Jul. 14, 2005
The Sikes Act makes the Secretary of each military department responsible for:
- determining whether an Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan (INRMP) is appropriate for each installation (16 USC 670a(1)(b))
- preparing the INRMP in cooperation with the Secretary of the Interior, acting through the Director of the US FWS, and the head of each appropriate state fish and wildlife agency (16 USC 670a(2))
- carrying out the programs required by the Sikes Act to provide (16 USC 670a(3)):
- the conservation and rehabilitation of natural resources on installations;
- the sustainable multipurpose use of the resources on installations, which shall include hunting, fishing, trapping, and nonconsumptive uses; and
- subject to safety requirements and military security, public access to military installations to facilitate the use.
- ensuring, to the extent feasible, that sufficient number of professionally trained natural resources management personnel and natural resources law enforcement personnel are available and assigned responsibility to carry out all of U.S. Code Title 16 - Conservation, including the preparation and implementation of INRMPs (16 USC 670e-2).
Full Text of Act available