The focus of the Energy program area is energy conservation, alternative sources of energy, and energy management programs.
Executive Order (EO) 14057: Catalyzing Clean Energy Industries and Jobs Through Federal Sustainability Efficient Federal Operations was revoked by Section 2 of EO 14148 signed by President Trump 20 January 2025. As future EOs and Implementing Instructions for those EOs are released addressing federal facilities the text on this page will be updated.
Links to statutory requirements, reporting mechanisms, and additional CEQ guidance is provided below. Please use the links to quickly jump to the information area needed or scroll down to view all items.
Federal agencies have discovered many effective practices to make their buildings sustainable. Many share policies, strategies, case studies and tools through the Interagency Sustainability Working Group (ISWG). This website provides a repository for broad policies and strategies covering the whole government or entire agencies, services or bureaus, which set the context for achievements in Federal high-performance buildings.
Signed by President Obama on 30 April 2015, this act mandates the GSA Administrator develop model commercial leasing provisions and best practices to promote energy efficiency and water efficiency in Federal and other buildings. This act also amends the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 and the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975.
The table at this website provides a summary of the provisions related to alternative fuels and vehicles, air quality, fuel efficiency, and other transportation topics. The table indicates the agency with jurisdiction, a timeline if provided, and resources for more information.
Full text of the Energy Independence and Security Act, signed December 19, 2007 by President Bush, for the purposes of moving the United States toward greater energy independence and security, to increase the production of clean renewable fuels, to protect consumers, to increase the efficiency of products, buildings, and vehicles, to promote research on and deploy greenhouse gas capture and storage options, and to improve the energy performance of the Federal Government.
This act was signed into law on August 8, 2005. the Act contains a multitude of provisions covering energy production, distribution, storage, efficiency, conservation, and research. The Act requires efficiency standards for certain large appliances and extends Daylight Saving Time to reduce consumption. It provides funding to improve efficiency in low-income housing and expands the Energy Star program. It also requires the federal government to increase the efficiency of its buildings and vehicles and provides tax credits for certain energy efficient purchases or improvements. Other topic of note are: renewable energy, expanding of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, fuel production access in federal lands, the banning of drilling in the Great Lakes, electricity reliability, hydrogen vehicles, vehicle efficiency and alternative fuels, ethanol and motor fuels.
The purposes of this Act primarily relate to increasing fossil fuel supply and development of energy conservation programs.
The Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act Enhancement Act of 2017 extended data center requirements of the original act until October 2020. This memorandum dated 25 June 2019 contains updated requirements for the consolidation and optimization of Federal Data centers, establishes consolidation and optimization targets and metrics for Federal agencies, and requirements for reporting
Federal agencies are required to purchase either energy-efficient, ENERGY STAR qualified, or EPEAT-registered products(computers, monitors, and laptops). The activation of power management settings on computers is also required. This page is designed to assist you in fulfilling these requirements.
This law mandated GSA identify the core competencies necessary for Federal personnel performing building operations and maintenance, energy management, safety, and design functions to comply with requirements under Federal law. The core competencies identified shall include competencies relating to building operations and maintenance, energy management, sustainability, water efficiency, safety (including electrical safety), and building performance measures.
Actions Concerning Regulations That Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use
18 May 2001
This EO establishes the mandate for federal agencies to prepare a Statement of Energy Effects when undertaking certain agency actions.
This Guidance provides a streamlined practical, common sense approach to address
frequently asked questions by agencies, reduce burden and costs, and increase flexibility by recognizing
improved building performance.
This website contains guidance and tools to help facility managers implement the ISO 50001-based energy management system.
This September 2015 DOE publication states that a Zero Energy Building is "an energy-efficient building where, on a source energy basis, the actual annual delivered energy is less than or equal to the on-site renewable exported energy." This definition also applies to campuses, portfolios, and communities. In addition to providing clarity across the industry, this new DOE publication provides important guidelines for measurement and implementation, specifically explaining how to utilize this definition for building projects.
In 2021, as part the administrations climate agenda the President charged the Federal Government to lead by example by using its scale and procurement power to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. Through Executive Order (E.O.) 14057, Catalyzing Clean Energy Industries and Jobs Through Federal Sustainability, and President's Federal Sustainability Plan, the Federal Government will achieve a net-zero emissions building portfolio from its 300,000 Federal buildings by 2045, including a 50 percent emissions reduction by 2032. To accelerate this transition, the White House Council on Environmental Quality's Office of the Federal Chief Sustainability Officer developed a report highlighting proven and replicable net-zero strategies and best practices undertaken by Federal agencies over the past two years. These leading actions demonstrate how agencies are meeting the President's ambitious Federal sustainability goals while saving taxpayer money, creating good-paying jobs, and making communities healthier and more resilient.
This presentation provides an overview of the updates in 10 CFR 433 (Baseline Energy Efficiency Standards Update for New Federal Commercial and Multi-Family High-Rise Residential Buildings) and 10 CFR 435 (Energy Efficiency Standards for the Design and Construction of New Federal Low-Rise Residential Buildings Baseline Standards Update).
Checklist provides federal agencies with a standard set of tasks, questions, and reference points to assist in the early stages of battery energy storage systems (BESS) project development. The checklist items contained within are intended for use in procurement of commercial scale lithium-ion BESS, although they may be used more generally for other BESS technologies.
States lead by example (LBE) by establishing programs that achieve substantial energy cost savings within their own buildings and operations, and demonstrate the feasibility and benefits of clean energy to the larger market. This EPA guide identifies best practices and state examples of clean energy activities; highlights the benefits and costs of taking action; and identifies issues, strategies, and resources for implementing key steps in the development of a comprehensive LBE program. The appendices provide additional examples and information resources. The guide was created as part of EPA's State Climate and Clean Energy Program, which assists states in developing and implementing clean energy policies and climate change solutions.
Revised in December 2019, this FEMP document is an in-depth, step-by-step guide for incorporating efficiency requirements into solicitations. It covers a wide range of service and product solicitation types including information technology (IT) and electronics, appliances, lighting replacements, building renovation, design/build, operations and maintenance, food services, and laundry services. Each project type includes information on relevant covered product categories, a checklist for writing effective solicitations, and model contract language.
Description: This document is a companion to the revised "2016 Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings" and metrics for agencies to use to evaluate compliance with the Guiding Principles.
This DOE Building Technologies Office slide deck provides guidance and strategies for federal buildings to decarbonize to help agencies meet the targets established in E.O 14057.
The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory along with other federal partners has conducted a muli-year assessment on the effects of climate change on water available for hydropower at federal facilities and the marketing of power. This website contains the results of these studies along with assessments published in 2012, 2016, and 2022.
Federal agencies are required to purchase either energy-efficient, ENERGY STAR qualified, or EPEAT-registered products(computers, monitors, and laptops). The activation of power management settings on computers is also required. This page is designed to assist you in fulfilling these requirements.
FEMP plays a key role in helping agencies understand and meet the federal building energy efficiency standards for agencies' new construction and major renovation projects. These standards include base building efficiency as defined in the CFR by subpart A of 10 CFR 433 and 10 CFR 435, commonly referred to as the "residential" and "commercial" rules, respectively. The Clean Energy Rule supplements both the base commercial and residential rules, transitioning new buildings and major renovations away from on-site fossil fuel derived energy consumption.
This updated document reflects the requirements of the 5 December 2013 Presidential Memo on "Federal Leadership on Energy Management." The updated guidance clarifies the criteria for "metered buildings" subject to the requirements of Section 432 of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) (42 U.S.C. § 8253(f)(8)) and designates the Environmental Protection Agency's Energy Star Portfolio Manager as the sole benchmarking tool for Federal agencies to use in fulfilling the benchmarking requirements. The criteria and process for requesting non-disclosure of building performance for national security reasons are also described in the guidance.
This website contains the October 2022 update on Federal metering along with additional guidance, templates, best practices, and more.
This template is intended to assist agencies in complying with the new Federal Building Metering Guidance.
