EPA Regional Programs



Jul. 20, 2010
(Washington, DC – July 20, 2010) President Obama announced today that the Federal Government will reduce greenhouse gas pollution from indirect sources, such as employee travel and commuting, by 13% by 2020. This commitment expands beyond the Administration's greenhouse gas reduction target from direct sources set in January, 2010, such as Federal fleets and buildings, by 2020. Cumulatively, greenhouse gas pollution reductions from Federal government operations will total 101 million metric tons of carbon dioxide, equivalent to the emissions from 235 million barrels of oil.
Oct. 5, 2009
President Obama has issued the new Executive Order 13514 on "Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance", which sets sustainability goals for Federal agencies and focuses on making improvements in their environmental, energy and economic performance. The Executive Order requires Federal agencies to set a 2020 greenhouse gas emissions reduction target within 90 days; increase energy efficiency; reduce fleet petroleum consumption; conserve water; reduce waste; support sustainable communities; and leverage Federal purchasing power to promote environmentally-responsible products and technologies.
Jul. 19, 2010
Based on recommendations of the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force, and under the guidance of a National Ocean Council, this order, signed by President Obama on July 19, 2010, establishes a national policy to ensure the protection, maintenance, and restoration of the health of ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes ecosystems and resources, enhance the sustainability of ocean and coastal economies, preserve our maritime heritage, support sustainable uses and access, provide for adaptive management to enhance our understanding of and capacity to respond to climate change and ocean acidification, and coordinate with our national security and foreign policy interests. This order also provides for the development of coastal and marine spatial plans that build upon and improve existing Federal, State, tribal, local, and regional decisionmaking and planning processes.
Jan. 29, 2010
WASHINGTON, DC (January 29, 2010) – President Barack Obama today announced that the Federal Government will reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution by 28 percent by 2020. Reducing and reporting GHG pollution, as called for in Executive Order 13514 on Federal Sustainability, will ensure that the Federal Government leads by example in building the clean energy economy. Actions taken under this Executive Order will spur clean energy investments that create new private-sector jobs, drive long-term savings, build local market capacity, and foster innovation and entrepreneurship in clean energy industries.
Jun. 25, 2013
President Obama lays out his vision for the steps we need to take to prepare our country for the impacts of climate change and lead the global effort to fight it. A video of the speech will be available after the speech is presented on Tuesday, 25 June 2013 at 1:55 EST.
Mar. 23, 2023
The Presidential Federal Sustainability Awards Program celebrates the extraordinary leadership, innovation, and achievement of Federal agencies and their employees toward the President's charge for Federal climate action and the ambitious sustainability goals established in the Federal Sustainability Plan and Executive Order 14057. Federal programs, projects, project teams, facilities, and individuals are eligible for nomination by their agency.
Mar. 29, 2005
This program is an opportunity for individuals, groups, and organizations to compete for annual awards in recognition of innovations in cleaner, cheaper, smarter chemistry. The Program provides national recognition of outstanding chemical technologies that incorporate the principles of green chemistry into chemical design, manufacture, and use, and that have been or can be utilized by industry in achieving their pollution prevention goals.
Feb. 10, 2005
The CHALLENGE was established to recognize and promote fundamental and innovative chemical methods that accomplish pollution prevention through source reduction and that have broad applicability in industry.
Sep. 30, 2016
This memorandum establishes a policy that the impacts of climate change must be considered in the development of national security-related doctrine, policies, and plans.
Apr. 5, 2016
This memorandum, dated 16 March 2016, states that "It is the policy of the Federal Government to coordinate and use applicable Federal investments, assets, and expertise to promote drought resilience and complement drought preparedness, planning, and implementation efforts of State, regional, tribal, and local institutions. In addition, where appropriate, the Federal Government shall seek partnerships with such institutions and the private sector in order to increase and diversify our Nation's water resources through the development and deployment of new technologies and improved access to alternative water supplies." The memorandum also encourages Federal agencies to implement policies and take actions to achieve drought resilience goals including supporting efforts to conserve and make efficient use of water by carrying out relevant research, innovation, and international engagements.
Nov. 15, 2010
A Proclamation by the President of the United States of America, regarding America Recycles Day (November 15, 2010.)
