Sustainable Acquisition

    To speed the process of transitioning to more environmental products, the U.S. Department of Energy holds bi-monthly teleconferences on Sustainable Acquisition. The teleconferences are held the fourth Thursday of every odd numbered month: January, March, May, July, September, and November. The purpose of the teleconferences is to help DOE sites implement the Sustainable Acquisition Requirements, in particular the requirements specified by the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act Section 9002, National Energy Policy Act, and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Section 6002.

    We focus each teleconference on a specific area of interest and send out the call in number and agenda a few weeks prior to each teleconference. The agenda and call in number are e-mailed to those on the DOE Sustainable Acquisition contact list. Should you wish to be included on the mailing list, please send your contact information to Shab Fardanesh.

    A few rules for successful teleconferencing:

    • Because we only have a limited number of telephone lines available, all coordinators at one site should participate in the teleconference together on one telephone.
    • Keep your phones and computers on mute unless you are speaking.
    • Announce your name and affiliation before speaking each time.
    • Throughout the teleconference, all participants are encouraged to share their related experience and information.

    After each teleconference, minutes are posted as well as an index to those minutes so you can readily find the minutes with information of interest to you.


For DOE Sustainable Acquisition questions, contact Shab Fardanesh (202-586-7011).

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FedCenter Manager

Last Updated: December 14, 2021