This FEMP webpage provides information about on-site electricity contracts, including contract options, benefits, limitations, and sample documents. The page also provides background information on how to understand if this type of contract is right for a given site and how to get started.
This document, dated June 2016, provides basic information for Federal staff who are new to the concept of renewable energy and renewable energy certificates (RECs), and are seeking to better understand the options for using RECs to meet Federal renewable energy targets. This guide is intended to assist agencies in understanding the use of RECs to meet the statutory and Executive Order goals for renewable energy. It does not specifically address the process for agencies to report renewable energy consumption. Agencies should refer to the most recent Department of Energy reporting guidance2 for instructions on how to report renewable energy consumption. The document is issued by the Office of Federal Sustainability, Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ).
This slide deck from the ISWG provides a recapped the carbon pollution-free electricity (CFE) goals of EO 14057, as well as the four strategies for sourcing CFE to comply with the EO Implementing Instructions. Additionally, the slide deck provides links to FEMP's extensive CFE-related resources for federal agencies.
FEMP developed a web-based resource guide that provides federal agencies with best practices and technical clarifications for meeting the renewable electricity requirement, as directed by the CEQ in the Implementing Instructions for EO 13834. The guide provides three options that federal agencies may use to develop a strategy to meet the renewable electricity requirement: Install on-site renewable electricity, Purchase renewable electricity, and Purchase renewable energy certificates. Federal agencies can use these options to develop strategies that enable on-site generation, enhance energy resilience of federal facilities, and reduce costs.
The Advisory Committee provides independent policy advice and recommendations to GSA's Office of Federal High-Performance Buildings, as required by the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA), to advance federal building innovations in planning, design, and operations to reduce costs, enable agency missions, enhance human health and performance, and minimize environmental impacts.
This GSA bulletin FMR B-33 provides guidance to Executive agencies regarding the acquisition of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) for law enforcement (LE) and emergency vehicle fleets. This bulletin is effective on 15 November 2011 and will remain in effect until specifically superseded or cancelled by the GSA.
Document recommends the use of eProject Builder, which carries additional value in its simplification of federal agency reporting by dovetailing with the Federal Energy Management Program's EISA 432 Compliance Tracking System.
The Guide to Purchasing Green Power is an excellent place to start for organizations interested in buying green power. The guide provides information about the green power procurement process, different green power supply options, benefits of green power purchasing, as well as information on how to capture the greatest benefit from your purchase. First published in 2004, and previously revised in 2010, this latest version of the Guide provides an overview of green power markets and describes the necessary steps to procure green power. The Guide is the product of a cooperative effort between EPA, the U.S. Department of Energy, World Resources Institute, and Center for Resource Solutions, and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
This website contains links to documents and tools to help facility managers determine compliance with the 2020 Sustainable Federal Building Requirements.
Guidance for Federal agencies to select the most cost-effective and energy-efficient lighting systems available. Use the guide as a roadmap and reference to select the best lighting system for your facility.
The purpose of this guide is to provide information on effective energy and water metering strategies, relevant metering technologies and communications, how to collect and use metered data, and how to develop a metering plan. This guide is designed to serve as a resource for facility, energy, and water management and technical staff. It does not try to represent the universe of metering-related material.
Metering for solar photovoltaics is critical for operations & maintenance, and systems without metering could present life-safety concerns. The new Metering for Federal Solar PV in Remote Locations resource highlights key considerations for remote sites, presents seven potential metering options, and provides information about how to identify the optimal option for a given site.
Developed by the collaboration of more than 60 energy, environmental and other organizations the National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency Vision for 2025, provides a framework for states, utilities and other stakeholders to consider when seeking policies and programs to achieve all cost effective energy efficiency measures. A key component of the National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency is stakeholders committing to take action to advance the Recommendations in their spheres of influence. The website gets you to the Plan and to stakeholder Public Statements & Commitments in Support of the Action Plan.
This page provides links to CEQ guidance and Federal resources for sustainability, energy, and environmental performance. The guidance documents listed on this website provide technical information to support agencies in implementing sustainability policies and programs.
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The DOE has released annual market reports documenting data and trends in wind installations, technologies, costs, prices, and performance through the end of 2018 for three sectors: utility-scale land-based, distributed wind, and offshore wind.
The Center, launched by DOE, is an online tool designed to provide building professionals with fast, free and reliable building science and efficiency knowledge. The tool is designed to enable professional homebuilders, remodelers, architects, designers, building science educators, researchers and code officials to have access to proven innovations and best practices from Energy Department-approved building science research for hundreds of high-performance home technologies. The Building America Solution Center brings together recommendations from the country's top building science experts to help participating builders and remodelers continuously improve their construction practices. At the heart of the Building America Solution Center are the guides -- a compilation of content covering eight critical topics for applying each individual measure. Users can also use a browser to view galleries of content - such as images, CAD files or case studies - or filter the results by keyword.
The Department of Energy-led center of expertise demonstrates national leadership in decreasing the energy use of data centers. The COE partners with key influential public and private stakeholders. It also supplies know-how, tools, best practices, analyses, and the introduction of technologies to assist Federal agencies with implementing policies and developing data center energy efficiency projects.
ENERGY STAR connects users with a broad range of tools and resources to help them implement a successful energy management strategy, including the reduction of greenhouse gases. Examples of tools in the library include: guidance on energy management, improving building performance, and assessing energy efficiency.
The Bioeconomy Initiative: Implementation Framework was developed by the federal Biomass Research and Development (BR&D) Board. The Bioeconomy Initiative is a multi-agency strategy to accelerate innovative technologies that harness the nation's biomass resources for affordable biofuels, bioproducts, and biopower. The Framework will serve as a guiding document for the BR&D Board member agencies to increase government accountability and accelerate innovative and sustainable technologies that contribute to a secure, reliable, affordable, and enduring supply of U.S. energy and products.
Data on this website are compiled from agencies' latest Annual Energy Data Reports and are included in the Annual Reports to Congress on Federal Government Energy Management. The website includes: data tables of federal agency energy and water consumption; interactive graphics associated with most data tables; energy costs by end-use sector and efficiency investment information; progress toward key goals outlined in the National Energy Conservation Policy Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 8253-8258); Energy Policy Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 15852); and historical data tables of agency energy use and costs by facility and mobility sectors by energy type beginning in fiscal year (FY) 1975.
The site provides free public access to full-text documents and bibliographic citations of DOE research report literature. Documents are primarily from 1994 forward and were produced by DOE, the DOE contractor community, and/or DOE grantees. Legacy documents are added as they become available in electronic format. The Information Bridge contains documents and citations in physics, chemistry, materials, biology, environmental sciences, energy technologies, engineering, computer and information science, renewable energy, and other topics of interest related to DOE's mission.
This is a collection of DOE protocols for determining energy savings from energy efficiency measures and programs. The first protocols were published in April 2013.
Founded in 1977, the Alliance to Save Energy is a non-profit coalition of business, government, environmental and consumer leaders. The Alliance to Save Energy supports energy efficiency as a cost-effective energy resource under existing market conditions and advocates energy-efficiency policies that minimize costs to society and individual consumers, and that lessen greenhouse gas emissions and their impact on the global climate. To carry out its mission, the Alliance to Save Energy undertakes research, educational programs, and policy advocacy, designs and implements energy-efficiency projects, promotes technology development and deployment, and builds public-private partnerships, in the U.S. and other countries.
ACEEE a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing energy efficiency as a means of promoting both economic prosperity and environmental protection.
ALA is a trade association representing the lighting industry. Members include lighting, dimming controls and ceiling fan manufacturers, retail showrooms, sales representatives and professional residential lighting designers. The ALA Web site is a primary customer and professional resource for home lighting information and ideas for various types of lighting. ALA is a co-sponsor of the Lighting for Tomorrow competition.
The mission of the American Wind Energy Association is to promote wind power growth through advocacy, communication, and education.
The center provides technological and economic solutions to environmental problems resulting from energy production, industrial, manufacturing, and commercial activities, and land use practices. The Center is affiliated with the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Through the supply of technical support, tools, best practices, analyses, and the introduction of technologies, the Center of Expertise assists federal agencies and other organizations implement data center energy efficiency projects.
