Oct. 6, 2010
The Department of Energy's Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) has released the consolidated
Annual GHG and Sustainability Data Report, Version 1.0, coincident with the White House Council on Environmental Quality's release of the
Federal Greenhouse Gas Accounting and Reporting Guidance and
Technical Support Document. This Excel workbook provides electronic reporting capability for the Federal agency compiled comprehensive GHG inventory for fiscal year 2010 and the base-year 2003 GHG inventory for the purpose of measuring progress toward the goals established under Executive Order 13514. The file can be downloaded from FedCenter at
http://www.fedcenter.gov/programs/greenhouse/inventoryreporting/fempceqresources/. Other resources are also available at this site for assisting agencies in compiling their GHG inventories.
The workbook will collect agency-aggregated data necessary for calculating scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG emissions in the commonly-used, native units of energy consumption and fugitive emissions as well as activity data for estimating scope 3 indirect emissions. It is intended for the submittal of data at the top-tier Department or agency level. The workbook aligns with the Guidance and transparently incorporates all of the approved methodologies and conversion factors contained in the Technical Support Document. It provides users with the summation of their calculated emissions as well as other performance results for other sustainability goals.
In addition to providing reporting capability for the new GHG goals, the Annual GHG and Sustainability Data Report collects required data elements for measuring agency progress toward:
- Facility energy intensity reduction goals (30% in 2015 vs. 2003) under 42 U.S.C. 8253(a),
- Renewable electricity use requirement (5% in 2010, 7.5% in 2013 and beyond) under 42 U.S.C. 15852,
- Water intensity reduction (26% in 2020 vs. 2007) and base year reporting for non-potable industrial, landscaping, and agricultural use under E.O. 13514
- Compliance with Federal energy efficiency standards for new construction under 10 CFR Parts 433, 434, and 435, 72 FR 72565, and
- Energy efficiency and renewable energy investment information for fiscal year 2010.
This new Data Report also satisifies previous agency reporting requirements to FEMP for facility and operations energy and water use. The Data Report also accepts outputs from the Federal Automotive Statistical Tool (FAST) to calculate the GHG emissions from Federal covered fleet fuel use.
FEMP expects to release subsequent updated versions of the GHG and Sustainability Data Report to increase usability and functionality and if necessary, correct any errors in the forumulas calculating emissions or other performance metric outputs. Please note that the first expected update will incorporate the impact of renewable energy purchases and generation into the GHG Results Summary on sheet 4.6.