
High Performance Buildings

Sep. 20, 2024
The Department of Defense's (DoD) Energy and Environment Innovation Symposium is the nation's largest conference focusing on the DoD's priority environmental and energy issues. The Symposium will offer a variety of technical sessions and short courses, over 650 technical poster presentations, and networking opportunities at the Washington Hilton in Washington, DC from December 3-6, 2024.
Jun. 7, 2024
DOE announced a National Definition of a Zero Emissions Building to advance public and private sector efforts to decarbonize the buildings sector, which is responsible for more than one-third of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. The definition is intended to provide industry guidance to support new and existing commercial and residential buildings to move towards zero emissions across the entire sector and help the nation achieve President's ambitious climate goals, while cutting home and business energy costs. A standardized definition for zero emissions buildings will help advance next-generation clean energy solutions, drive innovation, and tackle the climate crisis, while supporting workforce development.
Apr. 30, 2024
FEMP plays a key role in helping agencies understand and meet the federal building energy efficiency standards for agencies' new construction and major renovation projects. These standards include base building efficiency as defined in the CFR by subpart A of 10 CFR 433 and 10 CFR 435, commonly referred to as the "residential" and "commercial" rules, respectively. This also includes the Clean Energy Rule for qualifying projects as defined by subpart B of 10 CFR 433 and 10 CFR 435. The Clean Energy Rule supplements both the base commercial and residential rules, transitioning new buildings and major renovations away from on-site fossil fuel derived energy consumption. Projects meeting the cost thresholds that trigger compliance with the Clean Energy Rule must also comply with both subparts A and B of the energy efficiency standards by first designing an efficient building (per subpart A) and then optimizing the design to reduce or eliminate on-site fossil fuel usage (per subpart B).
Apr. 25, 2024
In 2021, as part the administrations climate agenda the President charged the Federal Government to lead by example by using its scale and procurement power to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. Through Executive Order (E.O.) 14057, Catalyzing Clean Energy Industries and Jobs Through Federal Sustainability, and President's Federal Sustainability Plan, the Federal Government will achieve a net-zero emissions building portfolio from its 300,000 Federal buildings by 2045, including a 50 percent emissions reduction by 2032. To accelerate this transition, the White House Council on Environmental Quality's Office of the Federal Chief Sustainability Officer developed a report highlighting proven and replicable net-zero strategies and best practices undertaken by Federal agencies over the past two years. These leading actions demonstrate how agencies are meeting the President's ambitious Federal sustainability goals while saving taxpayer money, creating good-paying jobs, and making communities healthier and more resilient.
Apr. 3, 2024
The Decarbonizing the U.S. Economy by 2050: A National Blueprint for the Buildings Sector, is a comprehensive plan to reduce GHG emissions from buildings by 65% by 2035 and 90% by 2050. DOE led the Blueprint's development in collaboration with the HUD, the EPA, and other federal agencies. The Blueprint is the first sector-wide strategy for building decarbonization developed by the federal government.
Jan. 18, 2024
Funding from Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Supports Energy Conservation Measures at 31 Facilities, Saving Taxpayers $29 Million in the First Year and Drastically Reducing the Federal Carbon Footprint. DOE announced $104 million for energy conservation and clean energy projects at 31 Federal facilities--the latest step in President Biden's strategy to reestablish the Federal Government as a sustainability leader. The funding represents the first of three disbursements from the historic $250 million in funding for the program in President's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
Jan. 12, 2024
The White House Office of Domestic Climate Policy (Climate Policy Office), through the U.S. Department of Energy, seeks to create a standardized, verifiable basis for defining a zero emissions building. A broadly accepted common minimum definition for a zero emissions building, as well as a pathway for verification, is foundational to efforts by public and private entities to transition the building sector to zero emissions. The definition may serve as a framework that users can achieve through multiple pathways to influence the design and operation of buildings to substantially reduce building sector emissions.
Jan. 12, 2024
This letter summarizes the recommendations of the Green Building Advisory Committee (the Committee), based on the third phase of work of its Federal Building Decarbonization Task Group (FBDTG).
Jan. 12, 2024
GSA's Green Proving Ground and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) published LED lighting and controls guidance for Federal buildings. This guidance is in support of the BRIGHT Act. The material explains the decision flow chart, as well as the many elements for Federal agencies to take into consideration when selecting the most cost-effective and energy-efficient lighting systems available.
Nov. 27, 2023
Based upon benchmark measurements of operating data centers and input from practicing designers and operators, the Design Guidelines are intended to provide a set of efficient baseline design approaches for data center systems. This guide was produced by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E).
Nov. 7, 2023
This interactive training will educate learners about energy management best practices including the value of setting goals, developing a plan, identifying milestones, and documenting the tasks associated with those goals and milestones. During the training, you will discover why it's important to identify key stakeholders and core team members for each project or task and to get their support and buy-in.
Nov. 7, 2023
The slide deck provides an overview of GSA's Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center's (RRBITC) National Deep Energy Retrofit (NDER) ESPC project. The presentation provides project details, the various ECMs and how the project will meet its goals of electrification and decarbonization.
