Allocations of Cross-State Air Pollution Rule Allowances From New Unit Set-Asides for 2018 Control Periods (Draft)
May. 10, 2018
EPA is providing notice of the availability of data on emission allowance allocations to certain units under the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) trading programs. EPA has completed preliminary calculations for the first round of allocations of allowances from the CSAPR new unit set-asides (NUSAs) for the 2018 control periods and has posted spreadsheets containing the calculations on EPA's website. EPA will consider timely objections to the preliminary calculations (including objections concerning the identification of units eligible for allocations) before determining the final amounts of the first-round allocations. Objections to the information referenced in this notice must be received on or before 11 June 2018. POC is Kenon Smith at 202-343-9164 or or Jason Kuhns at 202-564-3236 or (Federal Register; 10 May 2018 [Notices], pages 21772-21773).