Administration Announces Latest Steps to Reduce Plastic Pollution Nationwide
EPA released the draft "National Strategy to Prevent Plastic Pollution" for public comment, a significant step forward in the Administration's efforts to reduce pollution and build a circular economy for all. EPA's draft strategy includes ambitious actions to eliminate the release of plastic and other waste from land-based sources into the environment by 2040. This is a domestic strategy that identifies strategic objectives and voluntary actions that all U.S. organizations can implement to reduce, reuse, collect, and prevent plastic and other waste from entering the environment.?The actions are not limited to EPA's authority or jurisdiction but are actions where EPA can work collaboratively with entities – non-governmental organizations, governments, tribes, and others – to address plastic pollution. The strategy targets post-consumer materials, especially those items that are expected to make their way through the municipal solid waste stream but are leaked or littered, such as single-use plastics. Additionally, the strategy recognizes the harmful impacts associated with the production, manufacture and transport of plastic products on communities from air and water pollution associated with those processes. The proposed actions under each objective create opportunities for all to reduce the amount of plastic and other pollution in communities, parks, waterways and oceans.