Water System Restructuring Assessment Rule (Draft)
May. 30, 2024
EPA is proposing a regulatory framework for states and public water systems (PWSs) to identify and assess restructuring alternatives to ensure that every community receives safe, affordable, and reliable drinking water. The proposed regulations would: establish a new mandatory restructuring assessment authority for states; require states with primary enforcement authority (primacy) to develop mandatory restructuring assessment programs and submit primacy revisions for EPA review and approval; establish requirements for states and PWSs that implement system-specific mandatory restructuring assessments; and establish eligibility requirements and limitations for restructuring incentives under state-approved restructuring plans. This proposed rulemaking is required under amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). By taking this action, the EPA intends to strengthen the ongoing efforts of states and PWSs to protect public health. Comments must be received on or before 29 July 2024. POC is Will Bowman, Drinking Water Capacity & Compliance Assistance Division, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water (MC-4606M) Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20460; tele: (202) 564-3782; email: bowman.will@epa.gov.