Sep. 21, 2023
The goal of these reports is to provide a guide to a private sector-led, industry-wide decarbonization effort that is deeper and faster than it would otherwise be and that directly benefits fenceline communities by emphasizing environmental justice and the creation of good jobs. Key highlights from the reports: 1) The pressing need for deep decarbonization in carbon-intensive industrial sectors. 2) Current U.S. industrial strategies risk falling behind net-zero targets. 3) Potential pathways for industries to remain on track with decarbonization targets. 4) A call to action for significant capital investment and robust technological adaptation across sectors. The release of these reports underscores the DOE's commitment to providing actionable insights and strategies to drive the U.S. towards a more sustainable industrial future.
Sep. 8, 2023
GSA has reported progress toward key sustainability goals in recent years across its buildings portfolio. In this report GSA's aggregated buildings portfolio data show it exceeded prior goals for energy efficiency, water efficiency, emissions reduction, and renewable electricity share in fiscal year 2021, however GSA officials cited lack of access to capital as a challenge it faces in meeting future federal sustainability goals. GSA officials said the scale and scope of the projects needed to achieve net-zero building emissions by 2045 will require resources beyond what has historically been available.
Jun. 15, 2023
The U.S. EPA has published a collection of case studies, titled, Off-site stormwater management case studies, featuring Delaware DOT, Washington, DC, Grand Rapids, MI, and St. Paul, MN. The multiple benefits of green infrastructure are most significant when nature-based solutions are installed throughout a community. Off-site stormwater management can provide options for operators of development and redevelopment projects to meet post-construction stormwater performance standards outside the right-of-way or limit of the area of development in some circumstances. This flexibility can facilitate achieving additional environmental and planning goals in the community, such as implementation of green infrastructure in areas not undergoing development. EPA recently developed these off-site stormwater management case studies to provide examples of a range of strategies used by local and state governments.
Jun. 15, 2023
Recordings of the lower carbon construction materials webinars are now available on the EPA website. The webinars covered topics related to new programs made possible by a $350 million investment from the Inflation Reduction Act such as a new carbon labelling program for construction materials and products, how to improve data on embodied greenhouse gas emissions and new programs to help businesses calculate and report these emissions.
Mar. 1, 2023
This edition highlights proactively considering the environment and acting accordingly, in support of Environmental Operating Principle #2. Content includes commentary from Mr. Edward Belk, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Director of Civil Works, sharing how the Civil Works mission is being advanced through environmental considerations and partnerships. This issue also features initiatives from across the Army environmental community that proactively consider the environment to shape a sustainable future for current and future generations.
Dec. 21, 2022
This free web-based energy modeling tool Sketchbox™ enables organizations to conduct energy analysis for new construction and major retrofits of commercial buildings. The tool allows for early energy simulation to inform building design and improve building performance without adding cost.
Dec. 8, 2022
The Administration announced the first-ever Federal Building Performance Standard, setting an ambitious goal to cut energy use and electrify equipment and appliances in 30 percent of the building space owned by the Federal government by 2030. This action is the latest step forward in pursuit of President Biden's goal of achieving net-zero emissions in all Federal buildings by 2045. Federal Building Performance Standard requires agencies to cut energy use and electrify equipment and appliances to achieve zero scope 1 emissions in 30 percent of their buildings by square footage by 2030. To reach that mark, agencies will be buying American-made products such as heat pumps, electric water heaters, and other energy efficiency and building system technologies supported by the Inflation Reduction Act.
Dec. 8, 2022
The goal of the Federal BPS is to eliminate scope 1 emissions from standard building operations for applicable facilities. The Federal BPS supports multiple goals and requirements of E.O. 14057, including reducing agency scope 1 GHG emissions (Sec. 202); achieving net-zero emissions across each agency's portfolio of buildings, campuses, and installations by 2045 (Sec. 205); and reducing facility GHG emissions by 50 percent by 2032, prioritizing improvement of energy efficiency and elimination of on-site fossil fuel use (Sec. 205). The Federal BPS provides guidance on deep energy retrofits and strategic equipment replacement in existing buildings, campuses, and installations to meet emission and energy reduction goals.
Dec. 2, 2022
The November 2022 edition of The Corps Environment is now available and can be accessed online at: https://www.dvidshub.net/publication/issues/65712. This edition highlights providing environmental and economic benefits, in support of Environmental Operating Principle #3. Content includes commentary from Col. Matthew F. Kelly, commander of U.S. Army Environmental Command (USAEC), sharing his impressions after taking command and his focus on building upon USAEC's legacy. This issue also features initiatives from across the Army environmental community that are providing enduring environmental benefits around the globe.
Oct. 4, 2022
Federal agencies have discovered many effective practices to make their buildings sustainable. Many share policies, strategies, case studies and tools through the Interagency Sustainability Working Group (ISWG). This website provides a repository for casestudies of specific practices and projects that agencies have actually employed.
Oct. 4, 2022
Federal agencies have discovered many effective practices to make their buildings sustainable. Many share policies, strategies, case studies and tools through the Interagency Sustainability Working Group (ISWG). This website provides a repository for broad policies and strategies covering the whole government or entire agencies, services or bureaus, which set the context for achievements in Federal high-performance buildings.
