May. 16, 2018
The Southern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions, published by the U.S. Army's Regional Environmental and Energy Office--Southern (REEO-S), is designed to provide current information to environmental decision makers, planners, and program managers regarding environmental actions and events throughout Federal EPA Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee). Information listed may be relevant to the U.S. Army and other Military Services' activities and operations. See attached.
May. 15, 2018
These fact sheets provide an overview of the e-Manifest program and the impacts it will have on each stakeholder (i.e., generators, transporters, TSDFs). Each fact sheet outlines basic information about the e-Manifest system, how the specific stakeholder will be impacted, and what actions they need to take to use the e-Manifest system. The fact sheets here are written from EPA's federal perspective.
May. 14, 2018
The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions provides current information on government affairs, energy and environment relevant to Department of Defense interests in the 22 states and territories in Federal Regions 1, 2, 3 and 5. The Review is intended to be a tool useful to DoD and Army leaders, planners, and program managers in carrying out their responsibilities. The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions monitors and targets proposed and final regulations and legislation that may affect Army or DoD operations. See attached.
May. 11, 2018
Through participation in the Better Buildings Initiative more than 900 public and private-sector organizations are driving energy efficiency in the U.S. economy. This includes 380 trillion Btus, or $3.1 billion in reported cumulative energy and cost savings. The newly released report highlights this progress in the commercial, industrial, residential and public sectors to improve energy productivity.
May. 8, 2018
This review report describes the state of the science since the release of the 2012 RWQC, related to the protection of human health in water bodies designated for primary contact recreation (e.g., swimming). Based on the EPAs review of the existing criteria and developments in the available science, and consistent with CWA Section 304(a)(9)(B), the EPA has decided not to revise the 2012 Recreational Water Criteria during this review cycle.
Apr. 27, 2018
The 25 April 2018 webinar proceedings about the coming RCRA e-manifest system is available for viewing. Topics covered include: The Site Managers role, where to find helpful instructional videos; updates on e-Manifest System Functionality; and a system demon on "How to sign manifest."
Apr. 26, 2018
This year's American Institute of Architects (AIA) Committee on the Environment (COTE) Top Ten Awards includes the Los Angeles Federal Courthouse, a LEED Platinum building, among the winners this year. Also placing in the Top Ten was the major renovation of The Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian American Art Museum.
Apr. 23, 2018
The DoD Cultural Resources UPDATE is sponsored by the DoD Cultural Resource Program. Highlights include the USAF/ACHP collaborative training effort, introduction to the new Tribal Liaison, review of the last Native Hawaiian consultation course, six new federally-recognized tribes in Virginia, announcements, training, and more. See attached.
Apr. 23, 2018
(WASHINGTON, April 20, 2018) The Defense Department is honoring nine winners with the 2018 Secretary of Defense Environmental Awards for exceptional environmental achievements and innovative, cost-effective environmental practices. The department has honored individuals, teams and installations each year since 1962 for remarkable achievements in these environmental management strategies that successfully support mission readiness, Ellen M. Lord, the undersecretary of defense for acquisition and sustainment, said in the memorandum announcing the recipients.
Apr. 18, 2018
This version serves as the EPA's regular update of the inventory that occurs approximately every 6 months. For the first time, this version includes a field designating which chemical substances were "active" in U.S. commerce based on the following: reporting from the 2012 and 2016 Chemical Data Reporting cycles; Notices of Commencement received by the agency since 21 June 2006; and Notice of Activity Form A's received by the agency through the 7 February 2018 deadline, per the TSCA Inventory Notification (Active-Inactive) rule.
Apr. 17, 2018
Cabinet secretaries and federal agency leaders have signed a Memorandum of Understanding committing to follow President Trump's One Federal Decision framework for processing environmental reviews and permits for major infrastructure projects. President Trump established the policy of One Federal Decision for the federal government's processing of environmental reviews and permits for major infrastructure projects in EO 13807. Under One Federal Decision, EO 13807 requires that each major infrastructure project have a lead federal agency that is responsible for navigating the project through the process, all federal agencies to sign one "Record of Decision" (for purposes of complying with NEPA), and relevant federal agencies to issue the necessary permits for the project within 90 days of the signing of the Record of Decision. EO 13807 established a 2-year goal for the completion of the environmental review and permitting processes for the signature of the Record of Decision and issuance of the necessary permits.
Apr. 16, 2018
The Southern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions, published by the U.S. Army's Regional Environmental and Energy Office--Southern (REEO-S), is designed to provide current information to environmental decision makers, planners, and program managers regarding environmental actions and events throughout Federal EPA Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee). Information listed may be relevant to the U.S. Army and other Military Services' activities and operations. See attached.
Apr. 13, 2018
The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions provides current information on government affairs, energy and environment relevant to Department of Defense interests in the 22 states and territories in Federal Regions 1, 2, 3 and 5. The Review is intended to be a tool useful to DoD and Army leaders, planners, and program managers in carrying out their responsibilities. The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions monitors and targets proposed and final regulations and legislation that may affect Army or DoD operations. See attached.
