
Jun. 6, 2013
Nominate a Champion of Change. The Deadline is Today!
Champions of Change: Protecting Public Health in a Changing Climate -- The White House Champions of Change program highlights the stories and examples of citizens across the country who are "Winning the Future" with projects and initiatives that move their communities forward.
As the President has said, we must do more to combat climate change. Part of meeting this challenge is addressing the threat climate change poses to the health of our families. Communities are already witnessing the public health impacts of climate change and carbon pollution at a local level, from poor air quality to extreme heat to changing patterns of infectious diseases.

That is why, this July, the White House will host a Champions of Change event recognizing citizens, public health experts, medical professionals, and community and business leaders who are raising awareness about climate-related health effects, taking steps to reduce carbon emissions, and helping better protect their communities.

We need your help to identify these Champions of Change. These champions might be:

  • Medical and public health officials informing policymakers and the public on the health risks of climate change
  • Scientists and researchers studying the link between local health impacts and climate change
  • Citizens communicating climate-related health impacts and advocating for strong solutions to help preserve public health and well-being
  • Business leaders or medical facility administrators taking action to reduce the health risks of climate change

Help us recognize these climate change and public health leaders. Click here to nominate a Champion of Change today! After following the link, select "Climate and Health" as your nomination category. Please submit nominations by 5:00 PM on June 6th.

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you!

All the best,

White House Council on Environmental Quality

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