Nov. 15, 2007
A Proclamation by the President of the United States of America, regarding America Recycles Day (November 15, 2007)
Jan. 29, 2015
EPA recognized 14 WasteWise participants this year, which include research institutes, retailers and local governments. The winner in the category for the Federal Government Partner of the Year for 2014 is the Presidio Trust. The WasteWise program helps organizations and businesses apply sustainable materials management practices to reduce municipal and industrial wastes. WasteWise participants reported preventing and diverting a total of nearly 7.6 million tons of waste from being disposed in landfills or incinerators in 2013. This amount of waste diversion represents a reduction in greenhouse gases equivalent to taking more than 2.3 million passenger vehicles off the road for one year.
Aug. 23, 2013
Originally offered by the EPA's Water Permits Division in September 2012, this course is intended for Pretreatment Coordinators, Industrial Dischargers, and Consultants.
Aug. 23, 2013
Originally offered by the EPA's Water Permits Division in September 2010, this 2-h course discusses the background of industrial wastewater surveys used to identify industrial user discharges of concern to POTWs and procedures for conducting surveys.
Aug. 23, 2013
Originally offered by the EPA's Water Permits Division in June 2011, this 2-h course is intended to inform interested parties who might otherwise be unfamiliar with the requirements of the National Pretreatment Program. Topics reviewed will include how the Clean Water Act pertains to the program, the General Pretreatment Regulations, and the POTW pretreatment program implementation requirements.
Aug. 23, 2013
Originally offered by the EPA's Water Permits Division in September 2011, this 2-h course is intended to inform interested parties who might otherwise be unfamiliar with the requirements of the National Pretreatment Program. This webcast defines the 3 types of Pretreatment Standards, the users associated with them, and how these standards are applies.
Aug. 23, 2013
Originally offered by the EPA's Water Permits Division in October 2012, this course is intended for Pretreatment Coordinators, Industrial Dischargers, and Consultants.
Aug. 23, 2013
Originally offered by the EPA's Water Permits Division in January 2011, this 2-h course discusses the regulatory background or the POTW's requirement to conduct compliance inspections at industrial facilities, required compliance inspection frequencies for the different industrial user classifications, procedures for conducting compliance inspections, inspector responsibilities and qualifications, and procedures for handling confidential information.
Aug. 23, 2013
Originally offered by the EPA's Water Permits Division in September 2011, this 2-h course is intended for POTW personnel responsible for local pretreatment program implementation. This webcast provides an overview of the local limit development process, the implementation of local limits on discharges to POTW, and the content of a local limit evaluation report.
Oct. 4, 2022
The proper operation of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system within a commercial building is essential to providing a comfortable and healthy indoor environment for occupants. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that organizations can save 5-20% annually on energy bills simply by following operations & maintenance (O&M) best practices. This collection of resources can help building operators properly maintain HVAC systems to improve performance, save energy, and prolong the life of commercial HVAC equipment.
Oct. 17, 2022
EPA is proposing to repeal regulatory amendments promulgated through a final rule adopted in 2008 under the CAA that addressed the consideration of "fugitive" emissions of air pollutants from stationary sources when determining the applicability of certain permitting requirements under the Act. Those amendments have been stayed as a result of the reconsideration process. To bring closure to the reconsideration proceeding, the EPA is proposing to fully repeal the 2008 rule by removing the stayed provisions of the regulatory amendments adopted in 2008. The EPA is also proposing to remove a related exemption for modifications that would be considered major solely due to the inclusion of fugitive emissions. As a result of the proposed changes, all existing major stationary sources would be required to include fugitive emissions in determining whether a physical or operational change constitutes a "major modification," requiring a permit under the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) or Nonattainment New Source Review (NNSR) programs. Comments must be received on or before 13 December 2022. POC is Matthew Spangler, Air Quality Policy Division, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (C504-05), EPA, Research Triangle Park, NC; tel: (919) 541-0327; email: spangler.matthew@epa.gov. (Federal Register 14 October 2022 [Proposed Rule] Pages 62322-62337)
Oct. 15, 2009
2008 U.S. primary energy consumption and production chart.
Dec. 16, 2014
This December 2014 guide is intended to address a wide range of health care facility vulnerabilities. It spans risks related to buildings, utilities and infrastructure, including IT infrastructure, supply chain issues, the needs of staff, and the role of the healthcare facility in the broader community. It is intended to be helpful to a broad spectrum of facilities from complex university hospitals to outpatient service providers and nursing facilities. This guide was developed as part of the President's Climate Action Plan by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Jul. 24, 2019
The pace of cleanup at federal facility Superfund sites can be delayed when Federal Facility Agreement (FFA) parties continue disputes beyond the agreed-upon dispute resolution timelines specified in negotiated FFAs.However, because disagreements and disputes are fact-specific, a fluid rather than a one-size-fits-all process may at times be necessary. This memorandum sets out principles clarifying and reinforcing the importance of adhering to agreed-upon FFA informaland formal dispute timelines. These principles support Recommendation 18 of the Administrator's Superfund Task Force Recommendations report, released on July 25, 2017.
