The Naval Facilities Command (NAVFAC) is partnering with the REopt analysis team and Electric Vehicle (EV) Tiger Team developed under FEMP direction to plan for 233 EV charging ports and 12 MW of solar photovoltaic (PV) generation. NREL is providing technical assistance to help NAVFAC design a smart charge management approach to align zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) charging with PV generation at Camp Blaz. Currently under construction on the island of Guam, Camp Blaz is scheduled to open in 2027, the same year that E.O. 14057 requires all light-duty vehicle fleet acquisitions to be ZEVs. As the DoD base of the future, Camp Blaz will benefit from a system aligning its ZEV charging with times that up to $150k PV would otherwise be curtailed and wasted annually.
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