Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Webinar for Federal Facilities (Web-based, On-Demand)
This training is designed to allow federal facility personnel and other environmental professionals the opportunity to learn about the SPCC requirements, the inspection process, and common violations. The training will assist federal facilities to maintain and/or improve compliance with SPCC requirements. The objective of this training is to assist federal facilities with the implementation of their SPCC programs designed to prevent oil discharges from impacting navigable waters. The training is targeted for facilities with oil: storage, processing, refining, transferring, and activities or equipment using/consuming oil and oil products. The course will provide an SPCC 101 overview, a "deeper dive" into the SPCC rules, their applicability and requirements (e.g. containment, tank integrity, plan updates, etc.) for federal facility operators and certifying Professional Engineers (PEs). The US EPA SPCC inspection process and expectations will be discussed. An in-depth pictorial review of typical noncompliance found during EPA inspections will be provided.
(See PDF file FED FACILTY Webinar Sept 2023 draft 4 hours)
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