
Oct. 23, 2024
Frequent Questions on the Alternative Standards for Refrigerant Recycling
On 11 October 2024, EPA finalized a rule on the phasedown of hydrofluorocarbons under the American Innovation and Manufacturing Act of 2020. This Act directs the EPA to establish regulations to maximize reclamation and minimize releases of hydrofluorocarbons and their substitutes, as well as ensure the safety of technicians and consumers. In this rule, EPA also finalized alternative recycling criteria for ignitable used refrigerants, including some hydrofluorocarbons and their equivalents under RCRA authority. These final RCRA alternatives largely defer to existing Clean Air Act standards for refrigerant recovery equipment and reclaimer certification. They also include a prohibition on speculative accumulation and requirements for emergency preparedness and response for refrigerant reclaimers. These final changes to the hazardous waste regulations aim to decrease emissions and support safe recycling of used refrigerants. EPA has provided a series of questions and answers about the RCRA refrigerant recycling alternative standards.

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