Jul. 28, 2021
On Thursday, July 29, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is hosting a webinar to demonstrate the "Power Plants and Neighboring Communities" web resource. This webpage includes interactive maps and supporting materials that combine information on air pollution emitted by fossil fuel-fired power plants with key demographical data on nearby communities. The Power Plants and Neighboring Communities web resource advances the Biden-Harris Administration's commitment to environmental justice by empowering the public and policymakers with information and tools to better understand the disproportionate impacts of air pollution in overburdened communities.
EPA officials and Office of Air and Radiation staff will announce this new web resource and provide a detailed visual briefing via webinar.
WHO: EPA officials and technical staff
WHAT: Briefing webinar on Power Plants and
Neighboring Communities web resource
Note: Following the briefing, EPA technical staff will be available to
answer questions.
WHEN: Thursday, July 29, 11 a.m. ET
Or One tap mobile:
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Or Telephone:
US: 1 669 254 5252 or
1 646 828 7666 or 1 551 285 1373 or 1 669 216 1590
Webinar ID: 160 842 8546
Please email deluca.isabel@epa.gov to
request reasonable accommodation for a disability or interpreter services in a
language other than English, so that you can participate in the webinar and/or
to request a translation of any of the event documents into a language other
than English.
Note: Translation will be provided for users of
the Zoom
application (Translation is not available through
the web browser.)