Request for nominations for Clean Air Excellence Awards
This notice announces the competition for the 2022 Clean Air Excellence Awards Program. EPA established the Clean Air Excellence Awards Program (CAEAP) in February 2000. The intent of the program is to recognize and honor outstanding, innovative efforts that help to make progress in achieving cleaner air. The CAEAP is open to both public and private entities. Entries are limited to efforts related to air quality in the United States. There are five general award categories: (1) Clean Air Technology; (2) Community Action; (3) Education/Outreach; (4) State/Tribal/Local Air Quality Policy Innovations; and (5) Transportation Efficiency Innovations. There are also two special award categories: (1) Thomas W. Zosel Outstanding Individual Achievement Award; and (2) Gregg Cooke Visionary Program Award. All submissions of entries for the Clean Air Excellence Awards Program must be postmarked by 30 November 2021. Additional information on this awards program, including the entry form, can be found on EPA's Clean Air Act Advisory Committee (CAAAC) website.