NPDES e-Reporting Tools (NeT) 2015 Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) [NeT-MSGP] Now Available
The 2015 MSGP requires operators to electronically submit notices of intent (NOIs), annual reports, notices of termination (NOTs), discharge monitoring reports (DMRs), and no exposure certifications unless the EPA Regional Office has granted the operator an electronic reporting waiver, in which case the operator may mail the paper forms. EPA requires existing dischargers covered under the 2008 MSGP to submit a new NOI for coverage under the 2015 MSGP using NeT-MSGP, instead of the Stormwater eNOI (SWENOI) system used for the 2008 MSGP. Existing dischargers are not required to submit a notice of termination to terminate coverage under the 2008 MSGP. If your facility no longer needs industrial stormwater permit coverage, you do not need to submit an NOI for coverage under the 2015 MSGP. However, you should terminate coverage under the 2008 MSGP electronically using the SWENOI system (if your original NOI was submitted electronically) or by submitting a paper notice of termination form.