
A software solution provided by the U. S. EPA to facilitate applications for NPDES permits. PASS uses an interview-based process, seamlessly guiding the applicant through the necessary application form(s). Upon completing the interview process, PASS reviews the application for possible errors or omissions and then displays a summary action item checklist. The applicant then prints the finished application and sends it, along with any other required information specified in the action item checklist, to EPA. PASS is accepted in any state where U.S. EPA is the permitting authority (AK, ID, MA, NH, NM, PR, Washington D.C., and all Territories except the U.S. Virgin Islands). In addition Alabama, California, Delaware, Oregon, Hawaii, Montana, Nevada, and Washington will accept applications generated by PASS. Authorized States may require supplemental information and may charge application fees. Check with the authorized state before submitting an application generated by PASS.

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