This is a consortium of efficiency program administrators from across the U.S. and Canada who work together on common approaches to advancing efficiency. Through joining forces, the individual efficiency programs of CEE are able to partner not only with each other, but with other industries, trade associations, and government agencies. CEE is a co-sponsor of the Lighting for Tomorrow competition.
Through Better Buildings, DOE works with organizations to make buildings and plants more energy-efficient. The Better Buildings team has collected renewables resources that help navigate alternative energy solutions and future energy options and address common challenges. One will find information on renewable energy basics, financing, green power procurement, and access to technical experts.
To assist federal agencies in meeting energy reduction goals, FEMP designed the ENABLE program to encompass a standardized and streamlined process for small federal projects to install targeted energy conservation measures (ECMs) in six months or less. The program provides facilities an opportunity to implement specific ECMs, including lighting; water; simple heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) controls; HVAC system replacement; and solar photovoltaics. FEMP uses a set of pre-established procurement and technical tools to administer projects through the GSA Federal Supply Schedule 84, SIN 246-53. Note that this schedule comprises numerous highly qualified small business energy service firms federal agencies can utilize to meet small business goals.
An ESPC is a contracting vehicle that allows agencies to accomplish energy
projects for their facilities without up-front capital costs and without
special Congressional appropriations to pay for the improvements. Congress
and the President encourage agencies to use ESPCs to finance and implement
efficiency improvements and meet their energy goals.
A joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy helping us all save money and protect the environment through energy efficient products and practices. With the help of ENERGY STAR enough energy was saved in 2008 alone to avoid greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to those from 29 million cars -- all while saving $19 billion on their utility bills.
A government-backed program helping businesses and individuals protect the environment through superior energy efficiency.
Investing in energy efficiency, renewable energy, and climate change policies and programs is an important way for state and local governments to achieve multiple goals: reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving air quality and people's health, and saving money. EPA's State and Local Climate and Energy Program offers expertise about energy efficiency, renewable energy, and climate change policies and programs to interested state, local, and tribal governments.
The Department of Energy's Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) works to reduce the cost and environmental impact of the Federal government by advancing energy efficiency and water conservation, promoting the use of distributed and renewable energy, and improving utility management decisions at Federal sites.
The Standby Power Data Center provides procurement information for federal buyers and serves as a vanguard reference site for energy efficiency and standby power data. The site provides information about standby power, federal purchasing requirements and measuring standby power. Users can also search product lists or submit new products.
The Portal will allow federal agencies to submit and track requests for assistance meeting their renewable energy and energy efficiency related goals. During the first phase, portal assistance is geared toward renewable energy projects. Other project types will be included in later phases.
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) supports Federal agencies in identifying energy- and water-efficient products that meet Federal acquisition requirements, conserve energy, save taxpayer dollars, and reduce environmental impacts. This is achieved through technical assistance, guidance, and efficiency requirements for energy-efficient, water-efficient, and low standby power products.
The Federal Energy Management Program works closely with agencies and partner organizations to coordinate interagency working groups. These groups focus on federal energy management and compliance with federal laws and requirements.
The Green Grid is a consortium of information technology companies and professionals seeking to lower the overall consumption of power in data centers around the globe. The organization is chartered to develop meaningful, platform-neutral standards, measurement methods, processes and new technologies to improve energy efficient performance of global data centers.
This is a voluntary EPA program that supports the organizational procurement of green power by offering expert advice, technical support, tools and resources.
GSA's CPES BPA helps agencies achieve their energy, greenhouse gas, and water conservation goals using a streamlined acquisition process.
Here you'll find information about the Interagency Sustainability Working Group, including tools and resources that help agencies meet the requirements in Executive Order (EO) 13423 and other legislative requirements; publications and resources for the group; and minutes and presentations from the working group meetings.
The Joint Office of Energy and Transportation was created through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) to facilitate collaboration between the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Department of Transportation. The Joint Office will align resources and expertise across the two departments toward leveraged outcomes. The office will be a critical component in the implementation of the BIL, providing support and expertise to a multitude of programs that seek to deploy a network of electric vehicle chargers, zero-emission fueling infrastructure, and zero-emission transit and school buses.
The U.S. EPA and the U.S. DOE have initiated a joint national data center energy efficiency information program. The program coordinates a wide variety of activities from the DOE Industrial Technologies Program Save Energy Now initiative, the DOE Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP), and the EPA ENERGY STAR program. One activity is the development of an ENERGY STAR rating for data center infrastructure by initiating a nationwide data collection effort. Toward this end, ENERGY STAR is calling on data center owners and operators to collect data for twelve months on energy use and operating characteristics in existing data center facilities.
The Distributed Energy Resource Cybersecurity Framework (DERCF) provides U.S. federal agency sites with a tool to assess the cybersecurity posture (or health) of their distributed energy resource systems. The DERCF fills an important gap that expands upon existing cybersecurity frameworks for our nation's evolving energy networks.
Access to information on state energy programs.
IPGT provides a forum for government and industry leaders to coordinate their efforts, and collaborate on projects. Partners share information on results and best practices to avoid blind alleys, limit unnecessary duplication, and efficiently accelerate the development of geothermal technologies.
A tool for partnerships between Federal agencies and their franchised or serving utilities. With a UESC, the utility typically arranges financing to cover the capital costs of the project. Then the utility is repaid over the contract term from the cost savings generated by the energy efficiency measures. With this arrangement, agencies can implement energy improvements
with no initial capital investment; the net cost to the Federal agency is minimal, and the agency saves time and resources by using the one-stop shopping provided by the utility.
The Federal Energy and Water Management Awards recognize individuals, groups, and agencies for their outstanding contributions in the areas of energy and water efficiency, resilience, and technology achievements; distributed energy; cybersecurity; and fleet management at federal facilities.
Energy & Environmental Building Alliance (EEBA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced the winners of its 2022 Housing Innovation Awards, the highest honor builders can receive for constructing Zero Energy Ready Homes. These high-performance homes are so energy efficient--often 40 to 50% more efficient than typical new homes--that they can offset most or all the energy they consume with a renewable energy system. The Housing Innovation Awards recognize top builders of homes certified to DOE's Zero Energy Ready Home (ZERH) specifications, which set the federal government's highest bar for energy and environmental performance in new residential construction. This year's awards featured 26 homes across 18 states.
Each year the U.S. Department of Energy, in conjunction with the Federal Interagency Energy Policy Committee ("656" Committee), sponsors the Federal Energy and Water Management Awards. These awards honor individuals and organizations making significant contributions to the efficient use of energy and water resources in the federal government.
FGC awards are given in two categories - data driven and narrative. Data driven awards are in the wares of Waste, Electronics, and Purchasing, Water, and Transportation. Narrative Awards are given in the categories of Innovation, Education and Outreach, and Leadership.
Co-sponsored by EPA and the Center for Resource Solutions (CRS), these annual awards serve to recognize the leading actions of organizations, programs, suppliers, and individuals that significantly advance the development of green power sources.
A basic description of biomass energy such as biofuels, biopower, and bioproducts and how it can be used.
The Distributed Wind Energy Futures Study, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy's Wind Energy Technologies Office, used highly detailed data and new modeling techniques to identify locations with the highest potential for distributed wind energy of all forms. The study focused on the impact of wind technology cost and performance, policy, and siting conditions on economic potential. NREL also modeled opportunities for distributed wind in disadvantaged communities.
The largest study of its kind conducted in the United States to date, the study evaluates the future operational and integration impacts of up to 30% wind energy penetration into the power system in the study year 2024. The study encompasses the majority of the utilities in the Eastern Interconnection. The study also includes a high-level analysis of transmission needed to deliver the wind energy to load centers and a cursory analysis of carbon pricing impacts. The study was released by the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory January 20, 2010.
