The TSCA Inventory is a list of all existing chemicals manufactured, processed or imported in the U.S. This biannual update to the public TSCA Inventory is part of EPA's regular posting of non-confidential TSCA Inventory data. This update coincides with the 2024 Chemical Data Reporting?(CDR) cycle submission period beginning 1 June 2024. Manufacturers (including importers) should refer to the latest TSCA Inventory to help them determine what chemicals to report on under the CDR rule. The next regular update of the TSCA Inventory is planned for early 2025. The TSCA Inventory now contains 86,770 chemicals of which 42,377 are active in U.S commerce. Other updates to the TSCA Inventory include updates to commercial activity data and regulatory flags (e.g., significant new use rules). Additional substances continue to be listed with their specific chemical identities after having been moved from the confidential portion of the TSCA Inventory to the public portion as part of EPA's ongoing TSCA confidential business information review efforts. Since the TSCA Inventory was last updated in February 2024, EPA has moved the identities of approximately 133 chemicals to the public portion from the confidential portion.