Monarch Butterfly Conservation on DoD Lands (Web-based)
The Department of Defense has been involved in promoting pollinators like the monarch and pollinator habitat conservation efforts for more than a decade and has unique authorities and strong conservation programs that promote ecosystem resiliency across its land base of almost 27 million acres. The department's longstanding commitment has resulted in significant contributions to the conservation of monarch and other at-risk pollinators. Through an Interagency Agreement between the U.S. Forest Service – International Programs and Department of Defense Legacy Resource Management Program (DoD Legacy Program) for Monarch Butterfly Conservation, the Monarch Joint Venture (MJV) has made significant progress in conservation efforts on military lands. Presenters will discuss robust data collection efforts from 50 military installations across 22 states and how MJV and other partners are working together to improve habitat for monarchs and other pollinators on military lands.