The Bioeconomy Initiative: Implementation Framework was developed by the federal Biomass Research and Development (BR&D) Board. The Bioeconomy Initiative is a multi-agency strategy to accelerate innovative technologies that harness the nation's biomass resources for affordable biofuels, bioproducts, and biopower. The Framework will serve as a guiding document for the BR&D Board member agencies to increase government accountability and accelerate innovative and sustainable technologies that contribute to a secure, reliable, affordable, and enduring supply of U.S. energy and products.
A basic description of what geothermal energy is and how it can be used.
A basic description of using hydrogen as a power source and its use in fuel cells.
A basic description about using flowing water as a source of energy.
This May 2009 report examines Concentrating Solar Thermal power (CST), a renewable energy resource that presents policy-makers and investors with a significant potential for reducing carbon dioxide emissions from the power sector.
A part of EPA's Local Government Climate and Energy Strategy Series, this 2014 document identifies how local governments can work with utilities, local businesses, nonprofit groups, residents, state agencies, and green power marketers and brokers to plan and implement on-site renewable energy generation projects at local government facilities and throughout their communities.
A basic description of passive and active use of solar energy and what solar energy can power.
A Solar Power Purchase Agreement (SPPA) is a financial arrangement in which a third-party developer owns, operates, and maintains the photovoltaic (PV) system, and a host customer agrees to site the system on its roof or elsewhere on its property and purchases the system's electric output from the solar services provider for a predetermined period. This financial arrangement allows the host customer to receive stable, and sometimes lower cost electricity, while the solar services provider or another party acquires valuable financial benefits such as tax credits and income generated from the sale of electricity to the host customer.
This report, issued December 2011, provides first-hand perspectives on the effects of variable energy sources, including wind power plants on grid operations. It also supplies grid operators with practical tools and information to help them tackle the challenge of integrating more renewable energy resources into the nation's power grid.
These decision trees were developed by EPA and the Department of Energy s National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL), to screen potentially contaminated and underutilized sites for solar and wind potential. While the decision tree focuses on potentially contaminated sites, this tool also provides information on rooftop and other applications in order to support complimentary evaluations. These decision trees can be used to screen individual sites for their solar or wind potential or for a community-scale evaluation of multiple sites.
Interior Secretary Gale Norton has signed a record of decision (ROD) that establishes guidelines for wind energy development and expedites approval of proposed projects in Western states. The programmatic environmental impact statement (EIS) for wind energy development establishes mitigation measures, best management practices, and other guidelines for wind energy development on Bureau of Land Management lands. The document, completed as a requirement of NEPA, will serve as the basis for environmental reviews of individual projects. By "tiering" off the programmatic EIS, individual projects would require less lengthy environmental assessments, and as a result, proposed wind projects could be approved in less than 1 yr, as opposed to 2 yr or longer.
Developed by the Bureau of Land Management. This is a guide to wind energy, wind energy development, technology and issues, photos, maps, and links.
From the Department of Energy, these maps help locate and quantify wind resources. The maps are available in utility-scale or community-scale.
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has released annual market reports documenting data and trends in wind installations, technologies, costs, prices, and performance through the end of 2018 for three sectors: utility-scale land-based, distributed wind, and offshore wind.
A collection of projects and practices which Federal agencies have implemented to achieve green building goals. Information is categorized by the headings "Policies and Strategies," Tools and Training," and "Best Practices and Case Studies." Subjects covered within these categories include, but are not limited to: water conservation, energy efficiency, metering, NetZero, lighting, green leasing, sustainable acquisition, and design.
This December 2012 FEMP case study concerns a 2011 recipient of Federal Energy and Water Management Award. The focus of the study is the aviation-related fuel efficiency practices implemented by the U.S. Air Force's Air Mobility Command (AMC). The intent of this case study is to showcase how other agencies can augment their efforts through adopting similar efficiency standards.
This report describes the development of a method to assess battery energy storage system (BESS) performance that the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) and others can use to evaluate performance of deployed BESS or solar photovoltaic (PV) plus BESS systems. The proposed method is based on actual battery charge and discharge metered data to be collected from BESS systems provided by federal agencies participating in FEMP's performance assessment initiatives. Long-term (e.g., at least 1 year) time series (e.g., hourly) charge and discharge data are analyzed to provide approximate estimates of key performance indicators (KPIs).
The FEMP-funded Smart Labs Toolkit helps lab owners and operators plan and cost-effectively achieve safe, efficient, and sustainable laboratories no matter the size. Ventilation is a big topic in laboratory efficiency as it is one of the largest energy consumers. Smart Labs recently published a case study sharing the results of a new ventilation analysis performed at the USDA Forage Animal Production Research Laboratory. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis helped the mechanical engineering teams optimize the mechanical ventilation system of laboratories inside of main campus buildings. Read more about how this USDA lab and other national labs are leveraging CFD analysis.
Plug and process loads (PPLs) consume about one-third of the primary energy in U.S. commercial buildings. PPLs cover a wide variety of electronic, computer, refrigeration, and cooking devices, including essential equipment for information processing, medical treatment, and food service businesses. The December 2015 decision guides found in this resource were created to help building owners find the right control strategy for PPLs in their buildings. Developed by the Better Building Alliance, the guides are developed for different building types and outline the costs, potential savings, complexities, and user friendliness of various control strategies and their applications to each building type. The guides also aim to help building owners determine whether a control is appropriate for particular project applications such as staged retrofit projects, whole-building retrofits, new construction projects, and projects that involve tenants and landlords. Lastly, the guides provide links to additional resources that can further help building owners assess and reduce the energy use that is associated with PPLs, find rebates for PPL control measures, and procure the right control types for their building equipment.
The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 required the
Comptroller General to report on the Department of Defense's renewable energy initiatives, including projects involving the installation of solar panels. This report, dated 26 April 2010, contains the briefing for the Committees on Armed Services, United States Senate and House of Representatives. It includes a list of 454 projects.
Through participation in the Better Buildings Initiative more than 900 public and private sector organizations have saved nearly 1.4 quadrillion British thermal units (Btus) of energy since the program began. This is a savings of nearly $8.5 billion and more than 80 million tons of CO2. Partners also have reduced their water use by more than 6.5 billion gallons.
Developed by DOE, this is a compilation of case studies, guidance and real-world best-practices adopted by cities and utilities to help building owners measure and track energy use, and benchmark the energy performance of their buildings. The Toolkit describes the best practices that enabled partners to provide data access solutions that benefit building owners, utilities, and state and local governments.
Issued December 2009 by the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE), this report examines multiple energy-efficiency programs implemented prior to the passage of ARRA that can be used across U.S. cities as guidelines as they develop initiatives of their own. Programs included in the report range from building retrofits and energy audits to financial/tax incentives to low-income initiatives.
The EPA requested FEMP technical assistance to evaluate feasibility of on-site solar photovoltaics (PV) and battery storage to support cost savings and decarbonization goals. Through this technical assistance engagement, a team of experts used NREL's REopt? web tool to evaluate the techno-economic viability of these technologies at nine EPA facilities, including Ada, Athens, Cincinnati-AWBERC, Corvallis, Fort Meade, Gulf Breeze, Montgomery, Narragansett, and RTP Main & National Computer Center. The analysis considered multiple ownership models, including direct purchase and third-party ownership/financing, as well as energy goals such as minimizing energy costs and achieving 50% renewable electricity annually. This technical assistance initiative identified five facilities where solar PV and battery storage could be cost-effective. It also provided insights into optimal system sizing and economic feasibility for these installations. Encouraged by these findings, EPA is now awarding a feasibility study for solar PV and battery storage at the Narragansett facility.
The study, done in partnership with the DOE and with funding support from the Office of EERE, is an initial exploration of the transition to a 100% clean electricity power system by 2035--and helps to advance understanding of both the opportunities and challenges of achieving the ambitious goal. Overall, NREL finds multiple pathways to 100% clean electricity by 2035 that would produce significant benefits, but the exact technology mix and costs will be determined by research and development (R&D), manufacturing, and infrastructure investment decisions over the next decade.
This FEMP website reflects Federal energy and water consumption data and includes links to GHG inventory data, energy use and cost, water use consumption data, and Agency progress on metering goals.