Mar. 25, 2019
Upon completion of the course, attendees will come away with tools for deciding how to assess environmental laboratory data, how to maximize data defensibility, and when an independent data validator is needed. The extensive hands-on exercises include working through a Quality Assurance Project Plan and setting up Excel worksheets to perform efficient assessments for standard analytical data.
Apr. 6, 2023
The website provides resources to help federal agencies buy the Print Management Solution needed. This includes Benefits of GSA's Managed Print Services; Buying Guides; How to Decide Whether to Purchase, Rent or Lease; Understanding Leasing Terms & Conditions, and Sample Acquisition Documents. Click here for direct link The below link is to GSA main page
Feb. 11, 2005
PNEAC is the first and only national collaborative of industry, university, state and federal organizations working to help the printing industry work cleaner, more efficiently and to stay ahead of the environmental compliance curve.
Dec. 9, 2008
This is a powerful tool used to retrieve and manipulate data on Priority Chemicals (PCs) reported to the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) by industrial facilities. EPA also uses these data to develop the National Priority Chemicals Trends Report. The Query Tool is intended for a technical audience familiar with the data described in the Trends Report, but anyone can access the help page to learn how to use it. Searches can be performed by: priority chemical, state or territory, county, industry sector, and/or EPA region. For further information about this tool, please contact Tammie Owen at 703-308-4044 (owen.tammie@epa.gov).
Feb. 13, 2012
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change has released this online idea database of actions on adaptation to help businesses and communities adapt to climate change. The adaptation practices listed in the database include ensuring access to safe and clean drinking water, promoting resilience of business operations to disasters, providing technologies or services to help vulnerable communities adapt to climate change impacts, increasing agricultural yields in climate-vulnerable areas, developing climate-friendly goods and services, and "climate proofing" the supply chains of companies.
Aug. 11, 2020
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is correcting a final rule that appeared in the Federal Register on 10 July 2020. The final rule amends existing special use regulations to implement section 512 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act, as added by section 211 of division O, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 (hereinafter "section 512"). Section 512 governs the development and approval of operating plans and agreements for maintenance and vegetation management of electric transmission and distribution line facilities (powerline facilities) on National Forest System (NFS) lands inside the linear boundary of special use authorizations for powerline facilities and on abutting NFS lands to remove or prune hazard trees. Effective 10 August 2020. POC is Reggie Woodruff, Energy Program Manager, Lands and Realty Management, 202-205-1196 or reginal.woodruff@usda.gov. (Federal Registry: 11 August 2020 [Rule] pages 48475-48476)
Jun. 23, 2005
Developed by DoE, the Process Heating Assessment and Survey Tool (PHAST) provides an introduction to process heating methods and tools to improve thermal efficiency of heating equipment. Use the tool to survey process heating equipment that uses fuel, steam, or electricity, and identify the most energy-intensive equipment. You can also perform an energy (heat) balance on selected equipment (furnaces) to identify and reduce non-productive energy use. Compare performance of the furnace under various operating conditions and test "what-if" scenarios. Available for free.
Jan. 27, 2005
Office of the Federal Environmental Executive (OFEE) flowchart on how to evaluate environmental aspects.
Oct. 5, 2015
The purpose of this Procurement Advisory is communicate the processes to comply with and support the federal BioPreferred program requirements, including specific roles and responsibilities.
Feb. 13, 2017
Developed by FEMP, this document is intended to reduce project development and operational risks while increasing the speed at which projects are completed; two necessary components to reach the scale required to meet mandates and achieve cost savings for taxpayers. This guide is intended to act as a living document where lessons learned from the increasing number of projects can be incorporated and provide guidance for efforts.
Sep. 10, 2007
Federal agencies are required to purchase energy-efficient products. To help buyers meet these requirements, the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) maintains acquisition guidance for numerous product categories which are covered by programs such as ENERGY STAR, FEMP, EPEAT, Low Standby Power, and Watersense.
Oct. 18, 2004
The Product Stewardship Institute (PSI) is a national organization affiliated with the Lowell Center for Sustainable Production at the University of Massachusetts in Lowell. PSI works with state and local government agencies to partner with manufacturers, retailers, environmental groups, federal agencies, and other key stakeholders to reduce the health and environmental impacts of consumer products.