Oct. 4, 2022
Federal agencies have discovered many effective practices to make their buildings sustainable. Many share policies, strategies, case studies and tools through the Interagency Sustainability Working Group (ISWG). This website covers and links to systems, methods, databases, calculators, checklists, etc. designed to help Federal officials and their partners achieve their high-performance building goals.
Sep. 21, 2022
Energy & Environmental Building Alliance (EEBA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced the winners of its 2022 Housing Innovation Awards, the highest honor builders can receive for constructing Zero Energy Ready Homes. These high-performance homes are so energy efficient--often 40 to 50% more efficient than typical new homes--that they can offset most or all the energy they consume with a renewable energy system. The Housing Innovation Awards recognize top builders of homes certified to DOE's Zero Energy Ready Home (ZERH) specifications, which set the federal government's highest bar for energy and environmental performance in new residential construction. This year's awards featured 26 homes across 18 states.
Aug. 31, 2022
(Washington, August 31, 2022) Today, the Biden Administration took a major step forward in achieving the goals of President Biden's Federal Sustainability Plan and Executive Order (E.O.) 14057 Catalyzing Clean Energy Industries and Jobs Through Federal Sustainability by issuing E.O. 14057 Implementing Instructions to Federal agencies.

Through President Biden's historic Executive Order 14057 Catalyzing Clean Energy Industries and Jobs Through Federal Sustainability the U.S. Federal Government leads the world by example again – transforming how it builds, buys, and manages to help make America's economy cleaner, more efficient, and more sustainable.

Aug. 31, 2022
The August 2022 edition of The Corps Environment is now available and can be accessed online at: https://www.dvidshub.net/publication/issues/64976. This edition highlights employing an open and transparent process, in support of Environmental Operating Principle #7. Content within this issue recognizes our U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) environmental and sustainability champions and features initiatives from across the Army environmental community that are providing environmental benefits across the globe.
Jun. 8, 2022
The Biden-Harris Administration is authorizing the use of the Defense Production Act (DPA) to accelerate domestic production of clean energy technologies. Specifically, the President is authorizing the Department of Energy to use the DPA to rapidly expand American manufacturing of five critical clean energy technologies: Solar panel parts like photovoltaic modules and module components; Building insulation; Heat pumps, which heat and cool buildings super efficiently; Equipment for making and using clean electricity-generated fuels, including electrolyzers, fuel cells, and related platinum group metals; and Critical power grid infrastructure like transformers.
May. 23, 2022
GSA's Green Building Advisory Committee is a group of private and public sector experts which advises the Office of Federal High-Performance Green Buildings on how best to achieve the transition to sustainable federal buildings. The Committee recently approved two new Advice Letters on: Environmental Justice & Equity in Federal Sustainable Buildings, and Federal Building Decarbonization.
May. 23, 2022
This edition highlights protecting and preserving our environment, in support of Environmental Operating Principle #4. Content includes commentary from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Environmental Community of Practice leadership, discussing how our actions are directly connected to the environment and shaping a sustainable future. This issue also features initiatives from across the Army environmental community that are protecting and preserving our environment for current and future generations.
Included in this issue:
– U.S. Army Environmental Command highlights the recipients of the Secretary of the Army and Secretary of Defense environmental awards.
– USACE Honolulu District shares how they removed thousands of unexploded ordnances in Saipan.
– USACE St. Paul District discusses progress being made under the Upper Mississippi River Restoration program.
– USACE Charleston District highlights a day in the life of a USACE regulatory project manager.
– U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center shares how they are working to address energy and water resiliency.
– USACE Far East District discusses how their stormwater pollution prevention measures are keeping waterways clean.
May. 18, 2022
This DOE Building Technologies Office slide deck provides guidance and strategies for federal buildings to decarbonize to help agencies meet the targets established in E.O 14057.
May. 17, 2022
The AIA-CLF Embodied Carbon Toolkit for Architects serves to provide architects with an overview and the necessary steps to be taken to reduce embodied carbon in their projects. This website provides a quick overview of available tools for architects, engineers, and consultants to evaluate the environmental impacts of buildings and building materials using life cycle assessment. Some of these tools conduct whole building LCA (evaluation of a full building or systems) while others are calculators that focus on individual materials or assemblies.
May. 17, 2022
This presentation discusses GSA's new embodied carbon reduction measure at federal facilities.
May. 13, 2022
This presentation provides an overview of the updates in 10 CFR 433 (Baseline Energy Efficiency Standards Update for New Federal Commercial and Multi-Family High-Rise Residential Buildings) and 10 CFR 435 (Energy Efficiency Standards for the Design and Construction of New Federal Low-Rise Residential Buildings Baseline Standards Update).
Apr. 18, 2022
The DOE Building Technologies Office (BTO) has issued a request for information from the public that will inform the program development and execution of Section 40511 of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. This provision makes $225 million available to states, local governments, and partnerships through grants to help them drive the cost-effective implementation of building energy codes for improved efficiency and resilience. The positive impacts from the advancement and effective implementation of energy codes and related building energy policies in states and localities throughout the United States are significant. Model energy codes are projected to deliver $138 billion energy cost savings, 900 MMT of avoided CO2 emissions and 13.5 quads of energy in cumulative benefits to residents across the country from 2010 to 2040. Funding provided through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will help ensure the benefits of energy codes and adjacent building energy policies are realized by American homes and businesses.
