Jun. 29, 2023
EPA seeking applications through the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to bring solar to millions of homes in low-income and disadvantaged communities, funded by the President's Inflation Reduction Act. Residential distributed solar energy will lower energy costs for families, create good-quality jobs in communities that have been left behind, advance environmental justice, and tackle the climate crisis. The Solar for All competition, which was created by the Inflation Reduction Act's Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF), will expand the number of low-income and disadvantaged communities primed for residential solar investment by awarding up to 60 grants to states, territories, Tribal governments, municipalities, and eligible nonprofits to create and expand low-income solar programs that provide financing and technical assistance, such as workforce development, to enable low-income and disadvantaged communities to deploy and benefit from residential solar. The deadline to apply to this competitive grant competition is 26 September 2023. Eligible applicants to Solar for All include states, territories, Tribal governments, municipalities, and eligible nonprofit recipients.
Jul. 17, 2023
EPA announced the launch of two Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFOs) for $20 billion across two grant competitions under the historic $27 billion Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, an Inflation Reduction Act program central to President Biden's Investing in America Agenda and environmental justice goals. The $14 billion National Clean Investment Fund will provide grants to support two-to-three national clean financing institutions, enabling them to partner with the private sector to provide accessible, affordable financing for tens of thousands of clean technology projects nationwide. The $6 billion Clean Communities Investment Accelerator will provide grants to support up to seven hub nonprofit organizations, enabling them to provide funding and technical assistance to public, quasi-public, not-for-profit, and non-profit community lenders working in communities with environmental justice concerns--supporting the goal that every community in the country has access to the resources they need to fund clean technology projects. Please find the National Clean Investment Fund NOFO here and the Clean Communities Investment Accelerator NOFO here.
Feb. 27, 2023
EPA announced over $2.4 billion from President Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for states, Tribes, and territories through this year's Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF). The funding will support communities in upgrading essential water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure that protects public health and treasured water bodies across the nation. Nearly half of this funding will be available as grants or principal forgiveness loans helping underserved communities across America invest in water infrastructure, while creating good-paying jobs. The $2.4 billion is the second wave of funding made possible by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and builds on the Biden-Harris Administration's commitment to invest in America. In May 2022, EPA announced the initial allotment of $1.9 billion from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to states, Tribes and territories through the CWSRF. That money is supporting hundreds of critical water infrastructure projects around the country.
Mar. 19, 2024
Environmental Protection Agency announced the availability of nearly $24 million in grants to support states, U.S. territories, and Tribes in providing technical assistance to businesses to develop and adopt pollution prevention practices. The funding is available through two Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs) for EPA's Pollution Prevention program, with approximately $14 million in grants available at no cost share/match requirement, thanks to funding made possible by President Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
Dec. 22, 2023
The Administration announced $600 million for 11 selected Grantmakers under EPA's Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking program, created by President Biden's Inflation Reduction Act, the largest investment in climate action in history. This new grant program, which will make it easier for small community-based organizations to access federal environmental justice funding, responds to community feedback about the need to reduce barriers to federal funds and improve the efficiency of the awards process to ensure communities that have long faced underinvestment can access the benefits of the largest climate investment in history. Communities will be able to apply to a Grantmaker for a subgrant to fund a range of different environmental project activities, including (but not limited to) small local clean ups, local emergency preparedness and disaster resiliency programs, environmental workforce development programs for local jobs reducing greenhouse gas emissions, fenceline air quality and asthma related projects, healthy homes programs, and projects addressing illegal dumping.
Sep. 18, 2023
EPA announced $19 million in new grant funding that will work to improve the climate resilience of the nation's water infrastructure. EPA's Drinking Water System Infrastructure Resilience and Sustainability grant program will support drinking water systems in underserved, small and disadvantaged communities that are working to prepare for and reduce vulnerability to impacts from climate change ranging from extreme flooding to extreme drought.
Sep. 23, 2015
EPA's Brownfields Program provides grants and technical assistance to communities, states, tribes and others to assess, safely clean up and sustainably reuse contaminated properties. To learn about EPA's broader efforts to put previously contaminated properties back into productive use, read about our Land Revitalization Program
Nov. 9, 2023
DOE's Building Technologies Office (BTO) announced its Building Energy Efficiency Frontiers & Innovation Technologies (BENEFIT) 2024 funding opportunity (DE-FOA-0003158). This funding opportunity will invest up to $30 million across nine topic areas to research, develop, and validate technologies with the potential to significantly advance building decarbonization. Since its inception in 2014, BTO has issued the BENEFIT funding opportunity announcement (FOA) to spur innovations that provide substantial improvements to building energy performance and occupant comfort. Technologies developed through BENEFIT 2024 will advance the state-of-the-art for HVAC equipment, lower the cost of building envelope and lighting retrofits, and make buildings more resilient to blackouts and extreme weather. Equitable decarbonization of the U.S. building stock is central to each topic in the BENEFIT 2024 FOA, emphasizing cost-effective, easy-to-deploy technology solutions, and community-oriented project partnerships.