This website offers case studies featuring federal agencies that have successfully implemented project financing options and energy- and water-efficient measures and technologies into their buildings and operations.
To help the Army and Fort Carson achieve their Net-Zero goals, GSA partnered with them to conduct the Fort Carson Energy Research Project. The research team tested and analyzed strategies to minimize energy use, including both improving building systems and influencing occupant behavior. The researchers targeted strategies with the highest return on investment over the lifecycle of the buildings studied. This report was issued in 2014.
This collection of solutions provides guidance on establishing a green revolving fund to overcome a lack of dedicated capital. A green revolving fund is an internal capital pool dedicated to funding energy efficiency, renewable energy, and sustainability projects that generate cost savings. A portion of those savings is then used to replenish the fund, establishing an ongoing funding vehicle to help drive energy efficiency and sustainability investment over time.
This case study report describes a grid-interactive efficient building (GEB) renovation project at the General Services Administration's (GSA's) Oklahoma City (OKC) Federal Building, and demonstrates that GEB-ready strategies and technologies can be deployed across buildings with minimal investment. The case study showcases a leading example of a GEB project in the federal buildings space and provides key information on the project roles, processes, costs, and benefits. The findings from this successful GEB project can be used to help pave the way for additional GEB-ready retrofits in the future.
The slide deck provides an overview of GSA's Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center's (RRBITC) National Deep Energy Retrofit (NDER) ESPC project. The presentation provides project details, the various ECMs and how the project will meet its goals of electrification and decarbonization.
Federal agencies have discovered many effective practices to make their buildings sustainable. Many share policies, strategies, case studies and tools through the Interagency Sustainability Working Group (ISWG). This website provides a repository for casestudies of specific practices and projects that agencies have actually employed.
Dated February 2014, this report for the U.S. Department of Energy summarizes the lessons learned from 16 government, educational and nonprofit groups that received grants to advance the deployment of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs). Participants in projects across 24 states and the District of Columbia assessed the barriers to and opportunities for PEV deployment in their regions and prepared and executed readiness plans. The report is designed to be an accessible primer to the key issues in PEV deployment and a roadmap to the detailed research, toolkits, and sample language for local policies contained in the readiness plans.
In this June 2018 study GSA compares 100 GSA high-performance buildings to 100 GSA legacy stock buildings looking at actual performance data in five key metrics from the last three years. The comparison found that high-performance buildings save energy, save water, cost less to operate, produce less waste, and have more satisfied occupants compared with typical buildings.
This case study, released April 2017, by DOE's Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE) Office, was prepared by Energetics, Inc. for DOE's Department of Energy Vehicle Technologies Office. The study focuses on many aspects of existing federal workplace charging programs.
This Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) website was developed to help agencies close gaps between potential energy savings and actual performance. Specifically, it shows agencies how to use institutional change to meet their energy- and water-reduction goals. Institutional change integrates technology, policy, and behavior to make new sustainability practices and perspectives become "business as usual" at an agency.
Released by the U.S. DOE and its National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) September 2010, this report details the technical analysis performed and the resulting design guidance that will enable large hospitals to achieve whole-building energy savings of at least 50% over the above standard. The large hospitals report also documents the modeling methods used to demonstrate how the design recommendations will help institutions meet or exceed the 50% energy-savings goal. This report found 50% energy savings can be achieved in large hospitals across all eight U.S. climate zones.
The report includes a detailed assessment of the nation's offshore wind resources and offshore wind industry, including future job growth potential.
The report also analyzes the technology challenges, economics, permitting procedures, and the potential risks and benefits of offshore wind power deployment in U.S. waters.
Large-Scale Renewable Energy Guide: Developing Renewable Energy Projects Larger than 10 MWs at Federal Facilities (KEYWORDS: federalfacilities, renewableenergy, renewableresources, uesc, energy)
This guide provides a comprehensive framework, including active project management strategies, common terms and principles that promote partnerships among the federal government, private developers and financiers. Federal project managers who use the guide to design and develop their projects will learn best practices for private-sector financing across a variety of funding options and competitive acquisition processes. The guide was developed by FEMP and DOE's National Renewable Energy Laboratory, with contribution and assistance provided by the U.S. Army Energy Initiatives Task Force.
This February 2016 document provides a framework for measurement and verification (M&V) of energy savings, performance, and user satisfaction from lighting retrofit projects involving occupancy-sensor-based, daylighting, and/or other types of automatic lighting. It was developed to provide site owners, contractors, and other involved organizations with the essential elements of a robust M&V plan for retrofit projects and to assist in developing specific project M&V plans.
This 2015 Fact Sheet is the result of research conducted by GSA and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at the Fort Carson Army Base near Colorado Springs, CO, evaluated opportunities for Fort Carson buildings to provide superior lighting with minimal energy use.
Released by the U.S. DOE and its National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) September 2010, this report evaluates the potential for new large office buildings to achieve a 50% net onsite energy savings compared to a baseline standard (as defined by ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2004). The report found 50% energy savings can be achieved in both low-rise and high-rise office buildings in a broad range of U.S. climates. The analysis was conducted in 16 cities that represented different climate zones, such as hot and humid, hot and dry, marine, cold and humid, and cold and dry.
This December 2012 FEMP case study concerns a 2011 recipient of Federal Energy and Water Management Award. The focus of the study is U.S. Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Beaufort and their efforts to establish an energy and water-saving culture. The intent of this case study is to showcase how other agencies can augment their efforts through adopting similar efficiency standards.
This March 2011 FEMP document provides an overview of best practices for energy-efficient data center design which spans the categories of Information Technology (IT) systems and their environmental conditions, data center air management,cooling and electrical systems, on-site generation, and heat recovery.
The Department of Energy-led center of expertise demonstrates national leadership in decreasing the energy use of data centers. The COE partners with key influential public and private stakeholders. It also supplies know-how, tools, best practices, analyses, and the introduction of technologies to assist Federal agencies with implementing policies and developing data center energy efficiency projects.
This Guide is developed by FEMP in collaboration with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The Guide is an introduction to a temporary wireless mesh assessment kit, a data center monitoring system which can be used to reduce equipment costs and shorten the time frame of a traditional data center energy use assessment. The assessment kit helps to create an accurate evaluation of data center operation, air management, and Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) at lower cost and with greater efficiency. The guide also details the advantages of the wireless assessment kit versus traditional data center monitoring, the process for installing and operating the assessment kit, and basic information and background on data center monitoring and evaluation. The guide is intended for personnel responsible for managing data center energy use, including IT and facilities managers.
This is a comprehensive list of recommended efficiency actions for data centers. The Master list also feeds into the Data Center Profiler (DC Pro) tool to provide tailored recommendations for improvement.
This Guide is intended to help Data Center owners and operators gather the necessary data to participate in the Better Buildings Challenge (BBC). The BBC process includes supplying data that is at least partially metered, and this Guide describes the requirements and how to implement a metering system that will provide the necessary data. Focus is on calculating the power usage effectiveness (PUE) metric.
This Case Study estimates the impact of energy efficiency measures under four distinct deployment scenarios at NOAA's High Performance Computing data center. The study is unique in that it estimates the impact of both energy efficiency measures that have already been applied and new opportunities for improvement.
This Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) Case Study outlines possible energy efficiency improvements at three Federal data centers representing a broad cross section of the federal data center space. By leveraging known energy saving strategies, these three data centers could implement the recommended energy efficiency measures (EEMs) with an estimated payback of only approximately two years with cost savings upwards of $100,000 annually at each site.
This EnergyStar resource provides a general overview of the most commonly used energy efficiency strategies in data centers.
Every drop of water saved in the U.S. saves energy, and every unit of energy saved saves water. That overlap has come to be known as the "energy-water nexus." This report, from the American Council for an Energy -Efficient Economy (ACEEE) and the Alliance for Water Efficiency combines the energy efficiency community and the water efficiency community. The report develops a blueprint for future joint efforts and envisions a policy agenda that could drive actions at the federal, state, local, and watershed levels.
