
Aug. 31, 2022
Biden Administration Issues E.O. 14057 Implementing Instructions
(Washington, August 31, 2022) Today, the Biden Administration took a major step forward in achieving the goals of President Biden's Federal Sustainability Plan and Executive Order (E.O.) 14057 Catalyzing Clean Energy Industries and Jobs Through Federal Sustainability by issuing E.O. 14057 Implementing Instructions to Federal agencies.

Through President Biden's historic Executive Order 14057 Catalyzing Clean Energy Industries and Jobs Through Federal Sustainability the U.S. Federal Government leads the world by example again – transforming how it builds, buys, and manages to help make America's economy cleaner, more efficient, and more sustainable.

To accomplish these goals, the Federal Government will transform its portfolio of 300,000 buildings, fleet of 600,000 cars and trucks, and annual purchasing power of $650 billion in goods and services to:

·        Achieve 100 percent carbon pollution-free electricity use by 2030, including 50 percent on a 24/7 basis;

·        Achieve 100 percent acquisition of zero-emission vehicles by 2035 for the Federal vehicle fleet, including 100 percent light-duty vehicle acquisition by 2027;

·        Modernize the Federal buildings portfolio to reach net-zero emissions by 2045, including a 50 percent reduction in building emissions by 2032;

·        Make Federal agencies more adaptive and resilient to the impacts of climate change;

·        Increase the sustainability of federal supply chains, achieving net-zero emissions from Federal procurement by 2050;

·        Mainstream sustainability within the Federal workforce;

·        Advance equity and environmental justice; and

·        Collaborate with leading American unions, businesses, States, Tribes, municipalities, and other countries will accelerate progress and catalyze greater climate action at home and abroad. 

 Over the course of the next couple months, the White House and critical enabling partners at DOE and GSA will be engaging with agencies through briefings, workshops, seminars, new tools and other actions to provide support through this transformation. Together, these actions will enable the Federal Government to reduce its emissions by 65 percent by 2030, delivering net-zero emissions from overall Federal operations by 2050.

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