
Final Regs with Future Compliance Dates (by media)

Air Emissions

31 December 2020

  • As of this date, the owner or operator of dry cleaning systems must eliminate any emission of PCE from any dry cleaning system that is located in a building with a residence (40 CFR 63.322(o)(3) through 63.322(o)(5)(i)).

Drinking Water

    Nothing to report at this time.

Hazardous Waste

    Nothing to report at this time.

Lead-Based Paint

    Nothing to report at this time.


    Nothing to report at this time.


    Nothing to report at this time.

Spill Plans

    Nothing to report at this time.

Underground Injection Control (UIC)

    Nothing to report at this time.

Underground Storage Tanks (USTs)

    Nothing to report at this time.


    Nothing to report at this time.