Revision of a Nonessential Experimental Population of Black-Footed Ferrets (Mustela nigripes) in the Southwest (Final)
Oct. 5, 2023
USFWS are revising the regulations for the nonessential experimental population of the black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes; ferret) in Arizona. They established the Aubrey Valley Experimental Population Area (AVEPA) in 1996 in accordance with section 10(j) of the ESA. This rule allows the introduction of ferrets across a larger landscape as part of a nonessential experimental population and includes the AVEPA within a larger "Southwest Experimental Population Area" (SWEPA), which includes parts of Arizona and identified contiguous Tribal lands in New Mexico and Utah. This revision provides a framework for establishing and managing reintroduced populations of ferrets that will allow greater management flexibility and increased landowner and manager cooperation. The best available data indicate that additional reintroductions of the ferret into more widely distributed habitat in the SWEPA is feasible and will promote the conservation of the species. This rule is effective 6 November 2023. POC is Heather Whitlaw, Field Supervisor, Phone: 602–242–0210. Direct all questions or requests for additional information to: BLACK-FOOTED FERRET QUESTIONS, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Arizona Ecological Services Office, 9828 North 31st Avenue, Suite C3, Phoenix, AZ 85051. (Federal Register 5 October 2023 [Rule] Pages 69045-69073)