This site is a unique interactive map, covering 13 US states and 4 Canadian provinces. The map includes: complete coverage of the Northeast's 140 common and unique terrestrial habitats, from the serpentine ridges of the Gaspe Peninsula to the limestone barrens of western Virginia; information on each habitat's ecology, plants and animals, securement level, regional abundance, and predicted loss to development; base maps to explore how the Habitat Map overlays on satellite imagery or topographic maps; and scientifically rigorous datasets, reports, and an interactive web map. The map and data were created by The Nature Conservancy with funding from the Northeast Climate Science Center and The North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative. The map uses a classification system adapted from the U.S. National Vegetation Classification and Canadian Nation Vegetation Classification in consultation with NatureServe and its partners. Mapping methods were developed by The Nature Conservancy's Eastern Conservation Science team, with help from The Nature Conservancy of Canada and the Atlantic Conservation Data Centre.
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