Oct. 20, 2010
This organization works to develop and promote legislation and voluntary initiatives so that manufacturers are responsible for recycling or safely disposing of their products once consumers are done with the product. Their website includes a list of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) laws for electronics and other products in the U.S.
Feb. 1, 2006
2006 White House Summit on Federal Sustainable Buildings presentation by William Fisk
Sep. 11, 2014
The intent of this software is to help companies/organizations find alternate chemical mixtures or solvents that still improve their processes but are not as harmful to our environment. The PARIS III database includes more than 4000 solvents commonly used by industry. In the search for replacements, it taps only those that have less environmental impact (greener), mixing them together in different proportions to find mixtures that perform as close as possible to the performance of those currently used by companies. The close replacement mixtures found can then be sorted to choose those mixtures that are least harmful to the environment. This solvent substitution software tool is provided by the EPA for free, and can be effective and efficiently used to help environmentally-conscious individuals find better and greener solvent mixtures for many different common industrial processes.
May. 5, 2015
Project EnCriPT is a training resource for various aspects of environmental enforcement. It is a cooperative agreement between the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the Bill Blackwood Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas, or LEMIT, a division of Sam Houston State University's Criminal Justice Center. Course offerings are web-based and classroom based.
Nov. 30, 2005
The inventory catalogs global government-funded research into the human health, safety and environmental implications of nanotechnology. While not comprehensive, it is designed to serve as a resource for researchers, policy makers and others engaged in ensuring the success of nanotechnologies through understanding and reducing potential risks. It also includes some research projects supported by industry, foundations and others. This inventory is international and expanding.
Jul. 2, 2008
Use this form to submit written notice to the part 71 permitting authority of each deviation from permit terms that is required to be reported within 10 working days of its occurrence (in other words, deviations required to be reported prior to the 6-month monitoring report). Each form (or multiple forms if sent at the same time) must be certified as to truth, accuracy, and completeness by a responsible official (using CTAC).
Jan. 3, 2011
Although written specifically for schools, this guidance is applicable to anyone working with PCB-containing fluorescent light ballasts as well as anyone trying to determine if they have PCB-containing fluorescent light ballasts.
Oct. 25, 2022
In this action, the Administrator is proposing to find that lead air pollution may reasonably be anticipated to endanger the public health and welfare within the meaning of section 231(a) of the Clean Air Act. The Administrator is also proposing to find that engine emissions of lead from certain aircraft cause or contribute to the lead air pollution that may reasonably be anticipated to endanger public health and welfare under section 231(a) of the Clean Air Act. Written comments must be received on or before 17 January 2023. POC is Marion Hoyer, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, Assessment and Standards Division (ASD), EPA; Tele: (734) 214-4513; Email: hoyer.marion@epa.gov. (Federal Register 17 October 2022 [Proposed Rules] Pages 62753-62781).
Jul. 25, 2024
NMFS, have completed a comprehensive status review of seven species of giant clams (Hippopus hippopus, H. porcellanus, Tridacna derasa, T. gigas, T. mbalavuana, T. squamosa, and T. squamosina) in response to a petition to list these species as threatened or endangered under ESA. Based on the best scientific and commercial data available, including the Status Review Report, and after taking into account efforts being made to protect these species, they have determined that H. porcellanus, T. mbalavuana, and T. squamosina are in danger of extinction throughout the entirety of their respective ranges, T. derasa and T. gigas are in danger of extinction in a significant portion of their respective ranges, and H. hippopus is likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout a significant portion of its range. Therefore, they propose to list H. porcellanus, T. mbalavuana, T. squamosina, T. derasa, and T. gigas as endangered species and H. hippopus as a threatened species under the ESA. They have determined that the fluted clam, T. squamosa, does not meet the definition of a threatened or an endangered species under section 4(a) of the ESA. Comments must be received by 23 October 2024. POC is John Rippe, NMFS Office of Protected Resources john.rippe@noaa.gov. (Federal Register 25 July 2024 [Rule] Pages 60498-60547)
Dec. 2, 2015
This EPA website provides background information on all types of UICs, fact sheets, guidance documents, and current regulatory requirements.
