EPA Finalizes Changes to Strengthen Implementation of Toxic Substances Control Act, Improve Chemical Reviews
EPA finalized amendments to the 2018 Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Fees Rule that will strengthen the agency's ability to successfully implement the law in a sustainable way, will improve the efficiency of EPA's chemical reviews, and ensure these reviews result in necessary health and safety protections. The amendments update how EPA will recover authorized costs of the law's implementation and ensure that collected fees provide the Agency with 25% of authorized costs consistent with direction from Congress. The 2016 amendments to TSCA greatly increased EPA's authority and responsibility to protect people and the environment from toxic chemicals. While Congress provided EPA with new authority to collect fees to offset up to 25% of authorized TSCA implementation costs, the 2018 TSCA Fees Rule resulted in collection of less than half of the costs EPA had the authority to collect, adding to implementation challenges caused by insufficient resources.