Jun. 15, 2023
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Environmental Health Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program announced a new Notice of Funding Opportunity, Supporting Communities to Reduce Lead Poisoning (CDC-RFA-EH-23-005). Applications are due by July 31, 2023. The new 3-year, community-based cooperative agreement will fund approximately 10 local organizations for a period of performance from September 1, 2023, to August 31, 2026. Through this cooperative agreement, funded applicants will help families avoid the dangers of lead in their homes through community engagement, prevention education, and family support. An informational call for the new funding opportunity will take place June 14, 2023, 2:00-3:00PM ET.
Sep. 24, 2015
This site provides access to descriptions of DOE's current grants/funding opportunities.
Sep. 13, 2023
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced $19 million in new grant funding that will work to improve the climate resilience of the nation's water infrastructure. The funding available under this competitive grant opportunity will assist public water systems in underserved communities, small or disadvantaged, that are working to prepare for and reduce vulnerability to impacts from climate change ranging from extreme flooding to extreme drought.
Sep. 23, 2021
EJ4Climate is a grant program promoting community-level innovation and climate adaptation. EJ4Climate is organized by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation which was founded on an agreement between the Government of Canada, the Government of the United Mexican States & the Government of the United States of America.
Nov. 14, 2024
EPA has selected 11 Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmakers (i.e., Grantmakers) that will receive $600 million to serve as pass-through entities nationwide through the Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program (EJ TCGM) cooperative agreements. The Grantmakers will provide subgrants to community-based nonprofits and other eligible subrecipients for assessment, planning, and project development activities. Grantmakers will alleviate much of the burden that the federal grants process places on small, resource-constrained community-based organizations supporting underserved communities and marginalized populations.
Jan. 11, 2023
EPA's EJ Collaborative Problem-Solving Cooperative Agreement Program provides funding for eligible applicants for projects that address local environmental and public health issues within an affected community. The EJCPS Program assists recipients in building collaborative partnerships to help them understand and address environmental and public health concerns in their communities
Jun. 24, 2021
EPA is now accepting applications for a total of $9 million in grants to fund about 24 Great Lakes Restoration Initiative projects to address stormwater runoff pollution from land into water bodies. The funding is made possible by the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.
Dec. 16, 2021
The EPA announced $14.1 million in EJ grant funding for 133 grants selected through the Environmental Justice Small Grants (EJSG) and Collaborative Problem-Solving Cooperative Agreement (EJCPS) programs. Ninety-nine EJ Small Grant recipients have been selected to receive up to $75,000 each, and 34 EJCPS grant recipients have been selected to receive up to $200,000 each, following successful completion of the award process. These ninety-nine projects cover a wide array of environmental justice issues including the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, air monitoring, indoor/outdoor air quality, food access, community planning, water treatment training, community agriculture, green jobs and infrastructure, emergency preparedness and planning, toxic exposures, water quality, and healthy homes projects.
Feb. 16, 2022
EPA announced approximately $23 million in two P2 grant funding opportunities for states and tribes, including almost $14 million provided by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law with no cost share/match requirement. EPA encourages applicants to address environmental justice (EJ) and/or climate pollution in their project(s). Eligible applicants include states, state entities such as universities, U.S. territories and possessions, and federally recognized tribes and intertribal consortia.
Jul. 21, 2023
EPA is hosting three informational webinars on the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) expected to be issued under the Inflation Reduction Act's Environmental and Climate Justice (ECJ) Grant Program in 2023. These webinars will provide information on the NOFO and the ECJ Grant Program including who is eligible for the grants, eligible projects, and more. The Agency is seeking public input on the NOFO during the webinars and hopes to hear ideas on potential projects and the types of resources applicants may need.?These webinars are intended for potential applicants and other interested parties.
Apr. 10, 2024
Join the EPA on April 11, 2024, (2:00 -3:30 PM (Eastern)) for a webinar on the availability of nearly $24 million in grants to support states, U.S. territories and Tribes in providing technical assistance to businesses to develop and adopt pollution prevention (P2) practices. The webinar will review information about two Notices of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs) for EPA's P2 program and the grant application process to help potential applicants submit a high-quality application to EPA for consideration. Time will be provided during the webinars for questions from participants.
Mar. 19, 2024
The Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG) program provides $5 billion in grants to states, local governments, tribes, and territories to develop and implement ambitious plans for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other harmful air pollution. Authorized under Section 60114 of the Inflation Reduction Act, this two-phase program provides $250 million for noncompetitive planning grants, and approximately $4.6 billion for competitive implementation grants.
Dec. 30, 2020
EPA's online database of land, air, and water information. This new Clearinghouse catalogues available funding, financing, and instructional resources to aid communities in their efforts to improve environmental conditions.