May. 24, 2023
Pursuant to the EPA's Significant New Alternatives Policy program, this action proposes to list certain substances in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector. Specifically, EPA proposes to list several substitutes as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for retail food refrigeration, commercial ice machines, industrial process refrigeration, cold storage warehouses, and ice skating rinks. Through this action, EPA is proposing to incorporate by reference standards which establish requirements for commercial refrigerating appliances and commercial ice machines, safe use of flammable refrigerants, and safe design, construction, installation, and operation of refrigeration systems. This action also proposes to exempt propane, in the refrigerated food processing and dispensing end-use, from the prohibition under the CAA on knowingly venting, releasing, or disposing of substitute refrigerants, on the basis of current evidence that the venting, release, or disposal of this substance in this end-use does not pose a threat to the environment. Comments must be received on or before 10 July 2023. POC is Gerald Wozniak, Stratospheric Protection Division, Office of Atmospheric Protection, EPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460; tele: 202–343–9624; email:wozniak.gerald@epa.gov. (Federal Register 24 May 2023 [Proposed Rule] Pages 33722-33797).
Jun. 21, 2024
Pursuant to the EPA's Significant New Alternatives Policy program, this action lists several substitutes as acceptable, subject to use conditions, for retail food refrigeration, commercial ice machines, industrial process refrigeration, cold storage warehouses, and ice skating rinks. Through this action, EPA is incorporating by reference standards which establish requirements for commercial refrigerating appliances and commercial ice machines, safe use of flammable refrigerants, and safe design, construction, installation, and operation of refrigeration systems. This action also exempts propane, in the refrigerated food processing and dispensing end-use, from the prohibition under the Clean Air Act (CAA) on knowingly venting, releasing, or disposing of substitute refrigerants in the course of maintaining, servicing, repairing or disposing of an appliance or industrial process refrigeration, as the Administrator is determining, on the basis of existing evidence, that such venting, release, or disposal of this substance in this end-use does not pose a threat to the environment. Effective on 15 July 2024. POC is Perrin Krisko, Stratospheric Protection Division, Office of Atmospheric Protection (Mail Code 6205A), EPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460; tele: 202-564-2328; email: krisko.claudia@epa.gov. (Federal Register 13 June 2024 [Rule] Pages 50410-50497)
May. 18, 2016
EPA is announcing that the period for providing public comments on the 18 April 2016, proposed "Protection of Stratospheric Ozone: Proposed New Listings of Substitutes; Changes of Listing Status; and Reinterpretation of Unacceptability for Closed Cell Foam Products under the SNAP Program; and Revision of CAA Section 608 Venting Prohibition for Propane" is being extended by 14 days. The public comment period for the proposed rule will now close on 16 June 2016. POC is Chenise Farquharson, Stratospheric Protection Division, Office of Atmospheric Programs (Mail Code 6205 T), EPA, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20460; tel: 202-564-7768; email: Farquharson.chenise@epa.gov (Federal Register; 18 May 2016 [Proposed Rules], pages 31222-31223).
Mar. 25, 2021
EPA is adopting three technical standards developed by SAE International (SAE) for equipment that recovers, recycles, and/or recharges the refrigerant 2,3,3,3-Tetrafluoroprop-1-ene (HFO-1234yf or R-1234yf) in motor vehicle air conditioners (MVACs). The three standards are SAE J2843, SAE J2851, and SAE J3030. This rule adopts the most current versions of these standards by incorporating them by reference into the regulations under Title VI of the Clean Air Act (CAA). This will provide additional flexibility for industry stakeholders that wish to select recovery and recycling equipment certified to these standards. This final rule is effective on 23 April 2021. POC is Chenise Farquharson, Stratospheric Protection Division, Office of Atmospheric Programs (Mail Code 6205T), EPA 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460; tel: 202-564-7768; email: farquharson.chenise@epa.gov. (Federal Register 24 March 2021 [Rule] Pages 15587-15596).
May. 21, 2024
NMFS, are proposing to issue protective regulations under section 4(d) of the ESA for the conservation of the threatened oceanic whitetip shark (Carcharhinus longimanus). The proposed regulations would apply all of the prohibitions listed under ESA sections 9(a)(1)(A) through 9(a)(1)(G) for the species, with limited exceptions for scientific research and law enforcement activities that contribute to the conservation of the species. In addition, they are announcing the availability of a draft environmental assessment (EA) that analyzes the environmental impacts of promulgating these regulations. Finally, they solicit comments from the public and all interested parties regarding this proposed rule and the draft EA. Comments on this proposed rule must be received by 15 July 2024. POC is Adrienne Lohe, NMFS Office of Protected Resources, 301-427-8442. (Federal Register 14 May 2024 [Rule] Pages 41917-41924)
Feb. 8, 2006
This document outlines the recommended practices concerning EMS for EPA staff during federal facility inspections. In particular, EPA staff are encouraged to provide previously-prepared EMS information as a part of compliance assistance and facility education.