Apr. 7, 2022
The DOE is publishing this final rule to implement provisions in the Energy Conservation and Production Act (ECPA) that require DOE to update the baseline Federal energy efficiency performance standards for the construction of new Federal commercial and multi-family high-rise residential buildings. This rule updates the baseline Federal commercial standard to the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Standard 90.1-2019. This rule is effective 6 June 2022. POC is Nicolas Baker, DOE, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, FEMP, Mailstop EE-5F, 1000 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20585, (202) 586-8215, Email: nicolas.baker@ee.doe.gov. (Federal Register 7 April 2022 [Rule] Pages 20267-20295)
Mar. 18, 2022
As part of President Biden's National COVID-19 Preparedness Plan, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is releasing the "Clean Air in Buildings Challenge," a call to action and a concise set of guiding principles and actions to assist building owners and operators with reducing risks from airborne viruses and other contaminants indoors. The Clean Air in Buildings Challenge highlights a range of recommendations and resources available to assist with improving ventilation and indoor air quality, which can help to better protect the health of building occupants and reduce the risk of COVID-19 spread.
Mar. 16, 2022
REMINDER: Registration to attend the 2022 Federal Environmental Symposium is now open! Federal employees and sponsored contractors are invited to attend the Symposium, hosted by NIH as a virtual event on March 28-31, 2022. The theme of this year's event is "Mission, Environment and Our Community". The event is FREE and registration will end Friday, March 18, 2022, so mark your calendar and register now. For more information, please see the Symposium website at https://www.fedcenter.gov/fes2022.
Mar. 2, 2022
This edition highlights fostering sustainability as a way of life, in support of Environmental Operating Principle #1. Content includes commentary from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Director of Military Programs, Dr. Christine Altendorf, and USACE Director of Civil Works, Mr. Al Lee, discussing our collective climate change adaption and mitigation efforts. This issue also features initiatives from across the Army environmental community that are helping to shape a sustainable environment for current and future generations.

Content includes:

  • USACE Charleston District shares how they are restoring prime nesting grounds for shorebirds and seabirds using dredged material.
  • USACE Alaska District discusses how they are promoting sustainable construction practices on the Last Frontier.
  • U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center highlights how their ongoing partnership is working to re-establish Gulf oyster habitat.
  • USACE New York District shares how construction of the West Point Elementary School is supporting STEAM education for students.
  • U.S. Army Environmental Command discusses how a project seeks to treat contaminated groundwater using a novel bioaugmented adsorption treatment system.
The February 2022 issue can be found here.
Jan. 10, 2022
ABSTRACT SUBMITTAL DEADLINE EXTENDED TO FRIDAY JAN. 14th:The Federal sustainability community is cordially invited to attend the 2022 Federal Environmental Symposium, March 28-31, 2022. This year's theme is Mission, Environment, and Our Communities, and will be conducted via webinar-format only. The four day event will focus on Federal sustainability initiatives over the past year while encouraging partnerships, sharing of information, and best practices amongst Federal facilities. The event schedule, registration instructions, call for presentation abstracts (now open until Friday, January 14th), and continuous updates to the event can be found on the Symposium website.
Dec. 29, 2021
WASHINGTON (Dec. 28, 2021) -- In 2021, under the new leadership of the Biden-Harris Administration and Administrator Michael S. Regan, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency took significant steps forward in tackling the climate crisis, advancing environmental justice, protecting the health and safety of communities across the country, and restoring scientific integrity.
Dec. 16, 2021
The DOE announced $13 million in funding for 17 projects to implement energy and water efficiency, renewable energy, and climate resilience technologies at federal facilities across the country. These projects will lower energy costs and enhance resilience to climate events of all federal energy-management systems. The projects will use energy performance contracts at no additional up-front cost to the government and will lower energy and water utility bills by more than $30 million annually while reducing greenhouse gas emissions by over 200,000 metric tons. As the single largest energy consumer in the nation, reducing the carbon footprint of the federal government is critical to achieving President Biden's goal of a net zero-emission economy by 2050.
Dec. 13, 2021
Catalyzing Clean Energy Industries and Jobs Through Federal Sustainability
December 8, 2021
President Biden has signed an Executive Order that demonstrates how the United States will leverage its scale and procurement power to lead by example in tackling the climate crisis. The executive order will reduce emissions across federal operations, invest in American clean energy industries and manufacturing, and create clean, healthy, and resilient communities.
Dec. 9, 2021
(12/08/2021) President Biden has signed an executive order that demonstrates how the United States will leverage its scale and procurement power to lead by example in tackling the climate crisis. The executive order will reduce emissions across federal operations, invest in American clean energy industries and manufacturing, and create clean, healthy, and resilient communities. The President is building on his whole-of-government effort to tackle the climate crisis in a way that creates well-paying jobs, grows industries, and makes the country more economically competitive.