Apr. 12, 2018
This guide is a case study of Huntington, West Virginia and early efforts to consider how green infrastructure could be incorporated into local hazard mitigation plans. It follows a partnership of local, state, and federal organizations and their collaborative effort to address local flooding and protect water quality. While the effort is ongoing, the Storm Smart Cities guide captures some early lessons learned that can benefit other communities interested in pursuing a similar approach. It includes recommendations for communities on integrating green infrastructure into local hazard mitigation plans. The Storm Smart Cities Guide was developed by the US EPA Region 3 Water Protection Division, Office of State and Watershed Partnerships.
Apr. 11, 2018
The "Fish and Shellfish Program Newsletter" is published monthly by EPA's Office of Water. It highlights current information about fish and shellfish -- providing a snapshot of recent advisories, federal agency activities, publications, awarded research, and future meetings and conferences.
Apr. 5, 2018
Here are links to compliance assistance information for the four FY18 focus areas for EPA's federal facilities enforcement and compliance assurance program. The links include EPA websites, FedCenter links, and sector-specific compliance assistance centers funded by EPA grants. Many of the EPA sites have links to upcoming training, including webinars, so it is worthwhile to check them often. Several also have information on new regulatory developments with helpful responses to frequently-asked questions. At the end are links to more general compliance assistance information applicable to a broad range of issues. We hope these will help you ensure your facilities comply with all applicable environmental requirements.
Mar. 15, 2018
Leaders from the U.S. DOE and the U.S. DHS recently signed a MOU to collaborate in a strategic partnership to advance federal critical infrastructure resilience. The partnership will result in the development and implementation of a systematic approach to planning and deploying projects and measures that will help reduce DHS energy use while strengthening the resilience and security of their facilities. This partnership will address continuity of operations, energy and water efficiency in buildings, mobile/transportation assets, and information technologies and facilities. The partnership will permit the development of an agency-wide resilience framework and support implementation of the plan at DHS pilot sites. FEMP's long term goal for the partnership is to develop an integrated enterprise-wide system approach that all federal agencies can use to achieve their energy resilience and security missions by optimizing their facility operations and security, enhancing grid reliability, and conserving energy and water.
Mar. 15, 2018
The Southern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions, published by the U.S. Army's Regional Environmental and Energy Office--Southern (REEO-S), is designed to provide current information to environmental decision makers, planners, and program managers regarding environmental actions and events throughout Federal EPA Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee). Information listed may be relevant to the U.S. Army and other Military Services' activities and operations. See attached.
Mar. 14, 2018
The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions provides current information on government affairs, energy and environment relevant to Department of Defense interests in the 22 states and territories in Federal Regions 1, 2, 3 and 5. The Review is intended to be a tool useful to DoD and Army leaders, planners, and program managers in carrying out their responsibilities. The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions monitors and targets proposed and final regulations and legislation that may affect Army or DoD operations. See attached.
Feb. 16, 2018
The Southern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions, published by the U.S. Army's Regional Environmental and Energy Office--Southern (REEO-S), is designed to provide current information to environmental decision makers, planners, and program managers regarding environmental actions and events throughout Federal EPA Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee). Information listed may be relevant to the U.S. Army and other Military Services' activities and operations. See attached.
Feb. 14, 2018
The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions provides current information on government affairs, energy and environment relevant to Department of Defense interests in the 22 states and territories in Federal Regions 1, 2, 3 and 5. The Review is intended to be a tool useful to DoD and Army leaders, planners, and program managers in carrying out their responsibilities. The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions monitors and targets proposed and final regulations and legislation that may affect Army or DoD operations. See attached.
Feb. 8, 2018
The Draft Inventory is available for public review. EPA requests recommendations for improving the overall quality of the inventory report to be finalized in April 2018, as well as subsequent inventory reports. To ensure comments are considered for the final version of the document, please submit your comments by 9 March 2018 ( Federal Register; 7 February 2018 [Notices], page 5422).
Feb. 6, 2018
The Cost Effective Upgrades Tool is designed to help identify upgrades and energy conservation measures that can enhance your building's sustainability. Get started by selecting your building size and climate zone. To help with procurement, you can generate reports outlining each upgrade, including its economic benefits. This tool is a part of GSA's SFTool.
Feb. 2, 2018
In a 1995 memo, EPA established a "once in always in" policy that determined that any facility subject to major source standards would always remain subject to those standards, even if production processes changed or controls were implemented that eliminated or permanently reduced that facility's potential to emit hazardous air pollutants. Today's memo finds that EPA had no statutory authority under the Clean Air Act to place a time limit on when a facility may be determined to be an area source, and that a plain language reading of the Act must allow facilities to be reclassified as area sources once their potential to emit hazardous air pollutants falls below the levels that define major sources.