These guides offer contractors and designers the tools, including recommendations for practical products and off-the-shelf technology, needed for achieving a 30% energy savings compared to buildings that meet the minimum requirements of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-1999. These guides have been developed through the collaboration of ASHRAE, the American Institute of Architects (AIA), the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IES), and the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), with support from the Department of Energy (DOE), to help meet all of an owner's energy performance requirements. Sector-specific guides are available for: small hospitals and healthcare facilities; lodging facilities; small warehouses and self-storage; schools; small retail buildings; small office buildings. ASHRAE and its partners have made these guides available for download (PDF) at no charge.
This guide provides the tools, including recommendations for practical products and off-the-shelf technology, needed for achieving a 50% energy
savings compared to buildings that meet the minimum requirements of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2004. The guide applies to small to medium office buildings up to 100,000 ft2, including a wide range of office types and related activities such as administrative, professional, government, bank
or other financial services, and medical offices without medical diagnostic equipment. Also provides a greater emphasis on integrated design as a necessary component in achieving 50% energy savings.
Multiple Army installations are participating in an energy-conserving pilot program to only use as much energy as they create by 2020. The initiative will focus on energy as well as water and waste usage.
Issued by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), this report, dated 1 December 2008, highlights combined heat and power (CHP) as a realistic solution to enhance national energy efficiency, ensure environmental quality, promote economic growth, and foster a robust energy infrastructure.
This technical support document, dated September 2009, was created by the DOE national laboratories under the direction of DOE's Building Technologies Program. It describes the assumptions, methodologies, and analyses used to reach 50% energy savings over ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2004. This report provides recommendations and user-friendly design assistance to designers, developers, and owners of highway lodging properties and is intended to encourage steady progress towards net-zero energy performance in these buildings.
This is a toolkit designed to help organizations implement an energy management system (EnMS) through an organized step by step process at three different levels: Foundational, ISO 50001 and Superior Energy Performance. It includes forms, checklists, templates, examples, and guidance to assist the Energy Team throughout the implementation process. The five major steps of the eGuide start with the decision to utilize an EnMS. They proceed through implementation and system maintenance using a proven continual improvement process building off the International Standard for Energy Management Systems, ISO 50001.
A fact sheet on how energy conservation methodologies can be implemented at wastewater treatment facilities.
An ESPC is a contracting vehicle that allows agencies to accomplish energy
projects for their facilities without up-front capital costs and without
special Congressional appropriations to pay for the improvements. Congress
and the President encourage agencies to use ESPCs to finance and implement
efficiency improvements and meet their energy goals.
This guide is offered by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP). The FEMP guide walks users through renewable energy options to help select appropriate types of renewable energy technologies and integrate these technologies into all phases of new construction or major renovation projects. This Guide also provides introductory information on why Federal agencies should consider renewable energy, specific guidance on major renovations, and guidance and resources for training and outreach for projects that use renewable energy.
Published in August 2010, this report presents an assessment and planning process to examine military installations for net zero energy potential. Net Zero Energy Installation (NZEI) assessment offers a systematic framework to analyze energy projects at installations while balancing other site priorities such as mission, cost, and security. This report is the result of a joint initiative formed between DoD and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) in 2008 to address military energy use led to a task force to examine the potential for net zero energy military installations, which would produce as much energy on-site from renewable energy generation, or through the on-site use of renewable fuels, as they consume in buildings, facilities, and fleet vehicles.
This 2015 Fact Sheet is the result of research conducted by GSA and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at the Fort Carson Army Base near Colorado Springs, CO, evaluated opportunities for Fort Carson buildings to provide superior lighting with minimal energy use.
This is a collection of DOE protocols for determining energy savings from energy efficiency measures and programs. The first protocols were published in April 2013.
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Originally presented 3 May 2012, this presentation was a part of the FEMP First Thursday series. Achieving Energy Security in Federal Facilities builds competency in protecting critical missions by integrating energy security measures into all aspects of operations. Employ critical principles, such as diversity, redundancy, reducing demand, planning, and emergency management as you consider energy security. Consider technologies that support energy security and develop an understanding of key issues related to short- and long-term energy disruptions, including storage and maintenance issues.
This webinar explores energy and HVAC control strategies, with an emphasis on reliability and best practices related to the new American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning (ASHRAE) 9.9 Data Center Class Guidelines for controlling temperature, and air volume in high-intensity data centers. The seminar included project examples demonstrating cost-effective operations and payback periods that result from an in-depth engineering approach. This webinar is offered by FEMP.
This FEMP course will provide an overview of the current status of LED technology as it relates to maturing applications, cautions, control options, and tools and resources to federal facility managers who make informed decisions.
This 2019 Energy Exchange recorded session explores heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) technologies, which are commercially available and have demonstrated performance significantly better than their peers but have not achieved significant visibility or market penetration. At the end of this session, attendees will have a suite of ideas to take back to their facilities.
The FEMP webinar series provides comprehensive instruction on the most current interior and exterior lighting system applications, including lighting sources, technologies, controls, and emerging trends, as well as federal procurement guidance, requirements, and resources.
Facility managers, energy managers, contractors, and others need to understand the latest information about energy and water management in order to help the Federal government be save energy and money and meet energy efficiency, renewable energy, and water conservation goals.
Offered by FEMP, the 3-h course provides Federal Facility and Energy Managers with the knowledge and competencies to contract for the design and installation a Building Automation System (BAS) in an existing Federal facility, including the ability to apply General Services Administration (GSA) Smart Building Standards into the goal setting process and design objectives. Learners will explore how to use Building Automation Systems to integrate existing HVAC, lighting, and other systems using normalized data and open communications protocols. The course details a process to set specific performance goals for the BAS, design the BAS to meet the established performance goals, and develop Requests for Proposals for both BAS design and installation. The course also discusses how to maximize the effectiveness of installed BAS to improve building energy efficiency, operations and maintenance, indoor environmental quality, and safety and security.
This course is offered by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). The purpose of this course is to enable you to reduce operating cost and provide energy savings to the building a student is responsible for. Students will learn the initial steps involved in re-tuning a building controlled via a building automation system (BAS). Interactive exercises are included to provide students "hands-on" practice of the re-tuning process within a virtual building. Students will practice identifying opportunities for energy improvement and then deciding how to re-tune for more efficiency. The intended audience for this course is onsite employees responsible for day-to-day building operations; offsite contractors (retro-commissioning agents or control vendors) hired to improve a building's energy efficiency; and college students interested in entering this field. The focus is on large (100,000 sq. ft.) commercial buildings (office buildings, malls, and schools), but the concepts and techniques presented can be applied to any type and size of facility that has a BAS.
This seminar covers the need for additional Combined Heat and Power resources, a review of the use of Combined Heat and Power in the Federal sector, a summary of various prime mover and thermally activated technologies and their applications. The course also covers case studies and best practices and the opportunities to develop alternative financing and project funding to support CHP technology deployment.
This course is designed for Energy and Facility Managers who manage commissioning processes for existing Federal buildings. Focusing on proven strategies in the Federal sector, the training is designed to achieve the maximum benefits of commissioning efforts. Specific Federal applications such as laboratories and data centers are discussed within the overall context of helping Federal staff maximize operational efficiencies including cost and energy savings. There is an emphasis on employing best practices to select and execute improvements that incorporate processes to ensure the persistence of the efficiency outcomes. This course is offered through the Whole Building Design Guide (WBDG) through a partnership between the U.S. Department of Energy Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) and the National Institute of Building Sciences.
This web tool helps federal facility managers and resilience planners understand the cost of an electric grid outage. Users enter site characteristics and critical load information into the tool, then estimate the types of outage costs they may incur--from immediate losses to costs that accumulate each hour the power is out. The FEMP-sponsored CDF Calculator provides essential data for those tasked with justifying the benefit of resilience investments for their facilities. The calculation baselines the cost of inaction to help facility managers understand the value of resilience solutions, such as redundant systems or enhanced energy security.
This FEMP training series covers best practices to achieve high-performance, energy-efficient data centers, including maximizing savings through software and information technology efficiency, optimizing environmental conditions, and more.