Dec. 15, 2010
U.S. DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) is soliciting public comments on a draft guidance document regarding Federal agency implementation of energy and water efficiency requirements. Comments, data, and information regarding this draft guidance must be received by December 29, 2010. POC is Mr. Christopher Tremper, U.S. Department of Energy Federal Energy Management Program, EE-2L, 1000 Independence Ave., SW., Washington, DC 20585, (202) 586-7632, e-mail: Chris.Tremper@ee.doe.gov (Federal Register: December 15, 2010 [Notices], Page 78231)
May. 4, 2005
The Bioterrorism Act requires community drinking water systems serving populations of more than 3,300 persons to conduct assessments of their vulnerabilities to terrorist attack or other intentional acts and to defend against adversarial actions that might substantially disrupt the ability of a system to provide a safe and reliable supply of drinking water.
Jan. 12, 2010
Three public hearings concerning the reconsideration will be held concurrently in Arlington, Virginia, and Houston, Texas, on Tuesday, 2 February 2010, and in Sacramento, California, on Thursday, 2 February 2010. EPA proposes to set different primary and secondary standards than those set in 2008 to provide requisite protection of public health and welfare.
Aug. 24, 2010
The proposal will ensure for the first time that protective controls, such as liners and ground water monitoring, are in place at new landfills to protect groundwater and human health. Existing surface impoundments will also require liners, with strong incentives to close these impoundments and transition to safer landfills which store coal ash in dry form. The proposed regulations will ensure stronger oversight of the structural integrity of impoundments and promote environmentally safe and desirable forms of recycling coal ash, known as beneficial uses. Hearings are scheduled starting 30 August 2010.
Apr. 6, 2010
One hearing will be held in Arlington, Virginia on April 19, 2010. It will cover the proposed rule "Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases: Petroleum and Natural Gas Systems"and the proposed rule "mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases: Injection and Geologic Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide."he other hearing will be held in Washington, DC, on April 20, 2010. It will cover the proposed rule "Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases: Additional Sources of Fluorinated GHGs."
May. 5, 2010
EPA and DOE will hold the first public meeting of the Interagency Task Force on Carbon Capture and Storage on May 6, 2010, in Washington, D.C.
Mar. 28, 2011
This public meeting, held June 14 - 15 in New Orleans, is designed to be a forum for interested stakeholders to provide input to EPA on the development of new or revised recreational water quality criteria. At this meeting, EPA will seek stakeholder feedback on EPA's evaluation, synthesis, summarization and statistical analysis of the research conducted, and on the development of options for the overall structure and content of the criteria.
Nov. 1, 2012
This study, published September 2012 by the Harvard Business School, examines the impact of environmentally friendly government procurement policies on private-sector adoption of the targeted products. Key concepts include: government purchasing preferences can accelerate the diffusion of products and services, potentially replacing the need for subsidies and government procurement policies can specify particular product standards can foster their adoption by the private sector.
Dec. 5, 2022
USFWS listed the Puerto Rican harlequin butterfly (Atlantea tulita), a species from Puerto Rico, as a threatened species with a rule issued under section 4(d) of the ESA. They also designate critical habitat for this species under the Act. In total, approximately 41,266 acres (16,699.8 hectares) in six units in the municipalities of Isabela, Quebradillas, Camuy, Arecibo, Utuado, Florida, Ciales, Maricao, San Germán, Sabana Grande, and Yauco are within the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. This rule extends the Act's protections to the species and its designated critical habitat. This rule is effective 3 January 2023. POC is Edwin Muñiz, Field Supervisor, Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, P.O. Box 491, Boqueron, PR 00622; email: caribbean_es@fws.gov; tele: 787-405-3641. (Federal Register 1 December 2022 [Proposed Rule] Pages 73655-73682)
Jun. 2, 2009
Under an agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard (PSNS) is required to take action to reduce the amount of copper in its wastewater and comply with its federal Clean Water Act permit requirements. According to the Navy's own discharge reports, from May 2003 to July 2008, PSNS frequently violated its federal wastewater permit by discharging copper in excess of allowable levels. The shipyard's wastewater is discharged into Sinclair Inlet.
Jun. 23, 2005
Developed by DoE, and released on 2/6/08, the Pumping System Assessment Tool helps industrial users assess the efficiency of pumping system operations.PSAT uses achievable pump performance data from Hydraulic Institute standards and motor performance data from the MotorMaster+ database to calculate potential energy and associated cost savings. Available for free.
Mar. 25, 2019
The Green Electronics Counsel (GEC) has created this Guide to help institutional purchasers identify potential sustainability gains associated with their procurement of cloud services by posing questions to Cloud Service Providers regarding their performance in several relevant areas.