Feb. 1, 2018
This report is EPA's summary and interpretation of the most recent data on chemical releases and pollution prevention activities at more than 21,000 U.S. industrial facilities. It shows a continued decline in the releases of TRI chemicals through the implementation of pollution reduction activities. In the National Analysis, you'll find local and national data on TRI chemical releases to air, water and land, and information about what companies are doing to prevent these releases. With the reports integrated mapping features, you can take a closer look at this information for specific geographic locations, including your community.
Feb. 1, 2018
This is the second annual report on risk evaluations as required under amended TSCA. The 2018 annual plan identifies the next steps for the first 10 chemical reviews currently underway and describes EPA's work in 2018 to prepare for future risk evaluations. EPA will initiate prioritization for 40 chemicals - at least 20 Low-Priority and 20 High-Priority candidates – by the end of calendar year 2018. By December 22, 2019, EPA will have designated 20 substances as Low-Priority and initiated risk evaluations on 20 High-Priority substances. In order to support these risk evaluations and other key aspects of TSCA implementation, EPA will be proposing a draft TSCA Fees Rule in early 2018 which will provide estimates of the resources required to undertake risk evaluations.
Jan. 31, 2018
The OGP Federal Supplier Energy and Risk Management Tool combines federal contract data with data about federal suppliers' and contractors' corporate-level sustainability practices. Contracting, procurement, and sustainable acquisition professionals can research existing practices and performance when designing contracting mechanisms to encourage additional cost-effective energy and risk management. Federal suppliers and contractors can benchmark versus peers. Other sustainability professionals and organizational leaders can benchmark existing or planned sustainability programs. Plus, the public can learn how the federal government spends money, and how federal contractors are working to reduce costs, avoid risks, and protect the environment.
Jan. 25, 2018
U.S. Navy paid a civil penalty of $94,200 and closed nine large capacity cesspools (LCCs) at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam. The Navy had closed six LCCs in 2012, but had failed to close the remaining three in a timely manner. The three remaining cesspools served an estimated 160 people at three separate facilities. The Navy has since closed the non-compliant cesspools.
Jan. 22, 2018
The Southern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions, published by the U.S. Army's Regional Environmental and Energy Office--Southern (REEO-S), is designed to provide current information to environmental decision makers, planners, and program managers regarding environmental actions and events throughout Federal EPA Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee). Information listed may be relevant to the U.S. Army and other Military Services' activities and operations. See attached.
Jan. 16, 2018
The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions provides current information on government affairs, energy and environment relevant to Department of Defense interests in the 22 states and territories in Federal Regions 1, 2, 3 and 5. The Review is intended to be a tool useful to DoD and Army leaders, planners, and program managers in carrying out their responsibilities. The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions monitors and targets proposed and final regulations and legislation that may affect Army or DoD operations. See attached.
Dec. 18, 2017
The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions provides current information on government affairs, energy and environment relevant to Department of Defense interests in the 22 states and territories in Federal Regions 1, 2, 3 and 5. The Review is intended to be a tool useful to DoD and Army leaders, planners, and program managers in carrying out their responsibilities. The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions monitors and targets proposed and final regulations and legislation that may affect Army or DoD operations. See attached.
Dec. 18, 2017
The Southern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions, published by the U.S. Army's Regional Environmental and Energy Office--Southern (REEO-S), is designed to provide current information to environmental decision makers, planners, and program managers regarding environmental actions and events throughout Federal EPA Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee). Information listed may be relevant to the U.S. Army and other Military Services' activities and operations. See attached.
Nov. 27, 2017
The overall design of both product and service pages have been improved. Photos have been added for each product improving the visual appeal of the pages. In addition, product descriptions have been provided for each GPC product giving users a better understanding of each product. In particular, for products with EPA Recommended Standards, Specifications and Ecolabels, the "Procurement Info" section has been updated with the additional tiered requirements; the schedules listed under "Where to Buy" are now hyperlinked allowing you to go directly from the GPC to GSA eLibrary where you can find additional procurement information; mobile phones have been added to the GPC under "Office Electronics" with an EPEAT requirement; and you can now find Products by Environmental Program via the Environmental Programs page
Nov. 21, 2017
By statute, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is required to publish scorecards on Federal agency performance on energy efficiency and sustainability. The scorecards available on this site assess agencies' fiscal year (FY) 2016 performance toward statutory and Executive Order goals, which were in place prior to the beginning of the current Administration. The information upon which the scorecards are based includes data, metrics, and scoring criteria that were developed in accordance with existing statutory and Executive Order requirements applicable in FY 2016.
Nov. 16, 2017
The Southern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions, published by the U.S. Army's Regional Environmental and Energy Office--Southern (REEO-S), is designed to provide current information to environmental decision makers, planners, and program managers regarding environmental actions and events throughout Federal EPA Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee). Information listed may be relevant to the U.S. Army and other Military Services' activities and operations. See attached.
Nov. 14, 2017
The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions provides current information on government affairs, energy and environment relevant to Department of Defense interests in the 22 states and territories in Federal Regions 1, 2, 3 and 5. The Review is intended to be a tool useful to DoD and Army leaders, planners, and program managers in carrying out their responsibilities. The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions monitors and targets proposed and final regulations and legislation that may affect Army or DoD operations. See attached.
