U.S. Global Change Research Program Releases Annual Report on Global Change Research
The latest edition of "Our Changing Planet", the U.S. Global Change Research Program's annual report to Congress, illustrates the Program's significant progress in meeting its legal mandate and fulfilling the 2012-2021 Strategic Plan. The report gives an overview of the Federal global change research enterprise and upcoming research priorities, with plain-language highlights spotlighting recent efforts to advance science and support societal needs. Among the many highlights in the report, a few examples include: new satellite missions to measure global change; progress in forecasting near-term climate; understanding natural and human factors in the carbon cycle; modeling climate impacts on agriculture and the agro-economy; delivering the 2014 National Climate Assessment; supporting climate preparedness and resilience in the federal government; and building capacity among climate change interpreters in informal education settings. To access the report, visit: http://www.globalchange.gov/browse/reports/our-changing-planet-fy-2015.