Dec. 16, 2009
In 2005, Federal agencies requested responses from the General Services Administration regarding recycling and the disposition of property under the personal property rules.
Nov. 5, 2008
This course has been designed for Qualified Recycling Program (QRP) personnel in accordance with training requirements identified in a Memorandum from the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, dated 15 May 1998. The objectives of the course is to train ORP personnel in the recognition of unsafe, and unauthorized material called Material Potentially Presenting an Explosive Hazard (MPPEH) when recycling firing-range scrap consisting of expended brass and mixed metals gleaned from firing ranges through direct sales. Successful completion of this training is one of the requirements for an Army QRP to directly sell firing range scrap.
May. 25, 2006
This memorandum, dated 8 May 2006, is from the EPA Office of Water Assistant Administrator to the Regional Directors, Water Division Directors, and Branch Chiefs. The memorandum urges the use of the "qualifying local program" provision for the management and oversight of stormwater runoff from construction activities. This provision offers the opportunity to increase administrative efficiencies in the stormwater program by formally recognizing local construction management programs that meet or exceed the provisions in EPA's construction general permit.
Sep. 18, 2015
The questions and answers in this document provide information about the 2015 underground storage tank (UST) regulation.
Sep. 6, 2007
This document (EPA420-F-07-041a, August 2007) was prepared by EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ) in response to questions about the implementation of the RFS Program. The RFS Program went into effect on September 1, 2007. This document will be periodically updated.
Dec. 21, 2011
(Boston, Mass. – Dec. 20, 2011) – This week the Rhode Island Army National Guard (RIARNG) has begun installation of a Corrosion Control Treatment System to comply with the requirements of the federal Lead and Copper Rule at its base located in Coventry, R.I. This past October the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency entered into an Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) with the RIARNG to resolve violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act at its Coventry facility. EPA entered into the AOC with the RIARNG due to the failure to install optimal corrosion control treatment and comply with the sampling requirements identified in the Lead and Copper Rule. The failure to install optimal corrosion control treatment has caused the facility to exceed the action levels established under the Safe Drinking Water Act for lead and copper.
Mar. 17, 2008
RADIANCE is a highly accurate ray-tracing software system for UNIX computers that is licensed at no cost to users for non-commercial use; commercial use licenses including distribution rights are available for a fee. Radiance was developed with primary support from the U.S. Department Of Energy and additional support from the Swiss Federal Government. It is copyrighted by the Regents of the University of California.
May. 9, 2006
Sponsored by EPA, this web site uses an animated town to provide basic information on radiation in the environment. RadTown USA is a virtual community showing the wide variety of radiation sources commonly encountered in everyday life. The RadTown site features houses, a school, stadium, construction site, flying plane, moving train and much more to highlight and explain the many common sources of radiation. The information is organized in a series of easy-to-understand fact sheets, with links to additional information resources. Every fact sheet includes the types of radiation sources at the location, the important roles that federal, state and local governments play in protection and control, and normal steps that individuals can take to protect themselves, such as applying sun block or installing radon detectors in homes.
May. 26, 2017
This free UCONN mobile app is designed to help you properly install a rain garden at your home, office, or job site. Through video tutorials, diagrams, text, and tools, the App guides you through determining the size and placement of your garden, selecting plants, digging and planting your garden, and maintaining your garden. It also includes tools for determining your soil type, measuring the size of the area that will drain to your garden, and managing multiple rain garden projects.
Dec. 19, 2005
Guidance on the use of RCRA 7003 and other corrective action documents.
Jul. 13, 2017
Offered by DLA, this 4-hour course provides a refresher of the DLA Training course "Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Compliance Initial" (DCPSO00R509). The course is designed to meet the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requirements for an annual review of initial hazardous waste (HW) training (40 CFR 264.16 (c)). Highlights include: overview of RCRA regulations and updates, review of HW regulations, recordkeeping and documentation, HW identification and profiling, land disposal restrictions, container management, and universal waste. This course is designed for environmental protection specialists or anyone who has duties/responsibilities for the management and/or operation of a RCRA HW. People employed by any DOD, Federal, State, or local agency are eligible to attend. This is course number ENV–RDCPSO00R609. The following URL will connect users to the current class schedule offerings and course catalog. A CAC card is required to enter the site.