Aug. 27, 2021
This website contains guidance and tools to help facility managers implement the ISO 50001-based energy management system.
Apr. 26, 2021
The CLASIC tool is a screening tool utilizing a lifecycle cost framework to support stormwater infrastructure decisions on extent and combinations of green, hybrid green-gray and gray infrastructure practices. Users can create scenarios of stormwater control measures including climate and land use projections to assess lifecycle costs, performance, and co-benefits associated with those scenarios.
Apr. 14, 2021
Register now for the U.S. Department of Energy's annual Better Buildings, Better Plants Summit taking place May 17-20, 2021. This engaging, interactive virtual symposium brings together energy, finance, and sustainability professionals in the commercial, public, industrial, and residential building sectors. Industry leaders who partner with DOE will share their insights, expertise, and approaches for achieving organizational goals around energy efficiency, resilience, workforce development, low-carbon targets, and more.
Feb. 1, 2021
Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad
January 27, 2021
The EO has three overarching objectives 1) promote safe global temperature, 2) increase climate resilience, and 3) support financial a pathway toward low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development. The EO reinstates the Presidential Memorandum of September 21, 2016 (Climate Change and National Security), establishes the Climate Policy Office within the Executive Office of the President and establishes a National Climate Task Force. In addition, the EO aims to use Federal procurement to support robust climate action including a carbon pollution-free electricity sector, no later than 2035 and clean and zero-emission vehicles for Federal, State, local, and Tribal government fleets.
Jan. 4, 2021
Dated December 2020, this document updates and replaces the February 2016 Guiding Principles along with the Guidance for Federal Agencies on Sustainable Practices for Designed Landscapes (Dated October 2011) and the Implementing Instructions-Sustainable Locations for Federal Facilities (Dated September 2011). The six Guiding Principles for sustainable Federal buildings incorporated into this Guidance were developed based on fundamental sustainable design practices and reflect progress in building design, construction, and operation best practices as well as ensuring efficient operations; protecting occupant health, wellness, and productivity; and promoting resilient buildings.
Jul. 22, 2020
The Advisory Committee provides independent policy advice and recommendations to GSA's Office of Federal High-Performance Buildings, as required by the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA), to advance federal building innovations in planning, design, and operations to reduce costs, enable agency missions, enhance human health and performance, and minimize environmental impacts.
Jul. 1, 2020
Earlier this month, more than 2,000 people attended this year's Virtual Leadership Symposium. Leaders from across the U.S. shared their expertise, insight, and experience as they engaged with attendees on topics including workforce development, healthy buildings, project financing, resilience, and more. View your favorite sessions from the 2020 Summit – or check out one you may have missed. Each recording is accompanied by a downloadable slide deck and transcript.
Apr. 9, 2020
This webinar series, hosted by EPA's Indoor Environments Division, features presentations on a variety of scientific and technical issues related to indoor air quality delivered by widely-recognized experts.
Feb. 27, 2020
The eighth annual Building Technologies Office (BTO) Peer Review encompasses many of BTO's active research, development, validation, and systems integration projects. Independent experts will assess the progress and contributions of projects and portfolio activities toward BTO's mission and goals. These assessments will be used to enhance the management of existing efforts, gauge the effectiveness of projects, and design future programs. The meeting will also provide an opportunity to promote collaborations and partnerships. Out of an abundance of caution, the U.S. Department of Energy is postponing the Building Technologies Office's 2020 Peer Review (May 4-7, 2020) in Arlington, Virginia. If you have any questions, please email Jeremiah Freeman at btopeerreview@ee.doe.gov.
Nov. 11, 2019
The presentations from the 2019 Federal Environmental Symposium held on October 30-31, 2019 at the NIH campus in Bethesda, MD, are now available for viewing or download at https://www.fedcenter.gov/symposium2019-proceedings.
Aug. 23, 2019
WASHINGTON (August 21, 2019) -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognizes federal facilities for conserving resources and saving taxpayers' money as part of the Federal Green Challenge (FGC). The challenge is a national effort under the EPA's Sustainable Materials Management Program, which encourages federal agencies to lead by example in reducing the federal government's environmental impact. Read more....
Jun. 5, 2019
The Green Electronics Council (GEC), the organization that manages the EPEAT ecolabel, recognized the 2019 EPEAT Purchaser Award winners at an evening celebration held on May 22nd in Portland, Oregon. Fifty-nine organizations, including cities, states, US Federal agencies and companies from around the globe were honored for their decision to purchase sustainable IT products.
Apr. 29, 2019
AIA's Committee on the Environment (COTE) has announced its Top Ten awardees for sustainable design in 2020. The 2020 COTE® Top Ten program highlights projects that meet the AIA Committee on the Environment's rigorous criteria for social, economic, and ecological value. The COTE® Top Ten Plus designation denotes projects with exemplary performance data and post occupancy lessons.
Mar. 27, 2019
GSA's Policy is a comprehensive set of recommendations, with background discussion on the opportunities for federal agencies to gain the benefits of greater building-to-grid integration.
Jan. 4, 2019
The purpose of this course is to enable you to reduce operating cost and provide energy savings to the building you are responsible for. The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) has developed a Building Re-tuning approach to detect energy savings opportunities and implement improvements.