Oct. 13, 2017
The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions provides current information on government affairs, energy and environment relevant to Department of Defense interests in the 22 states and territories in Federal Regions 1, 2, 3 and 5. The Review is intended to be a tool useful to DoD and Army leaders, planners, and program managers in carrying out their responsibilities. The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions monitors and targets proposed and final regulations and legislation that may affect Army or DoD operations. See attached.
Oct. 13, 2017
The Southern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions, published by the U.S. Army's Regional Environmental and Energy Office--Southern (REEO-S), is designed to provide current information to environmental decision makers, planners, and program managers regarding environmental actions and events throughout Federal EPA Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee). Information listed may be relevant to the U.S. Army and other Military Services' activities and operations. See attached.
Sep. 14, 2017
The Southern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions, published by the U.S. Army's Regional Environmental and Energy Office--Southern (REEO-S), is designed to provide current information to environmental decision makers, planners, and program managers regarding environmental actions and events throughout Federal EPA Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee). Information listed may be relevant to the U.S. Army and other Military Services' activities and operations. See attached.
Sep. 14, 2017
Click this link to access a recording of the Federal Facilities RICE Webinar that EPA presented on September 14th, 2017. The presentation gave an overview of two recent RICE enforcement cases and an in-depth discussion of the regulations that apply to RICE. The recording includes a Q&A session at the end of the presentation. [A PDF of the presentation is also available here.]
Sep. 11, 2017
The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions provides current information on government affairs, energy and environment relevant to Department of Defense interests in the 22 states and territories in Federal Regions 1, 2, 3 and 5. The Review is intended to be a tool useful to DoD and Army leaders, planners, and program managers in carrying out their responsibilities. The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions monitors and targets proposed and final regulations and legislation that may affect Army or DoD operations. See attached.
Sep. 1, 2017
Visit the individual track pages and scroll down to the presenters for each session to download the presentations.
Aug. 29, 2017
DOE's Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) has announced the winners of the 2017 Federal Energy and Water Management Awards. Winners will be invited to Washington, D.C., to receive their awards at a ceremony to be held on November 2, 2017. Click for the winners.
Aug. 24, 2017
This EO, dated 15 August 2017, addresses changing the way the Federal Government, as a whole, processes environmental reviews and authorization decisions. Additionally, it revokes Executive Order 13690 of 30 January 2015, Establishing a Federal Flood Risk Management Standard and a Process for Further Soliciting and Considering Stakeholder Input.
Aug. 11, 2017
The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions provides current information on government affairs, energy and environment relevant to Department of Defense interests in the 22 states and territories in Federal Regions 1, 2, 3 and 5. The Review is intended to be a tool useful to DoD and Army leaders, planners, and program managers in carrying out their responsibilities. The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions monitors and targets proposed and final regulations and legislation that may affect Army or DoD operations. See attached.
Aug. 11, 2017
The Southern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions, published by the U.S. Army's Regional Environmental and Energy Office--Southern (REEO-S), is designed to provide current information to environmental decision makers, planners, and program managers regarding environmental actions and events throughout Federal EPA Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee). Information listed may be relevant to the U.S. Army and other Military Services' activities and operations. See attached.
Aug. 3, 2017
The DoD Cultural Resources UPDATE is sponsored by the DoD Cultural Resource Program. This edition highlights several current initiatives, provides an overview of new and ongoing training opportunities, and features information on recently published reports relevant to the DoD CRM community. See attached.
Jul. 20, 2017
The DoD Chesapeake Bay Program has released the 2017 Summer Journal highlighting stewardship activities conducted by Department of Defense installations throughout the watershed.
Jul. 20, 2017
The Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Program provides a preliminary dataset each July to give the public an opportunity to see the most recent TRI information prior to the annual publication of the TRI National Analysis in January.
Jul. 17, 2017
The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions provides current information on government affairs, energy and environment relevant to Department of Defense interests in the 22 states and territories in Federal Regions 1, 2, 3 and 5. The Review is intended to be a tool useful to DoD and Army leaders, planners, and program managers in carrying out their responsibilities. The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions monitors and targets proposed and final regulations and legislation that may affect Army or DoD operations. See attached.
Jul. 17, 2017
The Southern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions, published by the U.S. Army's Regional Environmental and Energy Office--Southern (REEO-S), is designed to provide current information to environmental decision makers, planners, and program managers regarding environmental actions and events throughout Federal EPA Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee). Information listed may be relevant to the U.S. Army and other Military Services' activities and operations. See attached.
Jul. 12, 2017
EPA recognizes the efforts of federal facilities that took steps to improve efficiency, save resources and reduce costs as part of the Federal Green Challenge (FGC). Through their involvement, FGC participants reduced the federal government's environmental impact by reducing fuel oil consumption by more than 500K gallons, sending 310 tons of end-of-life electronics to third-party recyclers, saving 9.2 million gallons of industrial water, and diverting over 336K tons of waste from landfills. FGC awards are offered in two categories – data driven and narrative. Data driven awards, given in the six target areas of Waste, Electronics, Purchasing, Energy, Water and Transportation, are based on the greatest percentage of change over the previous year. Narrative awards are self-nominating and are given in the categories of Innovation, Education and Outreach, and Leadership.