Data centers are energy-intensive and opportunities exist to reduce energy use, but significant knowledge, training, and skills are required to perform accurate data center energy assessments. In order to accelerate energy savings, the data center industry and DOE partnered to develop the Data Center Energy Practitioner (DCEP) Program. The DCEP training program certifies energy practitioners qualified to evaluate the energy status and efficiency opportunities in data centers.
DOE has partnered with industry to develop a Data Center Energy Practitioner (DCEP) certificate training program to accelerate energy savings in the dynamic and energy-intensive marketplace of data centers.
The Data Center Profiler (DCPro) Tool Training free webinar provides information on how to use the DC Pro tool suite to profile data center energy use and identify energy efficiency actions. The webinar includes: A demonstration of the newest version of the profiling tool;An overview of the system assessment tools for air management and electrical systems; A recommended process and related resources to implement data center efficiency. This course is offered by FEMP.
This interactive training will educate learners about energy management best practices including the value of setting goals, developing a plan, identifying milestones, and documenting the tasks associated with those goals and milestones. During the training, you will discover why it's important to identify key stakeholders and core team members for each project or task and to get their support and buy-in.
This FEMP seminar will describe a step-by-step method to conduct an "energy efficiency expert evaluation"- a customized process to meet site-specific energy goals. This approach combines the most effective features of an energy audit and retro-commissioning, while avoiding the limitations of each.
This is a collection of EPA webinars on energy efficiency for water and wastewater utilities.
The course will instruct from the viewpoint of site personnel, and present legislative mandates, executive orders, presidential memorandums and other goals in terms of important action items and best practices for implementation. Instructors will discuss principle energy management concepts and strategies related to energy and water efficiency, renewable energy, and sustainable acquisitions. Instructors will also offer the most current resources and tools for further information and education. The course provides a solid foundation for more in-depth study of critical topics such as renewable energy technology applications, energy efficiency improvements and energy conservation measures, energy efficient product procurement, and comprehensive water management.
In this FEMP course, students are introduced to the fundamentals of energy saving performance contracts (ESPC), an alternative financing vehicle that allows Federal agencies to complete energy-savings projects without up-front capital costs and special Congressional appropriations by partnering with an energy service company (ESCO). Learners will be introduced to ESPC basics, including key concepts, timelines, authorizing legislation, and stakeholder roles and responsibilities, as well of the five phases of the ESPC development process.
This 3.5-hour training course is a condensed version of the ESPC comprehensive course that is typically provided over a period of three days. The 3.5-hour course is often presented as a prerequisite course to other ESPC training, but also can stand-alone. Training sections cover a high-level understanding of what an ESPC is and how it is used to accomplish energy improvements, task order ordering procedures, contractor selection, risk and responsibility, measurement and verification, applicable financial schedules, pricing and financing aspects of the project, and post award contract administration including FEMP's Life of Contract services. This on demand training is organized into four modules that present an overview of the ESPC process during each phase of project development. Registration is open to all.
This webinar addresses the responsibilities of agency contracting and technical personnel for administering an energy savings performance contract (ESPC) task order during the post-acceptance performance period. It also discusses life-of-contract (LOC) services and training provided by the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) to agencies with ESPCs in the performance period. The purpose of LOC services is to help agencies maintain compliance and high value in their ESPC projects.
The realities of climate change are already starting to affect corporate bottom lines, forcing C-Suite executives to seek new ways to mitigate risk in their business operations and supply chains. This short course turns random acts of greenness into a metrics driven strategy. We introduce strategies, practices and tools available to leaders at various levels of management that can reduce energy use, improve carbon footprint, and increase competitive advantage. Through over 20 case studies, we will examine strategies that worked across small businesses to the Fortune500 as well as cities to non-profits.
Every Wednesday at 12:00 PM (Eastern) join this live webinar to ask their questions directly to EPA experts in an open forum. Want to talk to a "real" person? Have a question about how Portfolio Manager calculates your score? Want to learn more about entering Green Power? Join the webinar, and EPA will answer all your questions about ENERGY STAR's Portfolio Manager in this public forum.
This short course provides a practical introduction to the concept and practice of enterprise resilience--defined as the capacity for organizations to survive, adapt, and grow in the face of turbulent change. Natural and biological systems have evolved a variety of resilience mechanisms. Likewise, designing for resilience can help business enterprises to overcome disruptions--whether from human or natural causes--and to improve their adaptability to changing conditions. Resilience principles can be incorporated into the design of new technologies, products, processes, and competitive strategies. The course draws extensively on case studies of companies that have adopted resilience strategies and provides tools and methods for implementing "design for resilience."
A free web-based system for entering and tracking energy savings performance contracting (ESPC) data through the life of a project. Developed by FEMP, eProject Builder produces ESPC task order schedules and provides a secure online system for easily accessing, tracking and reporting ESPC project data through the life of the contract for your portfolio of projects. Will introduce energy service companies, their customers, and other interested parties to ePB, covering the benefits of using ePB, project workflow, a walk-through of the data template, and a live demonstration.
This course introduces attendees to the basics of energy savings performance contracts (ESPCs). It consists of an overview of the authority agencies have to use ESPCs for their energy and water projects and covers key features, benefits, and budget allocation of this important project financing tool. Attendees will understand how to get started with ESPC using the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) IDIQ contract at their site or facility. This course also covers acquisition planning, ESCO selection, the preliminary assessment, and energy security through resilience planning. The course is sponsored by DOE's Federal Energy Management Program and is taught by experts in the field of performance contracting, including former federal contracting officers, federal project executives, DOE national laboratory experts, and other consultants with extensive backgrounds in ESPCs
Ongoing EVGrid Assist webinars bring in DOE and external experts to share information, highlight best practices and raise awareness about emerging research, solutions and approaches. This website provides prerecorded videos of webinars discussing EV grids.
This webinar series is part of the DOE EVGrid Assist: Accelerating the Transition initiative. It aims to support decision makers by providing timely information on a wide range of topics important to the integration of electric vehicles and the grid.
The Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) is helping agencies understand their on-site carbon-pollution-free electricity (CFE) purchase options to help meet their procurement objectives. This training will help attendees understand their onsite options, limitations associated with these contracts, and strategies for ensuring a successful project.
Can your federal facility go green and save money? With the cost of solar energy declining, more federal facilities can add on-site solar for less than the cost of grid-based electricity. Learn how a team from the Department of Energy's (DOE) Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) and EPA's Region 9 office can provide project implementation assistance. The team is called the Affordable Power Infrastructure Partnership (APIP). APIP assists federal agencies to explore the potential for on-site renewable energy projects and supports agencies through the project implementation process. This Federal Green Challenge (FGC) webinar was recorded 10 October 2018.
GSA's online resource for professional development of federal buildings management personnel. This tool includes resources, links to training and a self-assessment function designed to help develop an individual's potential throughout their career.
Federal agencies have discovered many effective practices to make their buildings sustainable. Many share policies, strategies, case studies and tools through the Interagency Sustainability Working Group (ISWG). This website covers and links to systems, methods, databases, calculators, checklists, etc. designed to help Federal officials and their partners achieve their high-performance building goals.
Join us to learn how to apply for Designed to Earn the ENERGY STAR Recognition, the EPA's recognition program for design projects. We'll walk through benchmarking the project in Target Finder and Portfolio Manager, downloading the Statement of Design Intent (SEDI), and submitting the completed form to the EPA.
Join us to learn about applying for ENERGY STAR certification in Portfolio Manager. Understand the value of the ENERGY STAR certification, see the step-by-step process of applying, and gain tips to help your property get from application to award.
Course provides an overview of different storage technologies with a specific focus on lithium-ion batteries--including the use cases for federal sites, drivers of cost-effective battery storage projects, key battery storage policies, incentives, and markets, and battery storage procurement considerations.