Jan. 3, 2019
Throughout this course, you will learn the initial steps involved in re-tuning a building controlled via a building automation system (BAS). Interactive exercises are included to provide you "hands-on" practice of the re-tuning process within a virtual building. You will practice identifying opportunities for energy improvement and then deciding how to re-tune for more efficiency. The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) has developed a Building Re-tuning approach to detect energy savings opportunities and implement improvements.
Jun. 29, 2018
In this June 2018 study GSA compares 100 GSA high-performance buildings to 100 GSA legacy stock buildings looking at actual performance data in five key metrics from the last three years. The comparison found that high-performance buildings save energy, save water, cost less to operate, produce less waste, and have more satisfied occupants compared with typical buildings.
Jun. 19, 2018
This seminar provides an overview of operations and maintenance best practices with a focus on corrective, preventive, and predictive infrastructure requirements and commissioning for existing buildings.
May. 17, 2018
April 2018 version of the quarterly publication of "The Corps Environment" newsletter published by the USACE Environmental Community of Practice. The purpose of this newsletter is to provide information about USACE and Army environmental actions, issues, policies and technologies.
May. 11, 2018
Through participation in the Better Buildings Initiative more than 900 public and private-sector organizations are driving energy efficiency in the U.S. economy. This includes 380 trillion Btus, or $3.1 billion in reported cumulative energy and cost savings. The newly released report highlights this progress in the commercial, industrial, residential and public sectors to improve energy productivity.
Apr. 26, 2018
This year's American Institute of Architects (AIA) Committee on the Environment (COTE) Top Ten Awards includes the Los Angeles Federal Courthouse, a LEED Platinum building, among the winners this year. Also placing in the Top Ten was the major renovation of The Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian American Art Museum.
Feb. 6, 2018
The Cost Effective Upgrades Tool is designed to help identify upgrades and energy conservation measures that can enhance your building's sustainability. Get started by selecting your building size and climate zone. To help with procurement, you can generate reports outlining each upgrade, including its economic benefits. This tool is a part of GSA's SFTool.
Dec. 1, 2017
This course is intended for design and construction professionals interested in green building rating systems. It provides an overview of the Green Globes rating system with a primary focus on the Sustainable Interiors (SI) program, which is based on an ANSI Standard (ANSI/GBI 01-2010: Green Building Assessment Protocol for Commercial Buildings). This is a free, 90-minute webinar approved for 1.5 AIA Health/Safety/Welfare credits.
May. 22, 2017
This tool is designed to help identify upgrades and energy conservation measures that can enhance your building's sustainability. Get started by selecting your building size and climate zone. The resulting information provides estimated payback time, capital cost, energy savings, and cost savings for a variety of potential upgrades and conservation measures.
Feb. 9, 2017
January 2017 version of the quarterly publication of "The Corps Environment" newsletter published by the USACE Environmental Community of Practice. The purpose of this newsletter is to provide information about USACE and Army environmental actions, issues, policies and technologies.
Dec. 30, 2016
Historic property management combines preservation maintenance with modern systems management. Learn how to read your building, search for solutions, and then care for the building envelope by maintaining its historic materials. Explore how to balance the environmental needs of the building with its users. Understand the impacts on historic properties of pest management practices and mechanical building systems--HVAC, plumbing, fire, security, and lighting. Discuss how to train in-house staff and when to hire a specialist to identify a problem or a contractor to handle a specific task.
Sep. 29, 2016
U.S. General Services Administration's Green Proving Ground (GPG) program and the U.S. Department of Energy's High Impact Technology (HIT) Catalyst program have issued a joint Request for Information (RFI) seeking information on next-generation sustainable building technologies to measure and validate in select federal and commercial buildings. There will be a webinar about the RFI on 3 November 2016. To attend, register at https://goo.gl/aU6Wi4. To submit your technology, please complete the RFI by Friday, 18 November 2016 at 11:59 PM ET.
Sep. 8, 2016
The White House has announced the winners of the 2016 GreenGov Presidential Awards, honoring those who have gone above and beyond to implement innovative sustainability projects within the government. Senior Administration officials will recognize the 12 individuals and team winners September 8, 2016 in a ceremony at the White House. Winners include EPA, NASA, DHHS, VA, and USACE.
Jul. 14, 2016
This July 2016 advice letter sent to GSA by the Green Building Advisory Committee includes a set of recommendations for Federal agencies to incorporate integrated portfolio planning to strategically address sustainability, resilience, and effective space utilization.
Apr. 22, 2016
The Department of Defense (DoD) has announced the winners of the 2016 Secretary of Defense Environmental Awards. Each year since 1962, the Secretary of Defense has recognized individuals, teams, and installations for their outstanding achievements and innovative work protecting the environment while sustaining mission readiness. Military Services and Defense Agencies may submit one nomination for each of the nine award categories. A diverse panel of judges representing federal and state agencies, academia, and the private sector select the winners.