Jul. 13, 2017
Offered by DLA, this 4-day course focuses on how to manage and operate a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous waste (HW) storage facility. Materials include current editions of RCRA regulations. This course, combined with site-specific (employer-led) hands-on familiarization, is designed to meet the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mandatory HW training requirements (40 CFR 264.16 (a)). Course highlights include: overview of RCRA statute, HW identification, HW profiling, accumulation timeframes, operating records, container management, recordkeeping/documentation, contingency plan, waste analysis, inspections, land disposal restrictions, recyclable materials, universal waste, and military munitions. This course is designed for environmental protection specialists or anyone who has duties/responsibilities for the management and/or operation of a RCRA HW storage facility. People employed by any DOD, Federal, State, or local agency are eligible to attend. This is course number DCPSO00R509. The following URL will connect users to the current class schedule offerings and course catalog. A CAC card is required to enter the site.
Nov. 13, 2006
Memorandum for Federal Agency Environmental Executives and Agency Senior Procurement Executives: Re: FY 2006 Reporting on Implementation of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Section 6002, The Farm Security and Rural Investment Act, Section 9002, and Other Environmental Purchasing Requirements
Jul. 2, 2008
This application is required for a Federal permit to treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). It must be completed by anyone who owns or operates a facility where hazardous waste is treated, stored, or disposed (i.e. a TSDF).
May. 19, 2016
Hazardous Waste Annual Refresher is an 8-hour course that provides hazardous waste workers with updated regulatory and technical information needed to perform their duties safely and in compliance with legal and Navy policy requirements.
Nov. 19, 2018
Recorded (.MP3) audio-only proceedings of the RCRA Non-Compliance at Federally-Owned Medical Facilities webinar conducted October 23, 2018 by EPA. 57MB.
Nov. 19, 2018
Recorded (.MP4) proceedings of the RCRA Non-Compliance at Federally-Owned Medical Facilities webinar conducted October 23, 2018 by EPA. 88MB.
May. 20, 2019
Powerpoint presentation slides and recorded proceedings of the "Common RCRA Non-Compliance Issues at Federally-Owned Medical Facilities" webinar conducted by EPA on Tuesday, October 23, 2-3:30pm ET.
Mar. 8, 2005
This database is designed to enable users to locate documents, including publications, OSW memos, and other outreach materials, that cover a wide range of RCRA issues and topics.
Apr. 13, 2006
This is a database is designed to enable users to locate documents, including publications and other outreach materials, that cover a wide range of RCRA issues and topics.
Sep. 6, 2016
RCRA Section 6002 requires each procuring agency to establish an affirmative procurement program for maximizing its purchases of EPA-designated items.
Nov. 16, 2015
This EPA website identifies which states have been authorized for which portions of RCRA. State authorization is a rulemaking process through which the EPA delegates the primary responsibility of implementing the RCRA hazardous waste program to individual states in lieu of the EPA.
Aug. 3, 2017
This EPA training module escribes the universal waste program, found in 40 CFR 273 and defines which hazardous wastes may be handled under these streamlined regulations.
Aug. 25, 2017
From EPA, multiple modules addressing topics such as containment buildings, air emissions at hazardous waste sites, drip pads, tanks, used oil, universal waste, closure, etc. These modules were developed to be used as training for call center specialists. These modules are no longer updated by the EPA but can be used as a reference.
Sep. 9, 2008
The Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System has agreed to pay a $32,544 penalty for violations of federal environmental regulations at its Palo Alto, CA teaching hospital. The facility was inspected on March 21, 2007 and charged with the following counts: * Storage of hazardous waste without a permit, * Open containers, * Inadequate facility maintenance, * Ignitable waste within 50' of property line, * Failure to make a hazardous waste determination.
Oct. 22, 2018
Slide deck for the Common RCRA Non-Compliance Issues on Federally-Owned Medical Facilities webinar.
Jan. 27, 2021
Presentation for FES 2022 environmental compliance webinar.
Oct. 14, 2015
This briefing details the FY2015 Third Quarter status of Federal agencies efforts towards meeting goals related to climate change.
Mar. 26, 2019
RETIGO is a free, web-based tool that can be used to explore environmental data that you have collected either stationary or in motion. RETIGO allows you to add data from nearby air quality and meteorological stations. RETIGO can be used by anyone to explore data that they collected, but it does not move the data from the user's computer, unless you decide to post your data to the RETIGO data repository.
Nov. 7, 2014
This is a free, web-based tool that allows users to visualize air quality data derived from any number of monitoring technologies. The user simply uploads their air quality data to the online tool system to visualize and interact with small to large data sets over space and time. Data collected while driving, riding a bicycle, or walking along a planned route can be explored on a map interface and also shown on several other graphs.
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Last Updated: March 09, 2007