This training focuses on the long-term management of agency measurement and verification (M&V) during the performance period of an energy savings performance contract (ESPC). Annual verification of savings is a legal and contractual requirement in ESPC. The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) ESPC's indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract identifies required ESPC project activities during the performance period. FEMP provides guidance on how to actively participate in energy service company (ESCO) M&V activities, how to review annual M&V reports, and offers services for quality assurance during the life of the contract. The training covers holding up the government's end of the ESPC deal and successfully organizing files to ensure all necessary documentation is available in the event of an audit.
Presentation given during the 2010 DOI Conference on the Environment in April 2010.
This seminar provides an overview of operations and maintenance best practices with a focus on corrective, preventive, and predictive infrastructure requirements and commissioning for existing buildings.
Are you a building owner who needs to comply with a mandatory benchmarking requirement? Do you have little or no experience using EPA's Portfolio Manager tool? You've come to the right place! This webinar will serve as a beginner's guide to Portfolio Manager and provide you with all the essential "how-to" information you need to start benchmarking and reporting your building data to your local or state government. Topics will include understanding how state and local jurisdictions use EPA's Portfolio Manager tool to facilitate reporting and how to set up your Portfolio Manager account and properties, enter energy data, and report or share data with your jurisdiction.
Now that you've benchmarked, what's next? Join us to understand how to interpret your results and your building's performance. Learn how you can take things to the next level with more insights into your building's performance metrics and use your data to identify actionable energy and cost saving opportunities! NOTE: This session will focus on U.S. benchmarking ordinances only. Topics include understanding building performance metrics such as: The 1-to-100 ENERGY STAR score; Energy use intensity; Greenhouse gas emissions; How to check your building and energy data for errors; and Using benchmarking data to develop an energy management plan.
Now that you've benchmarked and understand your results, it's time to work on improving your building's energy performance. In this session, you'll learn about low-and-no-cost improvements that can help you reduce energy consumption and save money without significant capital investments. You'll also learn about a variety of free ENERGY STAR resources that are available to help you improve your energy performance. Finally, you'll learn how to connect with service provider organizations that can help you achieve your energy efficiency goals and earn ENERGY STAR certification for your building.
Now that you've benchmarked and understand your results, it's time to work on improving your buildings energy performance. In this session, you'll learn about low-and-no-cost improvements that can help you reduce energy consumption and save money without significant capital investments. You'll also learn about a variety of free ENERGY STAR resources that are available to help you improve your energy performance. Finally, you'll learn how to connect with service provider organizations that can help you achieve your energy efficiency goals and earn ENERGY STAR certification for your building. NOTE: This session will focus on U.S. benchmarking ordinances only. Topics include: Low- and no-cost energy efficiency improvements; ENERGY STAR program tools, resources, and additional training opportunities; and Connecting with ENERGY STAR service providers.
Presentation given during the 2010 DOI Conference on the Environment in April 2010.
Join us as we introduce and demonstrate the core functionality of EPA's ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool. Attendees will learn how to navigate Portfolio Manager, add a property and enter details about it, enter energy and water consumption data, and generate performance reports to assess progress.
Attend this webinar if you're interested in getting started with benchmarking, understanding how to assess your energy performance and generating reports.
Build on your basic knowledge of EPA's ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool by taking a deeper dive into more advanced features, such as editing property data, correcting and updating property use details, using the data quality checker, and sharing property data with other users.
Attend this webinar if you're interested in going beyond the basics of Portfolio Manager functionality and learning about property sharing, improving data quality, and more.
Are you well-versed in the basic functionality of the EPA's ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool and ready to take advantage of more advanced features? If so, join this webinar to learn about the tool's most advanced features, including using spreadsheet upload templates to update property data, setting goals and targets to plan energy improvements for properties, creating custom reports, and using the Sustainable Buildings Checklist. Attend this webinar to learn about Portfolio Manager's most advanced features, including goal setting, custom reports, and more.
Are you well-versed in the basic functionality of the EPA's ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool and ready to take advantage of more advanced features? If so, join this webinar to learn about the tool's most advanced features, including using spreadsheet upload templates to update property data, setting goals and targets to plan energy improvements for properties, creating custom reports, and using the Sustainable Buildings Checklist. Attend this webinar if you're interested in learning about Portfolio Manager's most advanced features, including goal setting, custom reports, and more.
Earlier this month, more than 2,000 people attended this year's Virtual Leadership Symposium. Leaders from across the U.S. shared their expertise, insight, and experience as they engaged with attendees on topics including workforce development, healthy buildings, project financing, resilience, and more. View your favorite sessions from the 2020 Summit – or check out one you may have missed. Each recording is accompanied by a downloadable slide deck and transcript.
Symbolic historic buildings and legacy systems pose unique challenges for organizations aiming to reduce buildings' energy footprints while potentially adhering to preservation requirements. This webinar will explore innovative approaches to improving efficiencies, safety, comfort, and resilience in historic buildings while maintaining unique architectural and cultural legacies.
Reducing utility costs for your facility doesn't have to involve major retrofits or renovations. Significant water and cost savings can be achieved with small changes to operation and maintenance procedures and changes to user behavior. Learn about no- and low-cost solutions that can be implemented to start saving water in buildings right away, without the need for costly capital improvements.
Throughout this course, you will learn the initial steps involved in re-tuning a building controlled via a building automation system (BAS). Interactive exercises are included to provide you "hands-on" practice of the re-tuning process within a virtual building. You will practice identifying opportunities for energy improvement and then deciding how to re-tune for more efficiency. The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) has developed a Building Re-tuning approach to detect energy savings opportunities and implement improvements.
The purpose of this course is to enable you to reduce operating cost and provide energy savings to the building you are responsible for. The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) has developed a Building Re-tuning approach to detect energy savings opportunities and implement improvements.
This course explains how and where distributed wind systems could be installed at federal sites. The training includes an overview of what distributed wind is and covers the wind-specific issues that need to be addressed to proceed through the Federal Energy Management Program's recommended project development and implementation process (i.e., what is needed to go from an initial screening to assessing procurement options). These issues include wind resource assessment, common wind myths, applicable policies and incentives, applicable regulations, land availability, mission compatibility, project costs, project sizing and siting, turbine technology, and other logistical, technical, and economic considerations.
This on-demand course explains how and where distributed wind systems could be installed at federal sites. The training includes an overview of what distributed wind is and covers the wind-specific issues that need to be addressed to proceed through the Federal Energy Management Program's recommended project development and implementation process (i.e., what is needed to go from an initial screening to assessing procurement options).
Laboratories can use three to four times more energy than an average office building with cost-saving opportunities of 20%-40%! Organizations choosing to implement Smart Labs principles are taking the first step in reducing their building's carbon footprint while enhancing the health and safety of their most valuable assets, their staff. The Smart Labs training provides the framework necessary to assemble a collaborative team capable of evaluating laboratory performance while identifying and implementing efficiency improvements.
This 5-part webinar series takes you through the ESPC Toolkit section by section, examining each resource and answering questions submitted by participants. For each episode we provide a video recording, a slide deck, and a transcript.
This course will: describe the most common energy efficiency measures specific to data centers; explain where different data center energy efficiency measures apply and don't apply; discuss the pros and cons associated with data center energy efficiency measures; and how to estimate the expected savings associated with data center energy efficiency measures.
This course provides foundational information that will help agencies understand the fundamental characteristics of the utility industry in the United States. With this information and understanding, federal agencies will be better prepared to meet the 100% carbon pollution-free electricity (CFE) goals by 2030 as outlined in Executive Order 14057. This training provides attendees with an overview of the utility industry, and a suggested approach for assessing, strategizing, and implementing plans for increasing consumption of CFE.
Do you verify commercial building applications for ENERGY STAR NextGen? ENERGY STAR® NextGen is a new level of certification for U.S. commercial and multifamily buildings. It builds on the ENERGY STAR certification, available since 1999. ENERGY STAR NextGen-certified buildings are independently verified to be among the nation's most energy-efficient, low-emissions buildings. This webinar, based on the ENERGY STAR Guide for Licensed Professionals, covers the role of the licensed professional, as well as requirements for verifying commercial and multifamily building applications for ENERGY STAR NextGen.
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