Feb. 29, 2016
The White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) has issued a revised "Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings", per Executive Order 13693 "Planning for Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade." This guidance updates and replaces the "High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Guidance", issued by CEQ in December 2008 to:
  • reflect the evolution of sustainable building design, construction, and operating practices since 2008,
  • incorporate other building-related E.O. 13693 requirements,
  • increase the economic and environmental benefits of Federal investments in facilities,
  • enhance occupant health, wellness, and productivity,
  • include climate resilience in building design, construction, and operations, and protect Federal facilities investments from the potential impacts of climate change, and
  • provide information on tracking agency green building performance.
The revised guiding principles are located here and its companion guidance "Determining Compliance with the Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings" is located here.
Feb. 16, 2016
The Committee reviews strategic plans, products, and activities of the Office of Federal High-Performance Green Buildings, and provides advice regarding how the Office can accomplish its mission most effectively. The next Committee meeting is 28 April 2016. See the Federal Register Announcement for details on the Agenda how to attend in person or virtually.
Feb. 16, 2016
The Green Leasing task group is part of the Green Building Advisory Committee and is tasked with providing "recommendations to improve federal government leasing language and requirements regarding . . . sustainability goals.' The Green Leasing task group will hold recurring, weekly conference calls on Tuesdays beginning 1 March 2016 through 26 April 2016 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., (EDT).See the Federal Register Announcement for details on how to attend in person or virtually any or all of the meetings.
Nov. 24, 2015
The GreenGov Presidential Awards celebrate extraordinary achievement in the pursuit of President Obama's Federal Sustainability goals. They honor Federal civilian and military personnel, agency teams, agency projects, facilities, and programs that exemplify President Obama's charge to lead by example.

On November 23, the White House announced eight awards in seven different categories to individuals and teams. These honorees exemplify our Federal workforce's commitment to meeting the President's directive to create a clean energy economy that will increase our Nation's prosperity, promote energy security, protect the interests of taxpayers, combat climate change, and safeguard the health of our environment.

Sep. 17, 2015
This publication states that a Zero Energy Building is "an energy-efficient building where, on a source energy basis, the actual annual delivered energy is less than or equal to the on-site renewable exported energy." This definition also applies to campuses, portfolios, and communities. In addition to providing clarity across the industry, this new DOE publication provides important guidelines for measurement and implementation, specifically explaining how to utilize this definition for building projects.
Aug. 17, 2015
The new Submetering Wizard (https://sftool.gov/plan/submetering) enables the user to learn about submetering techniques and benefits as they relate to gas, water and electrical (circuit, system & end-use device) systems. The Agency Green Building Practices (https://sftool.gov/learn/10129/agency-practices) section is a detailed repository of education and information about policies, strategies, case studies and tools developed in the process of greening their buildings and shared with the Interagency Sustainability Working Group (ISWG).
Jun. 17, 2015
The 2015 symposium was the platform for releasing the new implementing instructions for EO 13693 as well as providing updates on numerous other sustainability efforts by Federal Agencies. See the website for a full list of presentations and speakers. The symposium was held on 10 June 2015 and hosted by the White House Council on Environmental Quality and George Washington University.
Apr. 17, 2015
Public Works Digest is an unofficial publication of the U.S. Army Installation Management Command, under AR 360-1, The Army Public Affairs Program. The April/May/June edition covers various environment and sustainability news and activities throughout the Army. See attachment.
Mar. 19, 2015
This is GSA's innovative green building learning simulation which is a part of GSA's SFTool. Green the Building places you in the role of a resource-constrained decision-maker, charged with greening buildings through strategic energy, waste, water and occupant satisfaction improvements. You must choose technologies, implement best-practices, support behavior changes and plan carefully to create buildings that conserve resources, reduce waste, save money and keep occupants happy and healthy. Need help? Don't worry! Embedded links connect you directly to the clear explanations you've come to expect from SFTool.
Mar. 4, 2015
The Building Technologies Office (BTO) invites you to send ideas, comments, and votes to buildings.ideascale.com[http://buildings.ideascale.com/], the new ORNL Buildings Crowdsourcing Community. Administered by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), the website has been launched as part of the Energy Department's efforts to reduce energy consumption in homes and buildings and enhance U.S. competitiveness" "in manufacturing. Innovators including start-ups, designers, buildings scientists, students, and other big thinkers can use the website to share ideas that could develop into new energy efficient technologies for homes and buildings. Those interested in participating can register through the ORNL Buildings Crowdsourcing Community or they can vote on their favorite entries. The best ideas will be recognized during the Energy Department's Building Technologies Office Industry Day hosted at ORNL headquarters in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, in September 2015.
Dec. 2, 2014
FINAL REMINDER - ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT TO PARTICIPATE! The White House is launching the second GreenGov Challenge! If you're a federal employee, share your idea on how the federal government can lead by example in eight different categories -- from climate change mitigation and resilience, to water conservation, to waste reduction. Submissions are open until 5 December 2014. After the submission period closes, GreenGov will release the approved submissions and all federal employees will be able to vote for their favorite ideas.
