Provided by EPA, this sample is from a state contract to secure freight services; the relevant sections are pages 7, 9 and 19. An agency can put the SmartWay language in RFQ's for any procurement, not just freight services, since if a vendor participates, it can bring along it's freight service carriers which is how GHG tons get reduced, by the shipper and its carriers (including 3PLs) working together to implement fuel-saving, GHG reduction strategies. The strategies are up to the individual companies but can include: materials and packaging strategies, logistics optimization (e.g., reduction of empty miles, route optimization through siting of sourcing, distribution and retail facilities and better management of shipping/receiving time, carrier and mode selection, cleaner and more efficient vehicles and technologies, lower carbon fuels, and a range of operational strategies (e.g. fuel efficient driver training, reduction of unnecessary truck and locomotive idling, speed management), to name just a few.
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