Jul. 6, 2017
EPA has released a suite of materials states and communities can use to protect public health during harmful algal bloom (HAB) outbreaks caused by cyanobacteria. Some blooms are capable of producing toxins, called cyanotoxins, which can harm humans and animals, affect drinking water sources and impact local economies. Public health officials and outdoor water recreational managers can use EPAs online resources to develop a cyanotoxin monitoring program, communicate potential health risks to the public, and address HAB outbreaks.
Jun. 14, 2017
The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions provides current information on government affairs, energy and environment relevant to Department of Defense interests in the 22 states and territories in Federal Regions 1, 2, 3 and 5. The Review is intended to be a tool useful to DoD and Army leaders, planners, and program managers in carrying out their responsibilities. The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions monitors and targets proposed and final regulations and legislation that may affect Army or DoD operations. See attached.
Jun. 13, 2017
UPDATED 06/15/2017: Publication now includes proposed Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD)amendment for Georgia Rules for Hazardous Waste Management, Chapter 391-3-11. See additional attachment. The Southern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions, published by the U.S. Army's Regional Environmental and Energy Office--Southern (REEO-S), is designed to provide current information to environmental decision makers, planners, and program managers regarding environmental actions and events throughout Federal EPA Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee). Information listed may be relevant to the U.S. Army and other Military Services' activities and operations. See attached.
Jun. 12, 2017
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is recognizing landmark green chemistry technologies developed by industrial pioneers and leading scientists that turn potential environmental issues into business opportunities, spurring innovation and economic development. The Green Chemistry Challenge Award winners will be honored on June 12 at a ceremony in Washington, DC. Find out more about the winners and their innovative technologies at this website.
Jun. 9, 2017
The REC Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions, published by the Navy Regional Environmental Coordination Office, highlights environmental and energy related developments for DoD/Navy leaders and Installation staff. Covering 20 states in Federal Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, the REC Review gives early notice of legislative and regulatory activities relevant to DoD interests. See attached.
Jun. 9, 2017
EPA has produced a guide to encourage partnerships between park agencies and stormwater agencies to promote the use of green infrastructure on park lands. Green infrastructure can help to maximize the environmental, economic, and social benefits of parks. By building strong partnerships, agencies can improve park lands and access to parks, better manage stormwater, increase community resiliency to shifting weather patterns, and provide funding to implement and maintain park enhancements that benefit the community. The guide is designed to provide a stepwise approach for building relationships with potential partners, and includes information on how to identify and engage partners, build relationships, involve the community, leverage funding opportunities, and identify green infrastructure opportunities. It includes recommendations on the types of projects that are most likely to attract positive attention and funding, and which provide a wide range of benefits. Case studies are included to illustrate the approaches presented in the guide. These real-life examples portray how partnerships between municipal stormwater agencies and parks departments have improved recreational resources in the community, enhanced environmental protection, and reduced risks and burdens.
Jun. 1, 2017
EPA is releasing initial data collected under EPA's Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) rule from the 2016 CDR reporting period. This initial release of the 2016 CDR data includes national production volume, other manufacturing information, and processing and use information, but does not include information that was claimed by the submitter to be confidential business information (CBI) or information that is being withheld to protect CBI. There are a number of changes since the 2012 CDR, including new information as a result of new lower threshold for reporting chemicals subject to certain TSCA actions and changes to processing and use reporting. CDR data is collected every four years, with the latest submission period ending on 31 October 2016.
May. 24, 2017
(BOSTON, 05/17/2017) - The U.S. Navy has taken steps to reduce emissions of hazardous air pollutants from its stationary diesel generators under an agreement signed recently with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The agreement relates to the Navy's operation of large diesel powered engines used to generate electricity at the Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station, Atlantic Detachment, located in Cutler, Maine. The power needed to transmit messages and to de-ice the antennas is supplied by four 4,066 horsepower engines with the capability to generate 3,000 kW of electricity each, and one 906 horsepower engine that has the capability to generate 750 kW of electricity. All five of these engines are subject to the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for stationary reciprocating internal combustion engines.
May. 22, 2017
This tool is designed to help identify upgrades and energy conservation measures that can enhance your building's sustainability. Get started by selecting your building size and climate zone. The resulting information provides estimated payback time, capital cost, energy savings, and cost savings for a variety of potential upgrades and conservation measures.
May. 15, 2017
The REC Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions, published by the Navy Regional Environmental Coordination Office, highlights environmental and energy related developments for DoD/Navy leaders and Installation staff. Covering 20 states in Federal Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, the REC Review gives early notice of legislative and regulatory activities relevant to DoD interests. See attached.
