is found in 40 CFR 302.4. HSs are regulated under Section 304 of EPCRA. They are often referred to as the CERCLA HSs.
HSWA  -  Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984 (see RCRA or SWDA)
HW  -  Hazardous Waste. Waste material which is regulated by RCRA.
HWHF  -  Hazardous Waste Handling Facility
I&M  -  Inspection and Maintenance
ID #  -  EPA Identification Number. Facilities must obtain an EPA ID number under RCRA.
IDC  -  Item Description Code
IDENR  -  Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources
IEP  -  Act Illinois Environ. Protection Act, Ill. Rev. Stat. Chpt. 111.5
IEPA  -  Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
INEEL  -  Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory
Interim action  -  any action taken at a site under either removal or remedial authority prior to implementing the final action described in a ROD or prior to the ROD's becoming final. Interim actions must neither be inconsistent with nor preclude implementation of the final remedy.
Interim Remedial Action (IRA)  -  a subset of interim actions. IRAs are non-final remedial actions performed at sites; they make use of early action operable unit to pursue a record of decision based on existing data or a focused, limited data-gathering effort.
IPCB  -  Illinois Pollution Control Board (or Board)
ITRI  -  Inhalation Toxicology Research Institute
IU  -  Industrial User (of a POTW)
JCAR  -  Illinois General Assembly Joint Committee on Administrative Rules
KC Plant  -  Kansas City Plant
LAER  -  Lowest Achievable Emission Rate
LANL  -  Los Alamos National Laboratory
LBNL  -  Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
LDR(s)  -  Land Disposal Restriction(s)
LDU  -  Land Disposal Units
LEPC  -  Local Emergency Planning Committee. Local organizations set up by EPCRA to prepare local emergency response plans and act as a conduit of hazard information for the public.
LLNL  -  Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
LLW  -  low level waste
LTRA  -  Long-Term Remedial Action
M&O  -  Managing and Operating Contractor (usually refers to DOE facility)
MCL  -  Maximum Contaminant Level
MCLG  -  Maximum Contaminant Level Goal
MEI  -  Maximally Exposed Individual (Risk Concept Under CERCLA HRS)
METC  -  Morgantown Energy Technology Center
MGD  -  Million Gallons Per Day
MOU  -  Memorandum of Understanding
Mound  -  Mound Plant
MSDS  -  Material Safety Data Sheet. Documents describing the properties of hazardous chemicals. MSDSs are required by OSHA to be available near HCs for safety purposes (29 CFR 1910.120).
MWMF  -  Mixed Waste Management Facility
N  -  Z

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DOE Office of Environmental Policy and Guidance