A Message from the 2025 Federal Environmental Symposium Planning Committee
The Symposium Planning Committee would like to invite all Federal sustainability practitioners, policy makers, and their business partners to participate in the 2025 Federal Environmental Symposium.
The Symposium will be both an in-person and virtual gathering of federal agencies to provide existing and relevant environmental information to Federal representatives. This event was first offered in 2002 and hosted at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) facility. The main purpose is to encourage partnerships, sharing of information, and best practices amongst Federal facilities. NIH will once again host the symposium virtually via MS Teams videoconferencing platform.
This year's theme for the Symposium "Supporting the Mission Through Environmental Compliance" focuses on the sharing of best practices, success stories, partnerships, and challenges and achievements of the federal practitioner community as they apply to your Agency's mission. The symposium is also expected to bring together federal agencies and their partnering organizations to provide existing and relevant environmental policy perspectives.
Mark your calendar, and stay tuned for more information. Registration information to attend will be forthcoming but will occur in early 2025. This event is free of charge and open to Federal staff and sponsored contractors, states, and local government representatives. Speakers from federal, state, and local regulatory agencies, academia and private organizations representing a federal agency, are invited to present at the event. The call for presentation abstracts will be open through November 15, 2024. Speakers can be in-person or virtual.
Tracks planned at this time are:
Environmental decision making: NEPA - Planning and our Mission
Environmental Justice and Climate Resiliency
Environmental Compliance
Energy and Water Efficiency
Emerging Chemicals / Management of Toxic Substances (e.g., Lead-based Paint, Mold, Asbestos)
Management Systems - ISO 14001(Environmental), ISO 50001 (Energy), ISO 22000 (Risk Assessment), ISO 46001 (Water) and Mission
Mission/Environment: Successful Stories