May. 15, 2017
The Southern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions, published by the U.S. Army's Regional Environmental and Energy Office--Southern (REEO-S), is designed to provide current information to environmental decision makers, planners, and program managers regarding environmental actions and events throughout Federal EPA Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee). Information listed may be relevant to the U.S. Army and other Military Services' activities and operations. See attached.
May. 12, 2017
The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions provides current information on government affairs, energy and environment relevant to Department of Defense interests in the 22 states and territories in Federal Regions 1, 2, 3 and 5. The Review is intended to be a tool useful to DoD and Army leaders, planners, and program managers in carrying out their responsibilities. The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions monitors and targets proposed and final regulations and legislation that may affect Army or DoD operations. See attached.
Apr. 21, 2017
The Department of Defense (DoD) has announced the winners of the 2017 Secretary of Defense Environmental Awards. Each year since 1962, the Secretary of Defense has recognized individuals, teams, and installations for their outstanding achievements and innovative work protecting the environment while sustaining mission readiness. Military Services and Defense Agencies may submit one nomination for each of the nine award categories. A diverse panel of judges representing Federal and state agencies, academia, and the private sector select the winners.
Apr. 17, 2017
The Southern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions, published by the U.S. Army's Regional Environmental and Energy Office--Southern (REEO-S), is designed to provide current information to environmental decision makers, planners, and program managers regarding environmental actions and events throughout Federal EPA Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee). Information listed may be relevant to the U.S. Army and other Military Services' activities and operations. See attached.
Apr. 14, 2017
The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions provides current information on government affairs, energy and environment relevant to Department of Defense interests in the 22 states and territories in Federal Regions 1, 2, 3 and 5. The Review is intended to be a tool useful to DoD and Army leaders, planners, and program managers in carrying out their responsibilities. The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions monitors and targets proposed and final regulations and legislation that may affect Army or DoD operations. See attached.
Apr. 11, 2017
The REC Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions, published by the Navy Regional Environmental Coordination Office, highlights environmental and energy related developments for DoD/Navy leaders and Installation staff. Covering 20 states in Federal Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, the REC Review gives early notice of legislative and regulatory activities relevant to DoD interests. See attached.
Apr. 6, 2017
The April-May-June 2017 issue of the Public Works Digest, published by the U.S. Army Installation Management Command (IMCOM), focuses on environment and sustainability, including articles on the Secretary of the Army Environmental Awards and an article on the first recipient of the new Installation Management Command Environmental Officer Award. Check out commentaries by Lt. Gen. Gwen Bingham, the Army Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management, and by Lt. Gen. Todd Semonite, commanding general of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Other articles focus on the recent Directorate of Public Works workshop, the Army Reserve's environmental strategy, a Best-in-Class designation for the USACE Facilities Reduction Program, and how Career Program 18 (CP-18) provides opportunities.
Mar. 29, 2017
The new EO, signed 28 March 2017, is titled "Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth." The EO details how the current administration plans to achieve the policy stated in Section 1 of the EO to "promote clean and safe development of our Nation's vast energy resources, while at the same time avoiding regulatory burdens that unnecessarily encumber energy production, constrain economic growth, and prevent job creation." This EO will not be numbered until it is officially published in the Federal Register.
Mar. 21, 2017
Under a new government-wide Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) GSA provides seven brands of EVSE charging stations, encompassing a wide range of commercially-available options for level 1, 2 and DC fast charging stations. Additionally, networked, non-networked, gateway, non-gateway and sub-metered stations were awarded.
Mar. 21, 2017
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions decreased by 146 million metric tons (MMmt), from 5,405 MMmt in 2014 to 5,259 MMmt in 2015. This decline occurred despite growth in real gross domestic product (GDP) of 2.6% as other factors more than offset the growth in GDP. Energy-related CO2 emissions in 2015 were about 12% below 2005 levels. Emissions have declined in 6 out of the past 10 years. For additional details see the report.
Mar. 15, 2017
The Southern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions, published by the U.S. Army's Regional Environmental and Energy Office--Southern (REEO-S), is designed to provide current information to environmental decision makers, planners, and program managers regarding environmental actions and events throughout Federal EPA Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee). Information listed may be relevant to the U.S. Army and other Military Services' activities and operations. See attached.
Mar. 13, 2017
The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions provides current information on government affairs, energy and environment relevant to Department of Defense interests in the 22 states and territories in Federal Regions 1, 2, 3 and 5. The Review is intended to be a tool useful to DoD and Army leaders, planners, and program managers in carrying out their responsibilities. The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions monitors and targets proposed and final regulations and legislation that may affect Army or DoD operations. See attached.
Mar. 7, 2017
The REC Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions, published by the Navy Regional Environmental Coordination Office, highlights environmental and energy related developments for DoD/Navy leaders and Installation staff. Covering 20 states in Federal Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, the REC Review gives early notice of legislative and regulatory activities relevant to DoD interests. See attached.
