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EO 13834


(NOTE: Executive Order 13834. Efficient Federal Operations was revoked [except for Sections 6. Duties of the Federal Chief Sustainability Officer, Section 7. Duties of Heads of Agencies, and Section 11. General Provisions] by Executive Order 13990 Climate Crisis; Efforts to Protect Public Health and Environmental and Restore Science. FedCenter is awaiting implementing instructions from CEQ before updating this page with the current Executive Order.)

Executive Order (EO) 13834: Efficient Federal Operations was signed by President Trump on 17 May 2018. This EO affirms "that agencies shall meet such statutory requirements in a manner that increases efficiency, optimizes performance, eliminates unnecessary use of resources, and protects the environment." Section 8 of the new EO revokes EO 13693 of 19 March 2015 (Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade.)

This EO affirms that it is the policy of the United States that agencies meet energy and environmental performance statutory requirements in a manner that increases efficiency, optimizes performance, eliminates unnecessary use of resources, and protects the environment. In implementing this policy, agencies are tasked to prioritize actions that reduce waste, cut costs, enhance the resilience of Federal infrastructure and operations, and enable more effective accomplishment of its mission.

More specifically, the head of each agency is required to meet the following goals, which are based on statutory requirements, in a cost-effective manner:

  • Achieve and maintain annual reductions in building energy use and implement energy efficiency measures that reduce costs (See the FedCenter.gov High Performance Buildings Program Area);
  • Meet statutory requirements relating to the consumption of renewable energy and electricity (See the FedCenter.gov Energy Program Area);
  • Reduce potable and non-potable water consumption, and comply with stormwater management requirements (See the FedCenter.gov Water Efficiency Program Area and the Pollution Prevention Program Area);
  • Utilize performance contracting to achieve energy, water, building modernization, and infrastructure goals (See the FedCenter.gov Acquisition Program Area);
  • Ensure that new construction and major renovations conform to applicable building energy efficiency requirements and sustainable design principles; consider building efficiency when renewing or entering into leases; implement space utilization and optimization practices; and annually assess and report on building conformance to sustainability metrics (See the FedCenter.gov Sustainability Program Area);
  • Implement waste prevention and recycling measures and comply with all Federal requirements with regard to solid, hazardous, and toxic waste management and disposal (See the FedCenter.gov Chemical Management Program Area and the Pollution Prevention Program Area);
  • Acquire, use, and dispose of products and services, including electronics, in accordance with statutory mandates for purchasing preference, Federal Acquisition Regulation requirements, and other applicable Federal procurement policies(See the FedCenter.gov Acquisition Program Area and the Electronic Stewardship Program Area); and
  • Track and, as required by section 7(b) of this order, report on energy management activities, performance improvements, cost reductions, greenhouse gas emissions, energy and water savings, and other appropriate performance measures. (See the FedCenter.gov Greenhouse Gases Program Area and the Sustainability Program Area).

The Implementing Instructions for EO 13834, issued April 2019, provides instructions to Federal agencies regarding the implementation of EO 13834 including agency planning, reporting requirements, and accountability. Note that in these implementing instructions, the terms "must" and "shall" convey statutory or regulatory requirements; "instruct" conveys directions to implement EO 13834; "should" or "may" convey recommended best practices for efficient and effective implementation (Section 1, para B.)

Additional implementing information pertinent to the goals listed above are found in the Program Area specific to the listed goal.

Visit the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Office of Federal Sustainability (OFS) website for associated guidance and implementation resources.

Regulations, Guidance, and Policy
An overview of EO 13834.
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Last Updated: June 27, 2022