Nov. 29, 2021
The Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration grant program seeks to develop community capacity to sustain local natural resources for future generations by providing financial assistance to diverse local partnerships focused on improving water quality, watersheds and the species and habitats they support. Projects include a variety of ecological improvements along with targeted community outreach, education and stewardship. Projects should increase access to the benefits of nature, reduce the impact of environmental hazards and engage local communities, particularly underserved communities, in project planning, outreach and implementation. It is expected that more than half of projects awarded will support underserved communities.
Nov. 14, 2023
EPA has announced the selection of 24 recipients that will receive nearly $16 million in P2 grants made possible by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law's historic $100 million program investment. The selections are for two grant programs. One grant program will provide P2 businesses with technical assistance to improve health and the environment in disadvantaged communities. A second grant program will assist empower businesses to increase the supply, demand, and use of safer and more sustainable products.
Jul. 22, 2024
EPA's new Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants program (Community Change Grants) has announced a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for approximately $2 billion dollars in Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) funds in environmental and climate justice activities to benefit disadvantaged communities through projects that reduce pollution, increase community climate resilience, and build community capacity to address environmental and climate justice challenges. These place-based investments will be focused on community-driven initiatives to be responsive to community and stakeholder input. They are designed to deliver on the transformative potential of the IRA for communities most adversely and disproportionately impacted by climate change, legacy pollution, and historical disinvestments.
Mar. 21, 2023
Join EPA for one of the four webinars to learn more about two new grant opportunities to advance environmental justice in underserved communities. These grants are a critical component of the Administration's Justice40 Initiative which aims to deliver 40% of the overall benefits of climate, clean energy and other investments to disadvantaged communities. Individual grant awards may range from $100,000 to $800,000 for the funding period, or up to $1.2 million for multi-state or multi-Tribal projects. The webinars will provide information on the P2 grant programs, the application process and the P2 Grant Partner Connection List, a new resource to help facilitate partnerships among potential applicants and P2 stakeholders including community organizations. A question and answer session and Spanish interpretation will be provided for each webinar.
Mar. 4, 2024
The Department of Defense's National Defense Center for Energy and Environment (NDCEE) is excited to announce the opening of proposals for demonstrations of environmental, safety, occupational health, and energy technologies from March 1st to April 1st. They welcome submissions from all DoD Services, inviting innovative technologies, processes, and strategies that enhance energy security, Warfighter protection, military operations efficiency, or reduce environmental impacts. NDCEE wants your help shaping the future of defense through initiatives that bolster national security, safeguard our planet, and contribute to a more robust, greener, and secure tomorrow.
Mar. 18, 2021
The DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy announced its intent to issue three sustainable transportation technologies funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) in Spring 2021. These potential funding opportunities seek innovative research, development, demonstration, and deployment (RDD&D) in the pursuit of technologies that will help reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across the transportation sector, the highest source of emissions in the United States.
Sep. 24, 2015
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection offers a wide variety of funding opportunities for local governments and other types of organizations to fund numerous environmentally based projects. The individual descriptions of the funding available provide a summary of the programs, eligible entities, application procedure and deadlines, and contact information as well as links to the applications (where available) and other pertinent information.
Sep. 24, 2015
Competitive grants for environmental protection and improvement are available for municipalities, community organizations, not-for-profit organizations and others. For more information about specific eligibility requirements, enrollment periods, eligible activities, and FAQs see the website.
Oct. 7, 2024
The Rooting Resilience Program will provide funding and technical assistance to community-based projects that build resilience and enhance communities' abilities to plan and carry out forestry projects. This opportunity is available for projects located in federally designated disadvantaged communities, including urban, suburban, and rural communities in the United States and its territories. Special priority will be given to community-led groups that are seeking federal funding for the first time. Funding for this project is provided by the Inflation Reduction Act and the USDA Forest Service, Urban and Community Forestry Program. USDA and River Network are equal opportunity providers and employers.
May. 26, 2021
Program will close on 1 June 2021.Approximately 100 projects under the EJSG program for up to $75,000 for one-year projects and 46 EJCPS projects for up to $200,000 for two-year projects can potentially be awarded nationwide. Potential additional funding is specifically targeted for additional air quality and safe drinking water workforce training projects and will be added to the approximately $6 million of EJ funding detailed in the original funding announcements. Applicants interested in either funding opportunity must submit grant proposal packages by 1 June 2021 to be considered for the available funding. Applicants should plan for projects to begin on 1 October 2021.
Sep. 15, 2023
DOE announced more than $6.3 million for six research and development projects to improve fish passage and protection technologies and reduce the environmental impacts of hydropower on species and ecosystems. Fish passage and protection technologies provide a way for fish to navigate barriers such as dams and impoundments and provide river connectivity by enabling fish movement and migrations. These selections support an increasingly important role for hydropower in providing grid reliability as the United States transitions to a clean energy system with more variable resources like wind and solar. These projects were selected as part of the Water Power Technologies Office's Advancing Fish Passage and Protection Technologies funding opportunity. Learn more about this and other water power funding opportunities.