Mar. 2, 2017
The Winter 2017 issue of Natural Selections, the DoD Natural Resources Program quarterly newsletter, is attached. The newsletter highlights training within DoD and includes updates from various DoD programs, initiatives, and partnerships.
Feb. 14, 2017
The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions provides current information on government affairs, energy and environment relevant to Department of Defense interests in the 22 states and territories in Federal Regions 1, 2, 3 and 5. The Review is intended to be a tool useful to DoD and Army leaders, planners, and program managers in carrying out their responsibilities. The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions monitors and targets proposed and final regulations and legislation that may affect Army or DoD operations. See attached.
Feb. 14, 2017
The Southern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions, published by the U.S. Army's Regional Environmental and Energy Office--Southern (REEO-S), is designed to provide current information to environmental decision makers, planners, and program managers regarding environmental actions and events throughout Federal EPA Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee). Information listed may be relevant to the U.S. Army and other Military Services' activities and operations. See attached.
Feb. 13, 2017
In this report EPA identifies the chemical substances that will undergo risk evaluation during 2017, those for which risk evaluation will be initiated and those for which risk evaluation will be completed, including status and schedules.
Feb. 9, 2017
January 2017 version of the quarterly publication of "The Corps Environment" newsletter published by the USACE Environmental Community of Practice. The purpose of this newsletter is to provide information about USACE and Army environmental actions, issues, policies and technologies.
Feb. 6, 2017
The REC Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions, published by the Navy Regional Environmental Coordination Office, highlights environmental and energy related developments for DoD/Navy leaders and Installation staff. Covering 20 states in Federal Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, the REC Review gives early notice of legislative and regulatory activities relevant to DoD interests. See attached.
Jan. 19, 2017
The DoD Cultural Resources UPDATE is sponsored by the DoD Cultural Resource Program. This edition highlights several current initiatives, provides an overview of new and ongoing training opportunities, and features information on recently published reports relevant to the DoD CRM community. See attached.
Jan. 17, 2017
Fall 2016 edition of the DoD Chesapeake Bay Program Journal, published quarterly and sponsored by the DOD/Navy Chesapeake Bay Program Office. See attached.
Jan. 17, 2017
On 11 January 2017, EPA's 2017 Construction General permit (CGP) was issued. It will take effect on 16 February 2017. The 2012 CGP will expire at midnight on February 16, 2017. During this time, web content for each permit will be online. Web content for the 2017 CGP will include the new permit and factsheet initially with supporting documents added soon. Web content for the 2012 CGP will remain posted online until the 2012 permit expires.
Jan. 13, 2017
The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions provides current information on government affairs, energy and environment relevant to Department of Defense interests in the 22 states and territories in Federal Regions 1, 2, 3 and 5. The Review is intended to be a tool useful to DoD and Army leaders, planners, and program managers in carrying out their responsibilities. The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions monitors and targets proposed and final regulations and legislation that may affect Army or DoD operations. See attached.
Jan. 12, 2017
EPA's Environmental Science Center at Fort Meade, Md. has been certified for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) O + M (operation and maintenance) making it the first EPA laboratory nation-wide to achieve this certification. The Environmental Science Center earned the LEED certification in the existing building operation and maintenance category, and was rated as exceptional in both on-site storm-water management, and natural habitat – as well as excellent in green cleaning, indoor air quality, and water conservation.
Jan. 12, 2017
The Southern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions, published by the U.S. Army's Regional Environmental and Energy Office--Southern (REEO-S), is designed to provide current information to environmental decision makers, planners, and program managers regarding environmental actions and events throughout Federal EPA Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee). Information listed may be relevant to the U.S. Army and other Military Services' activities and operations. See attached.
Jan. 11, 2017
The National Park Service (NPS) is releasing the Cultural Resources Climate Change Strategy (CRCC Strategy). The CRCC Strategy sets out the broad scope of cultural resources in relation to climate change and identifies major directions of action in cultural resources and climate change for the NPS. These directions in turn will help shape and support collaboration with cultural resource and climate change partners both nationally and internationally. The CRCC Strategy is available online at
Jan. 6, 2017
The REC Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions, published by the Navy Regional Environmental Coordination Office, highlights environmental and energy related developments for DoD/Navy leaders and Installation staff. Covering 20 states in Federal Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, the REC Review gives early notice of legislative and regulatory activities relevant to DoD interests. See attached.
Dec. 20, 2016
During EPA's 2016 fiscal year--which spanned October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2016--EPA enforcement actions secured $13.7 billion in investments by companies for projects to control pollution. EPA also secured enforceable commitments that ensure the proper treatment, storage and disposal of an estimated 62 billion pounds of hazardous waste. For details of high profile enforcement actions and a map of FY16 cases, check out the website.
Dec. 14, 2016
This new report, done at the request of Congress, provides scientific evidence that hydraulic fracturing activities can impact drinking water resources in the United States under some circumstances. As part of the report, EPA identified conditions under which impacts from hydraulic fracturing activities can be more frequent or severe. The report also identifies uncertainties and data gaps. These uncertainties and data gaps limited EPA's ability to fully assess impacts to drinking water resources both locally and nationally. These final conclusions are based upon review of over 1,200 cited scientific sources; feedback from an independent peer review conducted by EPA's Science Advisory Board; input from engaged stakeholders; and new research conducted as part of the study.