Nov. 3, 2014
On 31 October 2014 Federal agencies released their plans for reducing their greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for climate change impacts such as flooding, sea level rise, severe weather and temperature extremes. The current agency Climate Change Adaptation Plans build on the first set of plans, which was released in February, 2013, and respond to a November 2013 Executive Order on Preparing the United States for the Impacts of Climate Change that established requirements for updating and reporting on progress on agency Adaptation plans.
Oct. 22, 2014
President Obama's June 2014 memorandum, Creating a Federal Strategy to Promote the Health of Honey Bees and Other Pollinators, directs Federal agencies to take steps to protect and restore domestic populations of pollinators. To help achieve this goal, CEQ issued on October 22, 2014 an addendum to its sustainable landscape guidance, Supporting the Health of Honey Bees and other Pollinators. The guidance will help Federal agencies incorporate pollinator friendly practices in new construction, building renovations, landscaping improvements, and in facility leasing agreements at Federal facilities and on Federal lands.

For additional information on the importance of the revised guidance, see Kate Brandt's CEQ blog, Good News for the Bees: Supporting Pollinators at Federal Facilities.

Sep. 26, 2014
GSA has released a review of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Version 4 (LEED v4), the new version of the LEED green building certification system published in November 2013 by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). The purpose of the review was to examine how LEED v4 aligns with existing federal statutory, regulatory, and Executive Order green building requirements.
Jul. 18, 2014
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has launched a Green Infrastructure Collaborative with the support of six other government agencies at the President's State, Local, and Tribal Leaders Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience. EPA joined with the U.S. Department of Transportation, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Interior, U.S. Department of Defense, and U.S. Department of Energy to release a Federal Letter of Support for green infrastructure and the Collaborative.
Jul. 14, 2014
FedCenter is now on Facebook! Become a fan and follow us on Facebook, where you'll find valuable information that you need to help meet your environmental stewardship and compliance obligations. To follow us on Facebook, go to https://facebook.com/fedcenter.
May. 7, 2014
This May 2014 document was developed by VA's Office of Construction and Facilities Management in cooperation with other VA partners. The intent of the document is to consolidate the wide range of sustainable design requirements into one easy-to-navigate resource.
Mar. 12, 2014
FEMP's annual Better Buildings Federal Award challenges agencies to achieve the greatest reduction in annual energy intensity, or energy consumed per gross square foot. This year, FEMP will recognize the highest-performing federal government building that participates in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's 2014 Battle of the Buildings national competition. FEMP strongly encourages agencies to participate in this exciting annual EPA competition, which uses Portfolio Manager to measure, track, and report buildings' monthly energy consumption. If you have any questions, please contact the Energy Star HelpDesk.
Dec. 17, 2013
The Energy Department has announced that the General Services Administration's (GSA) United States Court House in Wichita, Kansas is the winner of the 2013 Better Buildings Federal Award. The Better Buildings Federal Award challenges agencies to achieve the greatest reduction in annual energy intensity, or energy consumed per gross square foot. This year's winner cut its energy intensity by 20% and saved over $40,000 in utility costs in the 12 month competition period.
Nov. 5, 2013
GSA has issued a Request for Information online to gather input on innovative, transformational green building technologies in support of its Green Proving Ground program. The program is seeking information from industry, commercial organizations, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations on technologies that have the potential to improve economic and environmental performance in federal buildings.
Nov. 5, 2013
(WASHINGTON, D.C., November 5, 2013) The White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) today announced the fourth annual winners of the GreenGov Presidential Awards, which honor Federal civilian and military personnel as well as agency teams, facilities, and programs that have taken innovative steps to reduce energy use and carbon pollution, curb waste, and save taxpayer money in Federal agency operations. At a White House ceremony, senior Administration officials recognized the eight award winners for exemplifying President Obama's charge to lead by example and demonstrating extraordinary achievement in the pursuit of the President's 2009 Executive Order on Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance (Executive Order 13514). Click here for the full announcement.
UPDATE Nov. 18: 2013 winner announcement with photo gallery is now available here.
Oct. 29, 2013
GSA has issued its recommendation on the federal government's use of third party green building certification systems. GSA is required by law to issue a recommendation to the Department of Energy (DOE) on how the federal government can best use certification systems to measure the design and performance of the federal government's construction and major renovation projects. In its recommendation to DOE, GSA recommended the Green Building Initiative's Green Globes 2010 and the U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) 2009 as the third party certification systems that the federal government can use to gauge performance in its construction and renovation projects. Other certification systems were not selected because they did not align with the government's requirements. Additionally, under today's recommendation, GSA will conduct more regular reviews in order to keep up with the latest green building tools that the market has to offer.
Aug. 20, 2013
EPA has launched the 2013 Energy Star National Building Competition: Battle of the Buildings. Teams from more than 3,000 buildings (include Federal facilities) across the country are competing to see who can most reduce their buildings' energy use. Check out the website for a list of competitors and their progress.
Jul. 15, 2013
FedCenter has compiled a topical index of Federally-sponsored and non-profit mobile applications that may be of interest to the Federal environmental community. Mobile applications are those tools and information resources that have been specifically developed for your mobile devices, such as smartphone, tablet, or other Internet-connected hand-held device. The directory will be maintained daily to keep you abreast of any new and useful mobile applications the federal community releases.
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