Dec. 14, 2016
The Southern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions, published by the U.S. Army's Regional Environmental and Energy Office--Southern (REEO-S), is designed to provide current information to environmental decision makers, planners, and program managers regarding environmental actions and events throughout Federal EPA Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee). Information listed may be relevant to the U.S. Army and other Military Services' activities and operations. See attached.
Dec. 13, 2016
The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions provides current information on government affairs, energy and environment relevant to Department of Defense interests in the 22 states and territories in Federal Regions 1, 2, 3 and 5. The Review is intended to be a tool useful to DoD and Army leaders, planners, and program managers in carrying out their responsibilities. The Northern Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions monitors and targets proposed and final regulations and legislation that may affect Army or DoD operations. See attached.
Dec. 13, 2016
PHMSA is issuing this safety advisory notice to inform offerors and users of DOT Specification 39 (DOT-39) cylinders that DOT-39 cylinders with an internal volume exceeding 75 cubic inches (in\3\) (1.23 L) should not be filled with liquefied flammable compressed gas. PHMSA maintains filling or transporting DOT-39 cylinders with an internal volume exceeding 75 in\3\ (1.23 L) is not safe. POC is Refaat Shafkey, General Engineer, Engineering and Research Division, Office of Hazardous Materials Safety, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Ave. SE., Washington, DC 20590. Tel: (-202-366-4545 or, via email: (Federal Register; 13 December 2016 [Notices], pages 90061-90062).
Dec. 9, 2016
The Energy Department recognized 30 winners across the federal government with the 2016 Federal Energy and Water Management Awards. These annual awards highlight federal agencies' commitments and accomplishments in leading the nation toward more sustainable energy, water and vehicle fleet use and saving taxpayer money and reducing pollution.Through their innovative efforts, winners--including staff serving the U.S. Air Force, Army, Army Corps of Engineers, Defense Logistics Agency, Marine Corps, and Navy; the Departments of Commerce, Health and Human Services, Interior, and Veterans Affairs; the General Services and National Aeronautics and Space Administrations; and the Environmental Protection Agency--netted an energy savings equivalent to removing almost 48,000 cars from the road for one year or eliminating the average annual energy use from almost 24,000 households.
Dec. 8, 2016
The National Lakes Assessment 2012: A Collaborative Survey of Lakes in the United States is the second report assessing the condition of the nation's lakes. The NLA is one of a series of National Aquatic Resource Surveys, a national-scale monitoring program designed to produce statistically-valid assessments that answer critical questions about the condition of waters in the United States. The key goals of the NLA report are to describe the ecological and recreational condition of the nation's lakes, how those conditions are changing, and the key stressors affecting those waters. Using a statistical survey design, 1,038 sites were selected at random to represent the condition of the larger population of lakes across the lower 48 states including natural lakes and manmade reservoirs. The NLA Web site also includes findings at the ecoregional scale and allows users to explore additional results using a new interactive dashboard.
Dec. 6, 2016
The REC Review of Legislative & Regulatory Actions, published by the Navy Regional Environmental Coordination Office, highlights environmental and energy related developments for DoD/Navy leaders and Installation staff. Covering 20 states in Federal Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, the REC Review gives early notice of legislative and regulatory activities relevant to DoD interests. See attached.
Dec. 1, 2016
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today launched season two of "Better Buildings Challenge SWAP," featuring the U.S. Naval Academy and U.S. Air Force Academy. Both military operations swap energy teams to improve the energy efficiency of each one's campus.
Nov. 30, 2016
EPA has announced the first 10 chemicals it will evaluate for potential risks to human health and the environment under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). They are: 1,4-Dioxane, 1-Bromopropane, Asbestos, Carbon Tetrachloride, Cyclic Aliphatic Bromide Cluster, Methylene Chloride, N-methylpyrrolidone, Pigment Violet 29, Tetrachloroethylene (also known as perchloroethylene), and Trichloroethylene.
Nov. 28, 2016
Assisting Federal Facilities with Energy Conservation Technologies (AFFECT) 2017 will provide grants to federal agencies for projects in three topic areas: (1) Combined Heat and Power, (2) Renewable Energy and (3) Energy Efficiency Deep Retrofits. Applicants will be asked to show how the proposed project results are conducive to broader adoption at other Federal facilities, impacting the direction, strategy, and thinking of the agency to engage in similar efforts. The anticipated total funding level for AFFECT 2017 is $3.0 million, subject to appropriations, with anticipated funding per award to be between approximately $100,000 and $1.0 million. Letters of intent (LOI) are due by 22 December 2016, and full applications are due by 30 January 2017. Applicants must submit a LOI to be eligible to submit a full application. To apply to AFFECT 2017, applicants must register with and submit application materials through the EERE Exchange Send direct questions regarding this FOA to